
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 訓


Training school, Training

xueˊ xiaoˋ shouˋ xunˋ

訓 xunˋ
Teach, Instruct, Train

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Phone , Tone


學校 xueˊ xiaoˋ

受訓 shouˋ xunˋ

Words that rhyme with 學校受訓 (yue-yao)

Grouped by first phone

xue, jue, que, yue

學校 xueˊ xiaoˋ


學校午餐 xueˊ xiaoˋ wuˇ can¯

School lunch

學校受訓 xueˊ xiaoˋ shouˋ xunˋ

Training school, Training

學校圖書館 xueˊ xiaoˋ tuˊ shu¯ guanˇ

School library

學校怎麼樣 xueˊ xiaoˋ zenˇ me˙ yangˋ

How's school?

學校的 xueˊ xiaoˋ de˙


學校裡有 xueˊ xiaoˋ liˇ youˇ

At the school

學校裡還是有蓋爾語課吧 xueˊ xiaoˋ liˇ haiˊ shiˋ youˇ gaiˋ erˇ yuˇ keˋ ba˙

They do still teach Gaelic at school, yes?

學校集會 xueˊ xiaoˋ jiˊ huiˋ

School assembly

xue, jue, que, yue

訣竅 jueˊ qiaoˋ

A knack for doing something, A trick, A method

訣要 jueˊ yaoˋ

A knack for doing something, A means of doing something easily

xue, jue, que, yue

雀鳥 queˋ niaoˇ

Bird, Birds

雀鳥歌唱 queˋ niaoˇ ge¯ changˋ

Bird song

雀鳥高唱 queˋ niaoˇ gao¯ changˋ

Bird song

xue, jue, que, yue

月繳費 yueˋ jiaoˇ feiˋ

Monthly fee

月繳費通知單 yueˋ jiaoˇ feiˋ tong¯ zhi¯ dan¯

Monthly utility bill, Utility bill

月票 yueˋ piaoˋ

Monthly pass

月曜日 yueˋ yaoˋ riˋ


Grouped in tone pairs

24, 43, 44

訣竅 jueˊ qiaoˋ

A knack for doing something, A trick, A method

訣要 jueˊ yaoˋ

A knack for doing something, A means of doing something easily

學校 xueˊ xiaoˋ


學校午餐 xueˊ xiaoˋ wuˇ can¯

School lunch

學校受訓 xueˊ xiaoˋ shouˋ xunˋ

Training school, Training

學校圖書館 xueˊ xiaoˋ tuˊ shu¯ guanˇ

School library

學校怎麼樣 xueˊ xiaoˋ zenˇ me˙ yangˋ

How's school?

學校的 xueˊ xiaoˋ de˙


學校裡有 xueˊ xiaoˋ liˇ youˇ

At the school

學校裡還是有蓋爾語課吧 xueˊ xiaoˋ liˇ haiˊ shiˋ youˇ gaiˋ erˇ yuˇ keˋ ba˙

They do still teach Gaelic at school, yes?

學校集會 xueˊ xiaoˋ jiˊ huiˋ

School assembly

24, 43, 44

雀鳥 queˋ niaoˇ

Bird, Birds

雀鳥歌唱 queˋ niaoˇ ge¯ changˋ

Bird song

雀鳥高唱 queˋ niaoˇ gao¯ changˋ

Bird song

月繳費 yueˋ jiaoˇ feiˋ

Monthly fee

月繳費通知單 yueˋ jiaoˇ feiˋ tong¯ zhi¯ dan¯

Monthly utility bill, Utility bill

24, 43, 44

月票 yueˋ piaoˋ

Monthly pass

月曜日 yueˋ yaoˋ riˋ



厂-臼 : > : > [學]-學校 : > [學]-學校受訓 >

十-木 : > : > [校]-學校 : > [校]-學校受訓 >

丿-爫 : > : > [受]-受訓 : > [受]-學校受訓 >

丶-言 : > : > [訓]-受訓 : > [訓]-學校受訓 >

學校受訓 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 訓

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