Visitor, Guest, Customer
Word Links for words containing 客 (sorted via character pairs)
客戶 Customer, Client
新客戶 New customer or client
一位客戶 A customer, A client
某位客戶 One customer, A particular client
給另一個客戶 Give to another customer or client
是個受重視的客戶 A valued customer
客氣 Polite, Politeness
不客氣 You are welcome, Pleasure, My pleasure
別客氣 You are welcome
客氣地 Politely
客客氣氣地 Politely
很客氣地回話 Politely answered
客艙 Cabin, Cabins, Guest room, Stateroom
回到他們的客艙換衣服 Return to their cabin to change, Returned to their cabin to change, Returned to their cabins to change
顧客 Customer
未來顧客 Future customer
分辨力的顧客 Discerning customers
可能的未來顧客 Prospective customer, Prospective customers
顧客服務 Customer service
提供顧客他們所要的 Give the customer what they want, Giving the customer what they want
顧客服務品質極佳 Excellent customer service
自認顧客服務品質極佳 Prided themselves on customer service
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