
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 於


With respect to, For

duiˋ yuˊ

於 yuˊ
To, In, At, On, By, Alas, From, By, Than

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 對於 (wei-yu)

Grouped by first phone

dui, cui, gui, hui, kui, shui, sui, wei, zui

對於 duiˋ yuˊ

With respect to, For

對於任意數 duiˋ yuˊ renˋ yiˋ shuˋ

For any number

對於那 duiˋ yuˊ naˋ

With respect to that

dui, cui, gui, hui, kui, shui, sui, wei, zui

翠綠 cuiˋ luuˋ


翠綠的 cuiˋ luuˋ de˙


翠綠的草地 cuiˋ luuˋ de˙ caoˇ diˋ

Green grass

翠綠草木 cuiˋ luuˋ caoˇ muˋ

Green grass and trees

粹取出 cuiˋ quˇ chu¯


粹取出所需的原子 cuiˋ quˇ chu¯ suoˇ xu¯ de˙ yuanˊ ziˇ

Extract the necessary atoms, Extracting the desired atoms

dui, cui, gui, hui, kui, shui, sui, wei, zui

規矩 gui¯ juˇ

Rules, Principles, Guidelines for behaviour

規律 gui¯ luuˋ


規律地 gui¯ luuˋ de˙

Regular, Steady, Regulations, Discipline

閨女 gui¯ nuuˇ


鬼驅人 guiˇ qu¯ renˊ


鮭魚 gui¯ yuˊ


鮭魚顏色 gui¯ yuˊ yanˊ seˋ


dui, cui, gui, hui, kui, shui, sui, wei, zui

匯聚 huiˋ juˋ


匯率 huiˋ luuˋ

Exchange rate

回去 huiˊ quˋ

Return to, Go back to, Goes back to

回去做 huiˊ quˋ zuoˋ

Go back to work on

回去年的夏天 huiˊ quˋ nianˊ de˙ xiaˋ tian¯

Back to the summer of last year

會去 huiˋ quˋ

Will go to

會去公園運動 huiˋ quˋ gong¯ yuanˊ yunˋ dongˋ

Will go to the park to exercise, Goes to the park to exercise

毀於一旦 huiˇ yuˊ yiˊ danˋ


會遇上一些阻礙 huiˋ yuˋ shangˋ yiˋ xie¯ zuˇ aiˋ

Will encounter some obstacles, Will have some obstacles, Will have some obstacles to overcome

dui, cui, gui, hui, kui, shui, sui, wei, zui

愧恧 kuiˋ nuuˋ

Ashamed, Feel ashamed

dui, cui, gui, hui, kui, shui, sui, wei, zui

水域 shuiˇ yuˋ

The waters

dui, cui, gui, hui, kui, shui, sui, wei, zui

碎語 suiˋ yuˇ

Chatter, Chattering

碎玉 suiˋ yuˋ

Broken jade, Beautiful white teeth

dui, cui, gui, hui, kui, shui, sui, wei, zui

位居 weiˋ ju¯

Located, Positioned

畏懼 weiˋ juˋ

Fearful, Nervous

委屈 weiˇ qu¯

Frustrated, Wronged, Be given a task far below one's ability, Cause an inconvenience, Grievance, Complaint

鮪魚 weiˇ yuˊ


鮪魚起司三明治 weiˇ yuˊ qiˇ si¯ san¯ mingˊ zhiˋ

Tuna melt, Tuna and cheese sandwich

位於 weiˋ yuˊ

Located, Located in, Located at

位於重心上方 weiˋ yuˊ zhongˋ xin¯ shangˋ fang¯

Located above the center of gravity

位於黃河流域的商 weiˋ yuˊ huangˊ heˊ liuˊ yuˋ de˙ shang¯

Shang, located in the Yellow River valley, Located in the Yellow River Valley was Shang 商

為魚蓋魚屋 weiˋ yuˊ gaiˋ yuˊ wu¯

Build a dwelling for fish

謂語 weiˋ yuˇ


dui, cui, gui, hui, kui, shui, sui, wei, zui

最具挑戰性 zuiˋ juˋ tiao¯ zhanˋ xingˋ

Most challenging

Grouped in tone pairs

42, 12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

對於 duiˋ yuˊ

With respect to, For

對於任意數 duiˋ yuˊ renˋ yiˋ shuˋ

For any number

對於那 duiˋ yuˊ naˋ

With respect to that

位於 weiˋ yuˊ

Located, Located in, Located at

位於重心上方 weiˋ yuˊ zhongˋ xin¯ shangˋ fang¯

Located above the center of gravity

位於黃河流域的商 weiˋ yuˊ huangˊ heˊ liuˊ yuˋ de˙ shang¯

Shang, located in the Yellow River valley, Located in the Yellow River Valley was Shang 商

為魚蓋魚屋 weiˋ yuˊ gaiˋ yuˊ wu¯

Build a dwelling for fish

42, 12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

鮭魚 gui¯ yuˊ


鮭魚顏色 gui¯ yuˊ yanˊ seˋ


42, 12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

規矩 gui¯ juˇ

Rules, Principles, Guidelines for behaviour

閨女 gui¯ nuuˇ


42, 12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

規律 gui¯ luuˋ


規律地 gui¯ luuˋ de˙

Regular, Steady, Regulations, Discipline

42, 12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

回去 huiˊ quˋ

Return to, Go back to, Goes back to

回去做 huiˊ quˋ zuoˋ

Go back to work on

回去年的夏天 huiˊ quˋ nianˊ de˙ xiaˋ tian¯

Back to the summer of last year

42, 12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

鬼驅人 guiˇ qu¯ renˊ


委屈 weiˇ qu¯

Frustrated, Wronged, Be given a task far below one's ability, Cause an inconvenience, Grievance, Complaint

42, 12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

毀於一旦 huiˇ yuˊ yiˊ danˋ


鮪魚 weiˇ yuˊ


鮪魚起司三明治 weiˇ yuˊ qiˇ si¯ san¯ mingˊ zhiˋ

Tuna melt, Tuna and cheese sandwich

42, 12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

水域 shuiˇ yuˋ

The waters

42, 12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

位居 weiˋ ju¯

Located, Positioned

42, 12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

粹取出 cuiˋ quˇ chu¯


粹取出所需的原子 cuiˋ quˇ chu¯ suoˇ xu¯ de˙ yuanˊ ziˇ

Extract the necessary atoms, Extracting the desired atoms

碎語 suiˋ yuˇ

Chatter, Chattering

謂語 weiˋ yuˇ


42, 12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

翠綠 cuiˋ luuˋ


翠綠的 cuiˋ luuˋ de˙


翠綠的草地 cuiˋ luuˋ de˙ caoˇ diˋ

Green grass

翠綠草木 cuiˋ luuˋ caoˇ muˋ

Green grass and trees

匯聚 huiˋ juˋ


匯率 huiˋ luuˋ

Exchange rate

會去 huiˋ quˋ

Will go to

會去公園運動 huiˋ quˋ gong¯ yuanˊ yunˋ dongˋ

Will go to the park to exercise, Goes to the park to exercise

會遇上一些阻礙 huiˋ yuˋ shangˋ yiˋ xie¯ zuˇ aiˋ

Will encounter some obstacles, Will have some obstacles, Will have some obstacles to overcome

愧恧 kuiˋ nuuˋ

Ashamed, Feel ashamed

碎玉 suiˋ yuˋ

Broken jade, Beautiful white teeth

畏懼 weiˋ juˋ

Fearful, Nervous

最具挑戰性 zuiˋ juˋ tiao¯ zhanˋ xingˋ

Most challenging


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對於 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 於

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