Reside, Dwell, Live In, Live At
Word Links for words containing 居 (sorted via character pairs)
居然 Incredibly, To one's surprise
而且居然 And what's more
居然這麼陰險 Just how tricky, How tricky, How cunning, How deceitful
對自己居然還活著 To their surprise they still lived
居住 Inhabit, Reside (at or in), Live in
人類居住 Human habitation
居住地 Base, Residence
居住艙 Habitat, Sealable and self-contained living space
衝回居住艙 Hurried back to the habitat
居住可能 Habitable
居住的地方 Place of residence
被認為有居住可能性的行星 Planets that are believed to be habitable
居住可能性的 Potentially habitable
被認為有居住可能性的 Believed to be habitable
定居 Settle
無法定居 Unable to settle down
希望人類能利用它到達另一遙遠的星系定居 In the hope that mankind can use it to settle in a distant star system
就無法定居在任何地 Unable to settle down anywhere
鄰居 Neighbour
鄰居們 Neighbours
鄰居放音樂太吵嗎 Is the neighbor's music too loud?
建築靜靜傍著鄰居矗立 The building stood quietly next to its neighbors
新的建築靜靜傍著鄰居矗立 The new building stood quietly next to its neighbors
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