Index for words including 崇


Lofty, Sublime, High, Noble, Dignified, Exalted, Admire, Venerate, Honor, Respect, Revere, Worship

Word Links for words containing 崇 (sorted via character pairs)

崇 chongˊ
Lofty, Sublime, High, Noble, Dignified, Exalted, Admire, Venerate, Honor, Respect, Revere, Worship

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


崇拜 Worship, Idolize

故作崇拜 Mock admiration

崇拜 Praisingly


崇高 Sublime, Lofty, High, Serene

崇高 Loftier, More sublime

崇高的頭銜 Lofty title of

崇高的頭銜 Loftier title of

有個較崇高的頭銜 Had a loftier title, Had the loftier title of


崇尚 Advocate


推崇 Respect, Hold in high esteem

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