Index for words including 己


Self, Sixth, 6

Word Links for words containing 己 (sorted via character pairs)

己 jiˇ
Self, Sixth, 6

Words containing

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己所不欲 Don't do to others what you wouldn't want to be done to you


己任 One's duty, One's obligation


己從 Give up one's views in favor of another's, Sacrifice one's views for the sake of another's


己為 Give up one's interests for the sake of others, Sacrifice one's interests for the sake of others


甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸 First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth


己身 One's self


貼己 Intimate, Close


體己 Private, Personal, Confidential


知己 Confidant


修己 Self cultivation


損人利己 Self-interest at the expense of others


自己 Self, Oneself, Own, Their, Themselves, His, Her, Himself, Herself

自己 Your self

自己 Her own

自己 Myself, I myself

自己 For one's self

他讓自己 He allowed himself

你對自己 For yourself, With respect to yourself

供養自己 Look after one's self, Fend for one's self

保護自己 To protect themselves, To protect yourself, Protect yourself

只顧自己 Only care about one's self, Only care about themselves, Selfish, Self absorbed

告訴自己 Tell yourself

尿溼自己 Pissing onesel, Pissing yourself

強迫自己 Force oneself, Restrain oneself

放縱自己 Self indulgently

教會自己 Taught oneself, Taught themselves

欺騙自己 Lie to ourselves

目睹自己 Watching oneself, Watching himself, Watching herself, Watching themselves

約束自己 Restrict yourself, Restrict oneself

證明自己 Prove himself, Prove herself, Prove themselves

連他自己 Even himself

他強逼自己 Forced himself

他搶在自己 He steeled himself

只能靠自己 Can only rely on self

嚴懲他自己 Punishing himself

她強逼自己 Forced herself

阻止了自己 Stopped themself

及時阻止了自己 Stopped themselves

在水溝裡尿溼自己 Pissing oneself in a gutter, Pissing yourself in a gutter

自己 Choose for one's self

自己 His own, Her own, Their own

自己 Take a look, Take a look for yourself, Look

自己 Take a look, Take a look for yourself, Look

自己 Her own

自己 Take a look, Take a look for yourself, Look

自己 Told themselves

他對自己 He told himself

各有自己 Each with its own

她對自己 She told herself

我可以自己 I can handle it, I can deal with it, I'll can take care of it myself

自己以外 Other than oneself, Outside of oneself

自己加入 Joined

自己父親 His or her own father

自己身處 Themselves located (in, At, Within…)

自己就好 Just be yourself

自己拍照 Take a picture of one's self, Selfie

自己的聲音 Own voice

自己的動力 Under its own power

自己的額頭 Touched their own forehead

自己取的名字 Self-chosen name

自己抽離現實 Withdrawing oneself from reality

自己的日子 Live one's life

出乎自己的意料 Contrary to his own expectations, Surprised himself

創立自己的公司 Start your own company, Starting your own company, Start their own company, Starting their own company

自己的聲音中 In their own voice, In his own voice, In her own voice

憑著自己的重量 By means of its own weight, Because of its own weight

我讓你自己決定 I'll let you decide

自己鎖在浴室 Locked themselves in the bathroom

自己的影子嚇到 Scared of one's own shadow

自己血裡的騷動 The stirring in his blood, The stirring in her blood

自己鎮定下來 Calming, Steadying, Self-calming, Self-steadying

過好自己的生活 Live life well

自己居然還活著 To their surprise they still lived

強迫自己別開步跑 Restrain oneself from breaking into a jog or run

我是我自己的主人 I am my own master, I am my own man, I am my own woman, I am my own mistress

試著強迫自己思考 Tried to force themselves to think

請儘量讓自己舒適 Please make yourself comfortable

不願為自己行為負責 Unwilling to take responsibility for their own actions

他搶在自己退縮之前 He steeled himself before he could runaway

希望自己當初就知道 Wishing they'd known at the beginning, Wished they'd known

更好說服自己的解釋 Better explanation

自己毫無選擇的感受 Feel like we have no choice

連他自己都感到驚訝 Even suprising himself

只要你覺得自己夠厲害 If you think you're good enough

我被自己的回答嚇了一跳 I am surprised by my own answer

我從我自己的經驗就知道了 I know from my own experience

他連自己說的話都不是很了解 He doesn't understand what he's saying

直到她自己判斷合作對她最有利為止 Until she decides on her own that it's in her best interests to cooperate

自己的血 His own blood

不希望你花自己的錢 Don't want you to spend your own money, Didn't want you to spend your own money

自己肌肉 Their muscles

眩耀自己肌肉 Show off their muscles

眩耀自己的肌肉 To show of their muscles

自己的人生 Their lives

繼續過自己的人生 Continue with their lives, Go on with their lives

追求屬於我自己的人生 Pursue my own life

他們如何繼續過自己的人生 How did they continue with their lives

自己的回答 By my own answer, By their own answer

她可以自己找路回家 She could find her way back home

把我自己絆倒 Trip myself up

說不定會把我自己絆倒 I could trip, I could have tripped

自己拉上去 Pulled himself up, Pulled herself up, Pulled themselves up, Pull yourself up

自己舉上去 Pull yourself up, Pulled herself up, Pulled himself up, Pulled themselves up

自己給舉了上去 Lifted himself up, Lifted herself up, Lifted themselves up, Lift yourself up

他將自己給舉了上去 He lifted himself up, He hauled himself up

自己的意料自 Their own expectation

出乎自己的意料自 Contrary to their own expectations

自己當成他們 Be like them, Become them, Be them

設身處地把自己當成他們 Put yourself in their position

發現自己越界了 Realizing oneself had stepped out of bounds, Realizing they themselves had stepped over the line

或許是發現自己越界了 Perhaps realizing that they had stepped out of bounds

自己相處的時間 Time together with oneself

自己相處的時間 Time together with oneself

難得享受與自己相處的時間 Rarely enjoy time with oneself

自己如何做各種事情 How we do anything, How we do a variety of different things

讓我來告訴你一點我自己的事吧 Allow me to tell you a little about myself

自己也沒出力氣幫助 He himself had not expended any effort to help, He himself had not done anything to help

自己也沒出力氣幫助 She herself had not expended any effort to help, She herself had not lifted a finger to help

你很清楚自己在幹什麼 You know what you are doing

看起來你很清楚自己在幹什麼 It looks like you know what you are doing

意識到自己在做這件事 Realized what they were doing

是否意識到自己在做這件事 Whether or not they realized what they were doing

她是否意識到自己在做這件事 Whether or not she realized what she was doing

自己一個人沒辦法做 I can't do it alone

讓他更能控制自己的法力 Gave him more control over his magical powers

讓她更能控制自己的法力 Gave her more control over her magical powers


身不由己 Involuntarily

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