Hope, Expect, Strive, Rare, Infrequent
Word Links for words containing 希 (sorted via character pairs)
希臘 Greece, Greek, Greco
古希臘 Ancient Greece
希臘人 Greeks
希臘文 Greek language, Greek
古希臘人 Ancient Greeks
希臘字母 Greek alphabet
希臘神廟 Greek Temple
希臘古風時期 Greek Archaic Period
借本關於古希臘和羅馬的書 Borrow books on ancient Greece and Rome
希望 Hope, Hoped, Hoping, Want, Wanted, Wanting
不希望 Don't want, Don't wish for
抱著希望 Hoping, Hold on to hope
我們最好希望 We'd better hope that
希望謝謝 Would like to express gratitude
我希望謝謝 I would like to express my gratitude
希望能了解 Wanting to understand, Hoping to understand
不希望被注意 Didn't want to be noticed
她不希望如此 She didn't want that, She didn't want that to happen
我希望你回家 I want you to go home
她希望你說出來 She wants you to talk about it
希望人類能利用它 In the hope that mankind can use it to
抱著希望並不犯法 It's not illegal to hope, There's no law against hoping
不希望你花自己的錢 Don't want you to spend your own money, Didn't want you to spend your own money
希望自己當初就知道 Wishing they'd known at the beginning, Wished they'd known
希望下次能和他一起來參觀 Hope that next time we can come together to visit
希望人類能利用它到達另一遙遠的星系 In the hope that mankind can use it to travel to a distant star system
希望人類能利用它到達另一遙遠的星系定居 In the hope that mankind can use it to settle in a distant star system
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