
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 帥


Handsome, (Cats: Latest next)

shuaiˋ qiˋ

帥 shuaiˋ
Smart, Dashing, Handsome, Follow Orders, Command, Lead, Commanding General

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 帥氣 (wai-yi)

Grouped by first phone

shuai, guai, huai, kuai, wai

帥氣 shuaiˋ qiˋ


率意 shuaiˋ yiˋ

Spur of the moment, Act on spur of moment, Utmost sincerity

shuai, guai, huai, kuai, wai

怪癖者 guaiˋ piˇ zheˇ


怪異 guaiˋ yiˋ

Strange, Weird, Awkward

shuai, guai, huai, kuai, wai

懷裡 huaiˊ liˇ

In the arms

懷疑 huaiˊ yiˊ

Harbor doubt, Doubt, Question, Suspect, Skeptical, Critical

懷疑地 huaiˊ yiˊ de˙

Skeptical, Critical, Doubtful, Skeptically, Critically, Doubtfully

懷疑的 huaiˊ yiˊ de˙

Incredulously, Disbelieving, Doubting, Dubious, Dubitable, Suspicious, Distrustful

懷疑的眼裡 huaiˊ yiˊ de˙ yanˇ liˇ

Suspicious eye, Suspicious eyes

shuai, guai, huai, kuai, wai

快遞 kuaiˋ diˋ

Express delivery

shuai, guai, huai, kuai, wai

外壁 waiˋ biˋ

Outer wall

外幣 waiˋ biˋ

Foreign currency

外地 waiˋ diˋ

Outside, In the open

外籍 waiˋ jiˊ


外力 waiˋ liˋ

Foreign forces

歪七扭八 wai¯ qi¯ niuˇ ba¯

Untidy, Jagged

外企 waiˋ qiˇ

Foreign companies

外衣 waiˋ yi¯

Coat, Garment

外溢 waiˋ yiˋ

Spill over, Over flow

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 11, 22, 23, 41, 42, 43

怪異 guaiˋ yiˋ

Strange, Weird, Awkward

快遞 kuaiˋ diˋ

Express delivery

帥氣 shuaiˋ qiˋ


率意 shuaiˋ yiˋ

Spur of the moment, Act on spur of moment, Utmost sincerity

外壁 waiˋ biˋ

Outer wall

外幣 waiˋ biˋ

Foreign currency

外地 waiˋ diˋ

Outside, In the open

外力 waiˋ liˋ

Foreign forces

外溢 waiˋ yiˋ

Spill over, Over flow

44, 11, 22, 23, 41, 42, 43

歪七扭八 wai¯ qi¯ niuˇ ba¯

Untidy, Jagged

44, 11, 22, 23, 41, 42, 43

懷疑 huaiˊ yiˊ

Harbor doubt, Doubt, Question, Suspect, Skeptical, Critical

懷疑地 huaiˊ yiˊ de˙

Skeptical, Critical, Doubtful, Skeptically, Critically, Doubtfully

懷疑的 huaiˊ yiˊ de˙

Incredulously, Disbelieving, Doubting, Dubious, Dubitable, Suspicious, Distrustful

懷疑的眼裡 huaiˊ yiˊ de˙ yanˇ liˇ

Suspicious eye, Suspicious eyes

44, 11, 22, 23, 41, 42, 43

懷裡 huaiˊ liˇ

In the arms

44, 11, 22, 23, 41, 42, 43

外衣 waiˋ yi¯

Coat, Garment

44, 11, 22, 23, 41, 42, 43

外籍 waiˋ jiˊ


44, 11, 22, 23, 41, 42, 43

怪癖者 guaiˋ piˇ zheˇ


外企 waiˋ qiˇ

Foreign companies


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