Index for words including 干

gan¯, ganˋ

Concern, concern, Involve, Interfere, Intervene, Seek, Beseech, Block, Jam, Shield, Group, Many, Much, Offend, Oppose, Invade, Celestial Stem

Word Links for words containing 干 (sorted via character pairs)

干 gan¯, ganˋ
Concern, concern, Involve, Interfere, Intervene, Seek, Beseech, Block, Jam, Shield, Group, Many, Much, Offend, Oppose, Invade, Celestial Stem

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


干戈 Arms


干涉 Meddle, Interfere, Intervene

無權干涉 No right to interfere


干達 Uganda


干支 Heavenly stems and Earthly branches

干支紀年 Heavenly stems and Earthly branches method for tracking dates


干欄式建築 Stilt house, Stilt houses


干擾 Disturb, Interfere, Interrupt, Block, Jam, Disturbances

我會保證妳不再受到干擾 I'll make sure that you aren't disturbed again, I'll make sure that you aren't subjected to any further interruptions

干擾 Unobtrusive


若干 Several, Some, A few


天干 Heavenly stem, Heavenly stems

古代中國以天干與地支的組合來紀年 Ancient China used the combination of heavenly stems and earthly branches to record the year


相干 Related, Connected, Having to do with

也許沒什麼相干 Maybe it's nothing, It's probably nothing, It's probably not what we are looking for

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