Calm, Balanced, Level, Even, Flat, Peaceful, Quell, Pacify, Conquer, Control, Regulate, Tied, Equal Score
Word Links for words containing 平 (sorted via character pairs)
地平線 Horizon, Earth's horizon
星球地平線 Planetary horizon, Planet's horizon
僅是籠罩在地平線上 Encompassed the horizon
地平線劃過一道閃電 Lightning flashes on the horizon, Lightning flashed on the horizon
平行 Even, Even with, Parallel
平行線 Parallel lines
一道道平行的 Parallel
平行法線 Parallel to the normal, At ninety degrees
平行裝配 Set up in parallel, Rigged in parallel
平行計算機 Parallel computer
一束平行光射 A beam of parallel rays of light
一道道平行的小瀑布 Small parallel cascades
平衡 Balance
白平衡 White Balance
失去平衡 Lose balance
穩定平衡 Stable equilibrium, Stable balance
用腳跟平衡 Balance on your heel, Balance on your heels, Balance on one heel, Balance on the heels, Balancing on one heel, Balancing on the heels
設定白平衡 Setting White Balance
平衡完畢 Equalized
白平衡修正 White Balance correction
依序平衡各種原子 Sequentially balance the various atoms
以平衡背景 To make background balanced, To create a balanced background
將主體向左或向右移動以平衡背景 Adjust subject to the left or right for a balanced background
有保持事物平衡的方法 A way of keeping things in balance
這世界自有保持事物平衡的方法 The world has a way of keeping things in balance
平方 Square
百萬的平方 One million squared, One trillion, A trillion, Trillion
哪一數的平方 The square of which number
平方數 Square number
平方根 Square root
平方米 Square meter
正平方根 Positive square root
負平方根 Negative square root
完全平方數 Perfect square, A number expressible as the product of an integet by itself, A number expressible as the second exponent of an integer
平方公分 Square centimetres, Cm^2
平方公尺 Square meters, Square meter
平方差公式 Squared Difference Formula
每平方公尺 Per square meter
和的平方公式 Perfect Square Formula
差的平方公式 Difference Squared Formula
和或差的平方公式 Sum or difference squared formula
利用和或差的平方公式 Using the sum squared or difference squared formula
每平方公尺種 Plants per square meter
平方根與近似值 Square root and approximate value
平方公式因式分解 Perfect square factorization
平方根與畢氏定理 Square roots and the Pythagorean Theorem
利用和的平方公式求值 Evaluating using the Perfect Square Formula
平常 Usual, Usually, Ordinary, Normal, Every day
平常心 Normal heart
平常整潔 Tidy as normal, As tidy as normal
跟平常一樣 As always, As usual
平常施行鞭刑 Normally used for caning, Normally used for canings
平常很多民眾坐在外面 Usually there are lots of people sitting outside
平平 Flat, Level, Horizontal
平平地 Peacefully, Level, Flat, Horizontally
平平的 Peaceful, Flat
平平安安 Safe travels, Without mishap, Peacefully
平均 Balanced, Even, Equal, Equally, Average, On average
日平均 Daily average
是平均 Is even, Is equal, Is balanced, Was even, Was equal, Was balanced
二點零平均 Average of 2.0, 2.0 average
平均地 Balanced, Evenly, Equally
平均分佈 Evenly distribute, Evenly distributed, Even
平均分成兩份 Divided evenly into two portions
二點零平均成績 Grade average of 2.0, 2.0 average
平均分佈在雙腳 Even on both feet, Evenly distributed between both feet
平均自由路徑 Mean free path
分子間連續碰撞的平均自由路徑 Mean free path, Average distance over which a moving particle changes direction or energy as a result of successive collisions with other particles
不平 Uneven, Not level
不平整 Rough, Uneven
不平滑 Uneven, Rough
凹凸不平的 Bulging, Bumpy, Uneven
有點不平整 A little rough, A little uneven
有點不平滑 A little rough, A little uneven
你頭顱上的洞有點不平整 The hole in your skull is a little rough
太平 Peace, Peaceful
從太平洋暗沈的表面看下去 Looking down through the dark surface of the Pacific
太平洋 Pacific (ocean)
南太平洋 South Pacific
渡過太平洋 Across the Pacific Ocean
太平洋海面 Surface of the Pacific, Surface of the Pacific ocean
月光下閃爍的太平洋海面 Glittering moonlit surface of the Pacific ocean
持平 Level, Keep level
維持平衡 Stay balanced, Staying balanced
抓住東西以保持平衡 Grabbing onto things to stay balanced, Hold onto something to stay balanced
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