
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 默



you¯ moˋ

默 moˋ
Silent, Quiet, Speechless, Tacit, Unspoken, Unsaid

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 幽默 (you-o)

Grouped by first phone

you, niu

幽默 you¯ moˋ


幽默感 you¯ moˋ ganˇ

Sense of humour

幽默風趣 you¯ moˋ feng¯ quˋ

Humor, Humorous

油墨 youˊ moˋ

Printing ink

又破又舊又長霉 youˋ poˋ youˋ jiuˋ youˋ zhangˇ meiˊ

Torn, old and musty

you, niu

紐伯里波特 niuˇ boˊ liˇ bo¯ teˋ

Newbury Port

Grouped in tone pairs

14, 24, 32, 44

幽默 you¯ moˋ


幽默感 you¯ moˋ ganˇ

Sense of humour

幽默風趣 you¯ moˋ feng¯ quˋ

Humor, Humorous

14, 24, 32, 44

油墨 youˊ moˋ

Printing ink

14, 24, 32, 44

紐伯里波特 niuˇ boˊ liˇ bo¯ teˋ

Newbury Port

14, 24, 32, 44

又破又舊又長霉 youˋ poˋ youˋ jiuˋ youˋ zhangˇ meiˊ

Torn, old and musty


凵-凵 : > : > [幽]-幽默 : > [幽]-幽默 >

口-黑 : > : > [默]-幽默 : > [默]-幽默 >

幽默 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 默

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