Resort hotel
duˋ jiaˇ fanˋ dianˋ
度 duˋ, duoˋ
System, Degree, Capacity, Standard, Kilowatt Hour, Consider, Assess, Number Of Times, Manner, Bearing, MW For Degrees, (Duo4), Measure, Infer
度假 duˋ jiaˋ
飯店 fanˋ dianˋ
Grouped by first phone
du, bu, fu, gu, ru, shu, wu, zhu, zu
獨家 duˊ jia¯
度假屋 duˋ jiaˇ wu¯
度假飯店 duˋ jiaˇ fanˋ dianˋ
Resort hotel
度假 duˋ jiaˋ
Go on vacation
渡假 duˋ jiaˋ
Vacation, Vacations
du, bu, fu, gu, ru, shu, wu, zhu, zu
不加水 buˋ jia¯ shuiˇ
Don't add water
不假思索 buˋ jiaˇ si¯ suoˇ
Without thinking
不洽輿情 buˊ qiaˋ yuˊ qingˊ
Act against public opinion
不下 buˊ xiaˋ
Not less than, Unable to capture
不下十一次 buˊ xiaˋ shiˊ yi¯ ciˋ
No fewer than eleven times, No less than eleven times
不下墜 buˊ xiaˋ zhuiˋ
Doesn't drop, Doesn't fall, Doesn't lower
步下 buˋ xiaˋ
Walked down
步下飛船走上小島 buˋ xiaˋ fei¯ chuanˊ zouˇ shangˋ xiaoˇ daoˇ
Strolled down from the airship onto the island
du, bu, fu, gu, ru, shu, wu, zhu, zu
附加 fuˋ jia¯
Add to, Append, Attach, Supplement, Supplementary
附加價值 fuˋ jia¯ jiaˋ zhiˊ
du, bu, fu, gu, ru, shu, wu, zhu, zu
估價 gu¯ jiaˋ
Evaluate, Appraise, Reckon, Reckoned, Estimated cost, Estimated value
du, bu, fu, gu, ru, shu, wu, zhu, zu
儒家 ruˊ jia¯
Confucianism, Confucian
儒家司法系統 ruˊ jia¯ si¯ faˇ xiˋ tongˇ
System of Confucian justice
儒家經學 ruˊ jia¯ jing¯ xueˊ
Confucian classics
如下 ruˊ xiaˋ
As follows:
如下圖 ruˊ xiaˋ tuˊ
As shown (in picture) below
du, bu, fu, gu, ru, shu, wu, zhu, zu
輸家 shu¯ jia¯
書架 shu¯ jiaˋ
Bookshelf, Bookshelves
書架上的書本無故掉到地上 shu¯ jiaˋ shangˋ de˙ shu¯ benˇ wuˊ guˋ diaoˋ daoˋ diˋ shangˋ
Books fell from the book shelf for no reason
暑假 shuˇ jiaˋ
Summer vacation
暑夏 shuˇ xiaˋ
Grouped in tone pairs
43, 11, 14, 21, 22, 24, 34, 41, 44
不假思索 buˋ jiaˇ si¯ suoˇ
Without thinking
度假屋 duˋ jiaˇ wu¯
度假飯店 duˋ jiaˇ fanˋ dianˋ
Resort hotel
43, 11, 14, 21, 22, 24, 34, 41, 44
估價 gu¯ jiaˋ
Evaluate, Appraise, Reckon, Reckoned, Estimated cost, Estimated value
書架 shu¯ jiaˋ
Bookshelf, Bookshelves
書架上的書本無故掉到地上 shu¯ jiaˋ shangˋ de˙ shu¯ benˇ wuˊ guˋ diaoˋ daoˋ diˋ shangˋ
Books fell from the book shelf for no reason
43, 11, 14, 21, 22, 24, 34, 41, 44
獨家 duˊ jia¯
儒家 ruˊ jia¯
Confucianism, Confucian
儒家司法系統 ruˊ jia¯ si¯ faˇ xiˋ tongˇ
System of Confucian justice
儒家經學 ruˊ jia¯ jing¯ xueˊ
Confucian classics
無家可歸 wuˊ jia¯ keˇ gui¯
43, 11, 14, 21, 22, 24, 34, 41, 44
無瑕 wuˊ xiaˊ
Immaculate, Pure, Flawless
無瑕的 wuˊ xiaˊ de˙
Immaculate, Pure, Flawless
43, 11, 14, 21, 22, 24, 34, 41, 44
不洽輿情 buˊ qiaˋ yuˊ qingˊ
Act against public opinion
不下 buˊ xiaˋ
Not less than, Unable to capture
不下十一次 buˊ xiaˋ shiˊ yi¯ ciˋ
No fewer than eleven times, No less than eleven times
不下墜 buˊ xiaˋ zhuiˋ
Doesn't drop, Doesn't fall, Doesn't lower
如下 ruˊ xiaˋ
As follows:
如下圖 ruˊ xiaˋ tuˊ
As shown (in picture) below
無價之寶 wuˊ jiaˋ zhi¯ baoˇ
Priceless treasure
43, 11, 14, 21, 22, 24, 34, 41, 44
暑假 shuˇ jiaˋ
Summer vacation
暑夏 shuˇ xiaˋ
阻嚇 zuˇ xiaˋ
阻嚇了 zuˇ xiaˋ le˙
丶-广 : > 度: > [度]-度假 : > [度]-度假飯店 >
丿-亻 : > 假: > [假]-度假 : > [假]-度假飯店 >
人-食 : > 飯: > [飯]-飯店 : > [飯]-度假飯店 >
丶-广 : > 店: > [店]-飯店 : > [店]-度假飯店 >
度假飯店 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 度
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