Pull, Lead, Cause, Make, Guide, Attract, Entice, Introduce, Quote, Retire, Unit of length
Word Links for words containing 引 (sorted via character pairs)
引發 Initiating, Causing, Setting off
引發他的衝動 Set him off, Drove his impulse, Initiating his impulse
引人入勝 Fascinating
引人注意 Attract attention, Attention attracting presence, Presence
引人注目 Prominent, Noticeable, Conspicuous, Attention attracting
引擎 Engine
雙引擎 Twin engined
發動引擎 Start the engine, Starts the engine, Started the engine
離子引擎 Ion engine
噴射機引擎 Jet engine
渦輪柴油引擎 Turbo-diesel engine, Turbodiesel
引擎罩 Engine cowling
引擎蓋 Engine cowling, Engine cover, Hood (engine), Bonnet (engine)
連引擎聲 Sound of the engine
引擎外蓋 Engine case
引擎機艙 Nacelle, Nacelles
引擎空轉 Idling engine, Idling
引擎空轉的巴士 Idling bus, Idling busses
引到 Draw to, Draw towards, Pull in, Pull towards
把巫師引到安靜偏僻的角落 Led the sorcerer to a quiet and remote location
引起 Attract, Cause, Arouse, Drew in
引起的 Causing
引起好幾個保持站立的婦人斥責的眼光 Drawing censorious looks from several still standing women, Drawing disapproving looks from a few women who stayed standing
吸引 Attract, Draw in, Pull in
被吸引 Be attracted (to or by)
比魔法更吸引 More attractive than magic, More interesting than magic
吸引了 Attracts, Attracted
吸引人 Attract people
吸引力 Attractive
毫無吸引力 Not in the least attractive, Entirely unattractive
會比魔法更吸引他 Could interest him more than magic, Could attract him more than magic
會比魔法更吸引她 Could interest her more than magic, Could attract her more than magic
什麼職業會比魔法更吸引他 What kind of career could interest him more than magic?
什麼職業會比魔法更吸引她 What kind of career could interest her more than magic?
吸引進來 Draw in, Suck in
被吸引到一起 Drawn together, Drawn towards each other
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