
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 義



wangˋ en¯ fuˋ yiˋ

義 yiˋ
Justice, Righteousness, Volunteer, Artificial, Unreal, Meaning, Connotation, Law, Italy, Translit for I

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 忘恩負義 (wang-en)

Grouped by first phone

wang, chuang, kuang, shuang, zhuang

忘本 wangˋ benˇ

Ungrateful, Forget one's past suffering

望塵莫及 wangˋ chenˊ moˋ jiˊ

Out of reach, Unmatched

忘恩負義 wangˋ en¯ fuˋ yiˋ


忘身忘家 wangˋ shen¯ wangˋ jia¯

Be so absorbed as to forget oneself and one's family, Dedicated, Devoted

wang, chuang, kuang, shuang, zhuang

床身 chuangˊ shen¯

Lathe bed

牀身 chuangˊ shen¯

Lathe bed

wang, chuang, kuang, shuang, zhuang

狂奔 kuangˊ ben¯

Run wildly, Run around wildly

wang, chuang, kuang, shuang, zhuang

雙人 shuang¯ renˊ

Two people, Two person

雙人床 shuang¯ renˊ chuangˊ

Two person bed, Double bed

雙人沙發 shuang¯ renˊ sha¯ fa¯

Love-seat, Two person couch

雙刃 shuang¯ renˋ

Double edged

wang, chuang, kuang, shuang, zhuang

裝真彈 zhuang¯ zhen¯ danˋ

Load with real ammunition, Load with real ammo

Grouped in tone pairs

41, 11, 12, 14, 21, 42, 43

忘恩負義 wangˋ en¯ fuˋ yiˋ


忘身忘家 wangˋ shen¯ wangˋ jia¯

Be so absorbed as to forget oneself and one's family, Dedicated, Devoted

41, 11, 12, 14, 21, 42, 43

裝真彈 zhuang¯ zhen¯ danˋ

Load with real ammunition, Load with real ammo

41, 11, 12, 14, 21, 42, 43

雙人 shuang¯ renˊ

Two people, Two person

雙人床 shuang¯ renˊ chuangˊ

Two person bed, Double bed

雙人沙發 shuang¯ renˊ sha¯ fa¯

Love-seat, Two person couch

41, 11, 12, 14, 21, 42, 43

雙刃 shuang¯ renˋ

Double edged

41, 11, 12, 14, 21, 42, 43

床身 chuangˊ shen¯

Lathe bed

牀身 chuangˊ shen¯

Lathe bed

狂奔 kuangˊ ben¯

Run wildly, Run around wildly

41, 11, 12, 14, 21, 42, 43

望塵莫及 wangˋ chenˊ moˋ jiˊ

Out of reach, Unmatched

41, 11, 12, 14, 21, 42, 43

忘本 wangˋ benˇ

Ungrateful, Forget one's past suffering


丶-亠 : > : > [忘]-忘恩 : > [忘]-忘恩負義 >

口-囗 : > : > [恩]-恩負 : > [恩]-忘恩負義 >

丿-⺈ : > : > [負]-負義 : > [負]-忘恩負義 >

人-丷 : > : > [義]-負義 : > [義]-忘恩負義 >

忘恩負義 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 義

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