
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 快


Run quickly

kuaiˋ paoˇ

快 kuaiˋ
Fast, Quick, Swift, Rapid, Speedy, Soon

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 快跑 (wai-ao)

Grouped by first phone

kuai, huai, shuai, wai

快報 kuaiˋ baoˋ

Dispatch, Bulletin, Report, News flash

快跑 kuaiˋ paoˇ

Run quickly

kuai, huai, shuai, wai

懷抱 huaiˊ baoˋ

Embrace, Hug

懷著 huaiˊ zhaoˊ

Pregnant with

kuai, huai, shuai, wai

摔倒 shuai¯ daoˇ

Fall down

摔到 shuai¯ daoˋ

Fall down

衰老 shuai¯ laoˇ

Senile, Decline, Get old

kuai, huai, shuai, wai

外包 waiˋ bao¯

Outsource, Outsourcing

外包業務 waiˋ bao¯ yeˋ wuˋ

Outsourced business, Contract business, On contract

外號 waiˋ haoˋ


外貌 waiˋ maoˋ


外貌差不多 waiˋ maoˋ chaˋ buˋ duo¯

Similar looking, Similar in appearance

外貿 waiˋ maoˋ

Foreign trade

外掃區域 waiˋ saoˇ qu¯ yuˋ

Outside sweeping area, Outside area to be swept

外套 waiˋ taoˋ


外套鈕釦 waiˋ taoˋ niuˇ kouˋ

Jacket button, Jacket buttons

Grouped in tone pairs

43, 13, 14, 22, 24, 41, 44

快跑 kuaiˋ paoˇ

Run quickly

外掃區域 waiˋ saoˇ qu¯ yuˋ

Outside sweeping area, Outside area to be swept

43, 13, 14, 22, 24, 41, 44

摔倒 shuai¯ daoˇ

Fall down

衰老 shuai¯ laoˇ

Senile, Decline, Get old

43, 13, 14, 22, 24, 41, 44

摔到 shuai¯ daoˋ

Fall down

43, 13, 14, 22, 24, 41, 44

懷著 huaiˊ zhaoˊ

Pregnant with

43, 13, 14, 22, 24, 41, 44

懷抱 huaiˊ baoˋ

Embrace, Hug

43, 13, 14, 22, 24, 41, 44

外包 waiˋ bao¯

Outsource, Outsourcing

外包業務 waiˋ bao¯ yeˋ wuˋ

Outsourced business, Contract business, On contract

43, 13, 14, 22, 24, 41, 44

快報 kuaiˋ baoˋ

Dispatch, Bulletin, Report, News flash

外號 waiˋ haoˋ


外貌 waiˋ maoˋ


外貌差不多 waiˋ maoˋ chaˋ buˋ duo¯

Similar looking, Similar in appearance

外貿 waiˋ maoˋ

Foreign trade

外套 waiˋ taoˋ


外套鈕釦 waiˋ taoˋ niuˇ kouˋ

Jacket button, Jacket buttons


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快跑 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 快

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