Index for words including 恐


Fear, Fearsome, Fearful, Worried, Apprehensive

Word Links for words containing 恐 (sorted via character pairs)

恐 kongˇ
Fear, Fearsome, Fearful, Worried, Apprehensive

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


恐嚇 Intimidate, Blackmail, Threaten, Scare


爭先恐後 Scrambling


恐龍 Dinosaur, Dinosaurs

恐龍寶寶 Baby dinosaur, Baby dinosaurs

幾隻恐龍寶寶 A few baby dinosaurs


恐怕 Fear that, Afraid that, Worry that

恐怕連我都不知道 I'm afraid even I don't know, I'm afraid not even I know


恐怖 Monstrous, Terrible, In terror, Terror, Horror

愛情恐怖 Romance-horror, Romance and horror

恐怖主義 Terrorism, Terrorist

恐怖分子 Terrorist

恐怖書刊 Horror novel or novels

恐怖主義活動 Terrorism, Terrorist activities, Terrorist

恐怖的瘤 Monstrous growth, Monstrous growths

兩個恐怖的瘤 Two monstrous growths


恐慌 Panic


恐懼 Fear

心生恐懼 Become afraid

甚至有一點恐懼 Just a little fearful, More that a little bit fearful

恐懼 Dreadful

恐懼到要嘔吐 Fearful to the point of vomiting, Nauseous with fear

化這些恐懼為力量 Turn these fears into strength, Turns these fears into strength, Turning these fears into strength, Turned these fears into strength, Use these these fears for strength, Uses these fears for strength, Using these fears for strength, Used these fears for strength

恐懼開始滲透他的身體 Fear started to work through his body, Fear started to work through him

恐懼開始滲透她的身體 Fear started to work through her body, Fear started to work through her


惶恐 Apprehensive, Worried, Fearful, Afraid


驚恐 Fearful, Afraid, Horror

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