Index for words including 愉



Word Links for words containing 愉 (sorted via character pairs)

愉 yuˊ

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


愉快 Happy

愉快 Pleasantly, Very pleasantly

一見愉快 Happy at first site, Merry, Glad to see

令人愉快 Pleasurable, Pleasant, Make people happy

心情愉快 Good mood, Happy mood

有多愉快 A lot of fun, A lot of fun was had, It was a lot of fun

不令人愉快 Unpleasant

不會太愉快 Not very happy

讓他們心情愉快 Delighted them, Caused them to be delighted

外觀上很不令人愉快 Externally unappealing, Unpleasant to look at

愉快 Happily, Pleasantly

愉快 Happy, Pleasant

愉快起來 Brightened a bit, Became a bit happier

愉快說道 Pleasantly said, Very pleasantly said

愉快的稱呼法 Refer to them with pleasant sounding names

愉快地花幾個小時 Happily spend a few hours

美麗愉快的草原隨意放牧 Happy pastures ranged at will, Grazing freely in happy grasslands

愉快的時光 Happy occasion, Lovely time

愉快地消磨時光 Passed time pleasantly, Happily passed time


愉悅 Pleasure, Joyful, Glad, Happy

格外愉悅 Exceptionally happy

愉悅心情 Pleasure, Pleasant mood, Pleasant feeling

老友相見的愉悅心情 The pleasure of seing an old friend

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