Index for words including 憶


Recall, Bear In Mind, Recollect, Call To Mind, Remember

Word Links for words containing 憶 (sorted via character pairs)

憶 yiˋ
Recall, Bear In Mind, Recollect, Call To Mind, Remember

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


回憶 Memory, Memories, Memory of, Recalling, Recollection, Retrospect, In retrospect, Looking back on

一天的回憶 Memories of the day, A day's worth of memory, A day's worth of memories

回憶 Thinking back, Recollecting, Recalling

回憶 Remember, Bring to mind, Remind, Reminded

回憶 Memoir

這讓他回憶 This reminded him, This reminded him of

一天的回憶就湧進他的心裡 Memories of the day flooded into his mind, A days worth of memories flooded into his mind

一天的回憶就湧進她的心裡 Memories of the day flooded into her mind, A days worth of memories flooded into her mind


記憶 Memory

記憶 Memory card

記憶 Memory stick or unit (for computers)

虛擬記憶 Virtual memory

格式化記憶 Formatting memory card

記憶猶新 Fresh in memory

記憶愈發清晰 Memory became sharper

未插入記憶卡提示 Memory card not inserted reminder

開始在記憶中模糊 Beginning to fade from memory

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