Index for words including 應

ying¯, yingˋ

Should, Ought, Need, (Ying4), Respond, Answer, Repartee, React, Deal With, Handle, Comply With, Grant, Cope

Word Links for words containing 應 (sorted via character pairs)

應 ying¯, yingˋ
Should, Ought, Need, (Ying4), Respond, Answer, Repartee, React, Deal With, Handle, Comply With, Grant, Cope

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


應屆 This years


應門 Answer the door


應用 Use, Application, Application of

實際應用 Practical applications

重工業應用 Heavy industrial works

應用 Used

應用到別處 Used elsewhere

到實際應用彷彿還有很長的路 Practical applications seemed a long way off


應繳 Payable

應繳總金額 Total amount payable


應變 Adapt to changes, Prepare for change, Strain

應變 Strainometer, Strain gauge


應驗 Come true


應急 Emergency situation, For use in time of emergency


應先 Should first

應先熄滅 Should first extinguish, Should first put out


應付 Deal with, Handle, Cope with, Go through the motions, Make do with

我知道妳能應付 I know you can handle it, I knew you could handle it

看我一個人有沒有辦法應付 To see if I could handle it alone

應付電費 Electrical fee payable

足夠應付突發狀況的量 Send an amount sufficient to deal with any emergencies, Send just enough to deal with any emergencies


應俱 Everything is available


宛如應和 As if in answer


應徵 Job seeker, Looking for a job

應徵 Candidates, Job applicants, Applicants


應龍 Winged dragon


應該 Should, Ought to, Must

應該 Should have first

應該 I would say, I should say that

我想應該 I suppose that

正確答案應該 The correct answer should be

應該料到 Should have expected

他就應該料到 He should have expected

應該逃走 Should run away

應該料到的 Should have known, Should have foreseen, Should have expected

應該發霉了 Would be moldy, Would have become moldy

應該被提醒 Should be reminded

應該解釋 I should explain

我想應該不是 I suppose not

應該提一下 I should mention that

正確答案應該是多少 The correct answer should be how much?

應該要保護我才對 You should protect me, You should be protecting me

應該要保護我才對 You should protect me, You should be protecting me


應穿 Should wear, Should be wearing


應邀 Invitation, Invite, Invited


應對 Respond to questions, Answer, Repartee


應當 Duty bound


應電 Induced charge


應酬 Social appointment, Treat courteously, Act politely, Polite


應聘 Apply for a job, Accept a job offer


應聲 Occur as soon as a sound is heard, Echo


應有 Should have, There should be

應有盡有 Everything


呼應 Echo


回應 Response, Answer, Responded, Answered

揮手回應 Wave back, Waved back

毫無回應 No answer, No response

沒有回應 Did not respond

合理的回應 A reasonable response

都沒有回應 Nobody has responded

很合理的回應 A very reasonable response

朝她揮手回應 Wave back to her, Waved back to her

在我看來是很合理的回應 In my opinion it was a very reasonable response, It was a very reasonable response in my opinion

回應 Responding, Responding to


照應 Take care of, Look after


響應 Response


反應 Reactor, Reaction, Reflex, Response

不良反應 Bad reaction, Bad response

化學反應 Chemical reaction(s)

吸熱反應 Endothermic reaction, Heat absorbing reaction

放熱反應 Exothermic reaction, Heat producing reaction

過敏反應 Allergic reaction

想法或反應 Think or react, Thought or reaction

有過敏反應 Have an allergic reaction (to)

嚴重不良反應 Severe reaction (to)

嚴重過敏反應 Serious allergic reaction, Anaphylaxis

反應 Reactor pile

反應 Reaction formula, Chemical reaction formula

反應 Reactor

反應 Reactants, Reactant

反應 Nuclear reactor pile

反應 Atomic reactor, Nuclear reactor, Reactor pile

化學反應 Chemical reaction formula

核能反應 Nuclear reactor

下列各化學反應 In each of the following chemical reactions

暖暖包的內部物質反應 When the contents of a hand warmer react

反應前後 Before and after the reaction, Before and after a reaction

反應程序 Reaction process

反應完成後 After the reaction is complete

反應式寫為 The reaction formula is written as

反應產生的 Reaction produced, Produced by reaction

化學反應的式子 Chemical reaction formula

作為反應或加熱時 For reactions or while heating

盛放物體使其反應或加熱 Hold material while it reacts or is heated

全國藥物不良反應通報中心 National Adverse Drug Reaction Notification Center

如果反應必須在特殊條件下才能進行 If the reaction requires certain conditions in order to proceed

反應產生的氣體 Reaction produced gasses, Gasses produced by reaction

反應產生何種氣體 What kind of gas is produced by the reaction?


肆應 Good at dealing with various matters

肆應之才 One who is good at dealing with various matters, Jack of all trades


順應 Adjust to circumstances


供應 Supply


答應 Promise, Agree to, Reply, Answer, Respond


策應 Act in concert, Act in unison


效應 Effect


感應 Sensor, Sense, Induce, Induction

心電感應 Telepathy

精神感應 Telepathy

感應 Sensed

感應 Sensors

感應 As soon as it sensed

確實感應到了什麼 Sensed something


適應 Adapt to, Get used to

等待眼睛適應 Waiting for their eyes to adjust, Until their eyes adjusted

適應 Adapted, Got used to, Adjusted

適應 Adaptable, Adaptability

你一適應 As soon as you are used to it

適應性強 Adaptable

眼睛適應了陽光 Eyes had adjusted to the sunlight


對應 Corresponding

對應 Relative, Corresponding

對應 Corresponding

與拍攝模式對應的可用功能表 Function Availability According to Shooting Mode Table


不應 Should not

不應該影響到 Should not affect

不應 Should not, Should not have

不應 In short supply, Insufficient supplies to meet demand, Supply does not equal demand

不應該回來的 You shouldn't have come back, You shouldn't have returned

不應該回來的 You shouldn't have come back, You shouldn't have returned


支應 Administer, Look after, Take care of, Take charge of, Be responsible for


報應 Retribution

因果報應 Karma

佛教的因果報應 Karma, Buddhism's karma


相應 Corresponding

相應不理 Ignore, Not answer, Pay no heed to

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