
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 性


Dramatic, Theatric

xiˋ juˋ xingˋ

性 xingˋ
Nature, Character, Temper, Disposition, Quality, Property, Properties, Sex

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Phone , Tone


戲劇 xiˋ juˋ

Words that rhyme with 戲劇性 (yi-yu)

Grouped by first phone

xi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, qi, ti, yi

喜劇 xiˇ juˋ


喜劇片 xiˇ juˋ pianˋ


戲劇 xiˋ juˋ

Drama, Theater, A play

戲劇化 xiˋ juˋ huaˋ

Act out, Pretend, Dramatize

戲劇化地 xiˋ juˋ huaˋ de˙

Dramatically, Acted out, Pretended

戲劇性 xiˋ juˋ xingˋ

Dramatic, Theatric

戲劇性地 xiˋ juˋ xingˋ de˙

Dramatically, Theatrically

吸濾瓶 xi¯ luuˋ pingˊ

Suction filter flask, Vacuum filter flask

吸取 xi¯ quˇ

Absorb, Draw in, Suck up

析取 xi¯ quˇ


析取資料 xi¯ quˇ zi¯ liaoˋ

Extract the information

戲曲 xiˋ quˇ

Drama, Play

細語 xiˋ yuˇ

Speak softly

xi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, qi, ti, yi

比率 biˇ luuˋ

Ratio, Proportion, Relationship

碧綠 biˋ luuˋ


必需 biˋ xu¯

Necessary to, Need to

必須 biˋ xu¯

Must, Have to, Had to, Had to be, Obligatory

必須做記錄 biˋ xu¯ zuoˋ jiˋ luˋ

Had to be recorded, Had to be logged

必須吃 biˋ xu¯ chi¯

Having to eat, Have to eat

必須拿到 biˋ xu¯ naˊ daoˋ

Must get, Need to get, Needs to get, Needed to get

必須拿垃圾出去 biˋ xu¯ naˊ leˋ seˋ chu¯ quˋ

Must take the trash out

必須是 biˋ xu¯ shiˋ

Have to be, Has to be, Had to be

必須有 biˋ xu¯ youˇ

Must have, Must include

必須知道 biˋ xu¯ zhi¯ daoˋ

Need to know

必須突然 biˋ xu¯ tuˊ ranˊ

Suddenly have to, Suddenly has to, Suddenly having to, Suddenly had to, Have to abruptly, Has to abruptly, Having to abruptly, Had to abruptly

必須處理 biˋ xu¯ chuˇ liˇ

Must be taken care of, Had to be taken care of

必須要鎮定下來 biˋ xu¯ yaoˋ zhenˋ dingˋ xiaˋ laiˊ

Needed to calm down, Needed to be calm

必須選拔 biˋ xu¯ xuanˇ baˊ

Must select, Must be selected

必須非常確定 biˋ xu¯ fei¯ changˊ queˋ dingˋ

Would have to be pretty sure

比喻 biˇ yuˋ

Metaphor, Analogy, Conceit

xi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, qi, ti, yi

地區 diˋ qu¯

Region, Area, Location

地區的體育 diˋ qu¯ de˙ tiˇ yuˋ

Local sports, Regional sports

低於 di¯ yuˊ

Below, Under, Underneath

低語 di¯ yuˇ


抵禦 diˇ yuˋ


地域 diˋ yuˋ

Boundary, District, Region

地獄 diˋ yuˋ


地獄火 diˋ yuˋ huoˇ


地獄般 diˋ yuˋ ban¯

Brimstone, Brimstony

xi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, qi, ti, yi

機具 ji¯ juˋ

Machinery, Tool, Implement, Widget

箕踞 ji¯ juˋ

Sit with legs sprawled

急劇 jiˊ juˋ


寄居 jiˋ ju¯

Inhabit, Inhabiting, Inhabited, Live in, Living in, Lived in

幾率 ji¯ luuˋ


機率 ji¯ luuˋ


紀律 jiˋ luuˋ


疾驅 jiˊ qu¯

Fast gallop, Tantivy

汲取 jiˊ quˇ

Derive, Draw

積蓄 ji¯ xuˋ


急需 jiˊ xu¯

In urgent need

繼續 jiˋ xuˋ

Continue, Continuing, Continuous, Continued, Keep going, Kept going

繼續做一陣子 jiˋ xuˋ zuoˋ yiˊ zhenˋ ziˇ

Continue working for a while

繼續前進 jiˋ xuˋ qianˊ jinˋ

Keep moving forward, Proceed, Push on ahead

繼續創設下去 jiˋ xuˋ chuangˋ sheˋ xiaˋ quˋ

Continue to start a company, Continue in founding companies

繼續待下去 jiˋ xuˋ daiˋ xiaˋ quˋ

Stay, Stay in, Stay on

繼續死著 jiˋ xuˋ siˇ zhe˙

Continue being dead

繼續準備好 jiˋ xuˋ zhunˇ beiˋ haoˇ

Keep ready, Keep prepared

繼續走 jiˋ xuˋ zouˇ

Keep going, Keep walking

繼續過自己的人生 jiˋ xuˋ guoˋ ziˋ jiˇ de˙ renˊ sheng¯

Continue with their lives, Go on with their lives

基於 ji¯ yuˊ

Based on

基於很多原因 ji¯ yuˊ henˇ duo¯ yuanˊ yin¯

For many reasons

基於某種迷信 ji¯ yuˊ mouˇ zhongˇ miˊ xinˋ


幾於 ji¯ yuˊ

Almost, Nearly

機遇 ji¯ yuˋ

Opportunity, Chance

急於 jiˊ yuˊ

Anxious, In a hurry, Eager to

給予 jiˇ yuˇ

Give, Grant, Granted, Be granted, Be given, Merit

給予傷痛者 jiˇ yuˇ shang¯ tongˋ zheˇ

Causing pain (in someone else)

xi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, qi, ti, yi

利率 liˋ luuˋ

Interest rate, Interest rates

離去 liˊ quˋ


xi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, qi, ti, yi

米區 miˇ qu¯


謎語 miˊ yuˇ


xi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, qi, ti, yi

起居室 qiˇ ju¯ shiˋ

Living room

器具 qiˋ juˋ

Tool, Device, Implement, Tools, Devices, Implements

其餘 qiˊ yuˊ

The remaining, The remainder, And the remaining, And the remainder

其餘容器 qiˊ yuˊ rongˊ qiˋ

Other containers, Other vessels

旗魚 qiˊ yuˊ


旗語 qiˊ yuˇ

Flag signals

奇遇 qiˊ yuˋ


xi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, qi, ti, yi

體育 tiˇ yuˋ

Physical education, Sports

體育場 tiˇ yuˋ changˇ


體育館 tiˇ yuˋ guanˇ

Gymnasium, Stadium, Arena

xi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, qi, ti, yi

一舉 yi¯ juˇ

In one fell swoop

一舉一動 yi¯ juˇ yi¯ dongˋ

Every move

一舉數得 yi¯ juˇ shuˋ deˊ

Lots of benefits from one action, Kill two birds with one stone (equivalent)

依據 yi¯ juˋ

Based on

依據道耳頓原子說 yi¯ juˋ daoˋ erˇ dunˋ yuanˊ ziˇ shuo¯

According to Dalton's atomic theory

宜居 yiˊ ju¯

Livability, Suitable for living in

移居 yiˊ ju¯


移居回 yiˊ ju¯ huiˊ

Returns, Moves back to

移居回了 yiˊ ju¯ huiˊ le˙

Moved back to, Has or had moved back to

一句也不信 yiˊ juˋ yeˇ buˊ xinˋ

Don't believe a word, Doesn't believe a word, Didn't believe a word

一句口號 yiˊ juˋ kouˇ haoˋ

A slogan, A catchphrase

一句廢話也沒有 yiˊ juˋ feiˋ huaˋ yeˇ meiˊ youˇ

Not wasting words

一句話 yiˊ juˋ huaˋ

In a word, In short, A sentence, One sentence

一句話不說 yiˊ juˋ huaˋ buˋ shuo¯

Didn't speak, Didn't speak a word

一鞠躬 yiˋ ju¯ gong¯


一局 yiˋ juˊ


一舉兩得 yiˋ juˇ liangˇ deˊ

Gain Two Objectives With A Single Act, Kill Two Birds With One Stone

一律 yiˊ luuˋ


疑慮 yiˊ luuˋ

Doubts, Concerns

一去不回的 yiˊ quˋ buˋ huiˊ de˙

Gone for good, Won't ever return

一去不返 yiˊ quˋ buˋ fanˇ

Leave for good, Leave and never return

疫曲 yiˋ qu¯


疫曲株 yiˋ qu¯ zhu¯

Viral strain

疫曲的 yiˋ qu¯ de˙


依序 yi¯ xuˋ

Sequentially, According to rank

依序平衡各種原子 yi¯ xuˋ pingˊ hengˊ geˋ zhongˇ yuanˊ ziˇ

Sequentially balance the various atoms

依序排列 yi¯ xuˋ paiˊ lieˋ

Arranged sequentially, Sorted sequentially

依序排成 yi¯ xuˋ paiˊ chengˊ

Arranged in order, Arranged sequentially

一語不發 yiˋ yuˇ buˋ fa¯

Said nothing, Didn't say anything

抑鬱 yiˋ yuˋ


抑鬱症 yiˋ yuˋ zhengˋ


Grouped in tone pairs

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

碧綠 biˋ luuˋ


地域 diˋ yuˋ

Boundary, District, Region

地獄 diˋ yuˋ


地獄火 diˋ yuˋ huoˇ


地獄般 diˋ yuˋ ban¯

Brimstone, Brimstony

紀律 jiˋ luuˋ


繼續 jiˋ xuˋ

Continue, Continuing, Continuous, Continued, Keep going, Kept going

繼續做一陣子 jiˋ xuˋ zuoˋ yiˊ zhenˋ ziˇ

Continue working for a while

繼續前進 jiˋ xuˋ qianˊ jinˋ

Keep moving forward, Proceed, Push on ahead

繼續創設下去 jiˋ xuˋ chuangˋ sheˋ xiaˋ quˋ

Continue to start a company, Continue in founding companies

繼續待下去 jiˋ xuˋ daiˋ xiaˋ quˋ

Stay, Stay in, Stay on

繼續死著 jiˋ xuˋ siˇ zhe˙

Continue being dead

繼續準備好 jiˋ xuˋ zhunˇ beiˋ haoˇ

Keep ready, Keep prepared

繼續走 jiˋ xuˋ zouˇ

Keep going, Keep walking

繼續過自己的人生 jiˋ xuˋ guoˋ ziˋ jiˇ de˙ renˊ sheng¯

Continue with their lives, Go on with their lives

利率 liˋ luuˋ

Interest rate, Interest rates

器具 qiˋ juˋ

Tool, Device, Implement, Tools, Devices, Implements

戲劇 xiˋ juˋ

Drama, Theater, A play

戲劇化 xiˋ juˋ huaˋ

Act out, Pretend, Dramatize

戲劇化地 xiˋ juˋ huaˋ de˙

Dramatically, Acted out, Pretended

戲劇性 xiˋ juˋ xingˋ

Dramatic, Theatric

戲劇性地 xiˋ juˋ xingˋ de˙

Dramatically, Theatrically

抑鬱 yiˋ yuˋ


抑鬱症 yiˋ yuˋ zhengˋ


44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

低於 di¯ yuˊ

Below, Under, Underneath

基於 ji¯ yuˊ

Based on

基於很多原因 ji¯ yuˊ henˇ duo¯ yuanˊ yin¯

For many reasons

基於某種迷信 ji¯ yuˊ mouˇ zhongˇ miˊ xinˋ


幾於 ji¯ yuˊ

Almost, Nearly

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

低語 di¯ yuˇ


吸取 xi¯ quˇ

Absorb, Draw in, Suck up

析取 xi¯ quˇ


析取資料 xi¯ quˇ zi¯ liaoˋ

Extract the information

一舉 yi¯ juˇ

In one fell swoop

一舉一動 yi¯ juˇ yi¯ dongˋ

Every move

一舉數得 yi¯ juˇ shuˋ deˊ

Lots of benefits from one action, Kill two birds with one stone (equivalent)

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

機具 ji¯ juˋ

Machinery, Tool, Implement, Widget

箕踞 ji¯ juˋ

Sit with legs sprawled

幾率 ji¯ luuˋ


機率 ji¯ luuˋ


積蓄 ji¯ xuˋ


機遇 ji¯ yuˋ

Opportunity, Chance

吸濾瓶 xi¯ luuˋ pingˊ

Suction filter flask, Vacuum filter flask

依據 yi¯ juˋ

Based on

依據道耳頓原子說 yi¯ juˋ daoˋ erˇ dunˋ yuanˊ ziˇ shuo¯

According to Dalton's atomic theory

依序 yi¯ xuˋ

Sequentially, According to rank

依序平衡各種原子 yi¯ xuˋ pingˊ hengˊ geˋ zhongˇ yuanˊ ziˇ

Sequentially balance the various atoms

依序排列 yi¯ xuˋ paiˊ lieˋ

Arranged sequentially, Sorted sequentially

依序排成 yi¯ xuˋ paiˊ chengˊ

Arranged in order, Arranged sequentially

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

疾驅 jiˊ qu¯

Fast gallop, Tantivy

急需 jiˊ xu¯

In urgent need

宜居 yiˊ ju¯

Livability, Suitable for living in

移居 yiˊ ju¯


移居回 yiˊ ju¯ huiˊ

Returns, Moves back to

移居回了 yiˊ ju¯ huiˊ le˙

Moved back to, Has or had moved back to

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

急於 jiˊ yuˊ

Anxious, In a hurry, Eager to

其餘 qiˊ yuˊ

The remaining, The remainder, And the remaining, And the remainder

其餘容器 qiˊ yuˊ rongˊ qiˋ

Other containers, Other vessels

旗魚 qiˊ yuˊ


44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

汲取 jiˊ quˇ

Derive, Draw

謎語 miˊ yuˇ


旗語 qiˊ yuˇ

Flag signals

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

急劇 jiˊ juˋ


離去 liˊ quˋ


奇遇 qiˊ yuˋ


一句也不信 yiˊ juˋ yeˇ buˊ xinˋ

Don't believe a word, Doesn't believe a word, Didn't believe a word

一句口號 yiˊ juˋ kouˇ haoˋ

A slogan, A catchphrase

一句廢話也沒有 yiˊ juˋ feiˋ huaˋ yeˇ meiˊ youˇ

Not wasting words

一句話 yiˊ juˋ huaˋ

In a word, In short, A sentence, One sentence

一句話不說 yiˊ juˋ huaˋ buˋ shuo¯

Didn't speak, Didn't speak a word

一律 yiˊ luuˋ


疑慮 yiˊ luuˋ

Doubts, Concerns

一去不回的 yiˊ quˋ buˋ huiˊ de˙

Gone for good, Won't ever return

一去不返 yiˊ quˋ buˋ fanˇ

Leave for good, Leave and never return

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

米區 miˇ qu¯


起居室 qiˇ ju¯ shiˋ

Living room

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

給予 jiˇ yuˇ

Give, Grant, Granted, Be granted, Be given, Merit

給予傷痛者 jiˇ yuˇ shang¯ tongˋ zheˇ

Causing pain (in someone else)

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

比率 biˇ luuˋ

Ratio, Proportion, Relationship

比喻 biˇ yuˋ

Metaphor, Analogy, Conceit

抵禦 diˇ yuˋ


體育 tiˇ yuˋ

Physical education, Sports

體育場 tiˇ yuˋ changˇ


體育館 tiˇ yuˋ guanˇ

Gymnasium, Stadium, Arena

喜劇 xiˇ juˋ


喜劇片 xiˇ juˋ pianˋ


44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

必需 biˋ xu¯

Necessary to, Need to

必須 biˋ xu¯

Must, Have to, Had to, Had to be, Obligatory

必須做記錄 biˋ xu¯ zuoˋ jiˋ luˋ

Had to be recorded, Had to be logged

必須吃 biˋ xu¯ chi¯

Having to eat, Have to eat

必須拿到 biˋ xu¯ naˊ daoˋ

Must get, Need to get, Needs to get, Needed to get

必須拿垃圾出去 biˋ xu¯ naˊ leˋ seˋ chu¯ quˋ

Must take the trash out

必須是 biˋ xu¯ shiˋ

Have to be, Has to be, Had to be

必須有 biˋ xu¯ youˇ

Must have, Must include

必須知道 biˋ xu¯ zhi¯ daoˋ

Need to know

必須突然 biˋ xu¯ tuˊ ranˊ

Suddenly have to, Suddenly has to, Suddenly having to, Suddenly had to, Have to abruptly, Has to abruptly, Having to abruptly, Had to abruptly

必須處理 biˋ xu¯ chuˇ liˇ

Must be taken care of, Had to be taken care of

必須要鎮定下來 biˋ xu¯ yaoˋ zhenˋ dingˋ xiaˋ laiˊ

Needed to calm down, Needed to be calm

必須選拔 biˋ xu¯ xuanˇ baˊ

Must select, Must be selected

必須非常確定 biˋ xu¯ fei¯ changˊ queˋ dingˋ

Would have to be pretty sure

地區 diˋ qu¯

Region, Area, Location

地區的體育 diˋ qu¯ de˙ tiˇ yuˋ

Local sports, Regional sports

寄居 jiˋ ju¯

Inhabit, Inhabiting, Inhabited, Live in, Living in, Lived in

一鞠躬 yiˋ ju¯ gong¯


疫曲 yiˋ qu¯


疫曲株 yiˋ qu¯ zhu¯

Viral strain

疫曲的 yiˋ qu¯ de˙


44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

一局 yiˋ juˊ


44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

戲曲 xiˋ quˇ

Drama, Play

細語 xiˋ yuˇ

Speak softly

一舉兩得 yiˋ juˇ liangˇ deˊ

Gain Two Objectives With A Single Act, Kill Two Birds With One Stone

一語不發 yiˋ yuˇ buˋ fa¯

Said nothing, Didn't say anything


丨-虍 : > : > [戲]-戲劇 : > [戲]-戲劇性 >

丨-虍 : > : > [劇]-戲劇 : > [劇]-戲劇性 >

丶-忄 : > : > [性]-劇性 : > [性]-戲劇性 >

戲劇性 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 性

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