Hand, Hands, Hand Made, Do By Hand, Skilled
Word Links for words containing 手 (sorted via character pairs)
手臂 Arm, Arms
一隻手臂 One arm
伸長手臂 Stretched out an arm, Stretch the arms, Reached an arm out
你的手臂 Your arm
妳的手臂 Your arm
機器手臂 Mechanical arm, Mechanical arms, Manipulator arm, Manipulator arms
機械手臂 Robot arm, Robot arms
粗壯的手臂 Thick arms
鷹式的手臂 Eagle Arms
用他們的手臂 Using their arms
手臂和腿 Arms and legs
他的手臂和腿 His arms and legs
她的手臂和腿 Her arms and legs
手臂肌力 Strengthening the arm muscles
手臂肌肉 Arm Muscles, Muscles of the arm
感覺手臂肌肉 Feel (the) arm muscles
手臂向前伸 Arm reaching forward, Arms reaching forward, Stretch the arm forward, Stretch the arms forward
手臂向後伸 Arm reaching back, Arms reaching back, Stretch the arm back, Stretch the arms back
手臂伸到頭上 Arms stretched overhead
將兩隻手臂伸到 Reach both arms
用他們的手臂努力捕捉 Tried to catch in their arms
手肘 Elbow, Elbows
一隻手肘 An elbow
手肘彎曲 Bend elbows
手肘彎曲使 Bend elbows so that
只能到達他的手肘前 Didn't reach past his elbows
似乎只能到達他的手肘前 Didn't seem to reach past his elbows
一隻手肘撞進他的胸口 An elbow crashed into his chest
一隻手肘撞進她的胸口 An elbow crashed into her chest
手腕 Wrist
揪住他的手腕 Grab his wrist, Grabs his wrist, Grabbed his wrist
揪住她的手腕 Grabbed her wrist
手腕的 Wrist's
手腕骨折 Broken wrist
他的手腕被抓住 His wrist was grabbed
她的手腕被抓住 Her wrist was grabbed
手腳 Hands and feet
手腳大張 Arms and legs sprawled apart
手腳的支點 Finger and toe holds, Hand and foot holds
一面爬一面拚命尋找手腳的支點 Struggled for finger and toe holds while climbing
他一面爬一面拚命尋找手腳的支點 He struggled for finger and toe holds while climbing
手續 Procedures, Formalities, Red tape
繁瑣手續 Red tape
手續費 Handling fee
轉帳手續費 Money transfer handling fee, ATM fee
手動 Manual (as opposed to automatic)
手動對焦 Manual Focus, Focusing Manually
手動曝光 Manual exposure
手動清潔 Manual cleaning
手術 Surgery, Surgical procedure, Operation
做了手術 Did the surgery, Had the surgery
手術室 Operating room
手術後 After surgery, After the surgery
到手的現金 Cash in hand, Cash
尋找比較容易到手的現金 Look for cash on easier terms, Looking for an easier way to get cash
本該是手的地方 Where a hand should be, Where hands should be
手法 Workmanship, Artistry
寫作手法 Writing style
敘事手法 Narrative technique
魔術手法 Sleight-of-hand
玩的是一樣的手法 Play the same way, Playing in the same way, Run the same racket, Running the same racket
手裡 In one's hand, In one's hands
他手裡有 Had in his hand
手裡拿著 Hand holding
手裡提著 Carrying by hand, Carrying, Holding in the hands, Holding
手裡握著 Holding, Gripping
手掌 Palm, Palms, Hand, Hands
他張開手掌 Opened his palm, Opened his hand
生繭的手掌 Callused palm, Callused hand
手掌朝外 Palm facing out, Palm out, Palms facing out
將手掌上的鮮血舔去 Licked the blood of their palms
你就逃不出我的手掌心了 You can't escape my grasp
妳就逃不出我的手掌心了 You can't escape my grasp
手工 Hand made
做手工 Do it by hand, Does it by hand, Doing it by hand, Did it by hand, Doing it manually,
手工織雕 Hand woven and sculpted
做手工組合 Manually assembling, Assemble by hand, Assembling by hand, Assembled by hand
八粒手工水餃 Eight hand made dumplings, 8 hand made dumplings
手中 In the hand, Held in the hand
在他捧起的手中 In his cupped hand, In his cupped hands
手中的 Held in the hand
手中拿著 Holding (in their hands)
手上 On hand, Available
手上的 On hand, Available, At hand
手上拿著 Carrying
手上的工作 Task at hand
為手上的工作特別設計 Designed specifically for the task at hand
他用手背揉眼睛時 While rubbing his eye with the back of his hand, As he rubbed his eye with the back of his hand
手套 Gloves
戴手套 Wear gloves
白手套 White glove, White gloves
棒球手套 Baseball glove
廚房用手套 Kitchen gloves
他的棒球手套 His baseball glove
戴了手套的手 Gloved hand
他從手套中取出左手 He withdrew his left hand from the glove
把戴了手套的手插入泥土 Stick a gloved hand into dirt
手杖 Cane, Walking-stick
用手杖 Using a cane, With a cane, With a walking stick
手杖式 Staff Pose, Dandasana
用手杖遙戳 Poked with a cane
他用手杖遙戳 He jabbed his cane, He poked his cane, He used his walking-stick to poke at
手機 Mobile phone, Cell phone
玩手機 Play on the phone
手機打 Call from cellphone
手機直撥 Mobile direct dial
手指 Finger, Fingers
一根手指 A finger
削掉手指 Cut fingers off, Slice fingers off
魔法手指 Magic fingers
她彈了手指 She snapped her fingers, She clicked her fingers
您可用手指 You (polite) can use fingers
手指比成手槍 Used fingers to mimic a gun
扣扳機的手指 Trigger finger
手指甲 Finger nail, Finger nails
手指頭 Finger, Fingers
用手跟手指來 Use hand and fingers to, Use hands and fingers to
手指關節 Finger Joints
手指頭很長很長 Long fingered
您可用手指按下以將其收回 You can use your fingers to push it back down
手捂著嘴 Hand covered their mouth, Put their hand over their mouth, Put one's hand over one's mouth
她的手捂著嘴 Her hand covered her mouth
脫手 Sell out, Dispose of, Make hands bare
他的長劍脫手 His sword fell from his hand
她的長劍脫手 Her sword fell from her hand
助手 Assistant, Assistants
其助手 Assistant, His or her or their assistant
在助手的協助下 With the help of the assistant
叫助手上茶 Call an assistant for tea, Calls an assistant for tea, Calling an assistant for tea, Called for tea from an assistant
出手 Reach out a hand, Offer, Sell, Take on work
伸出手 Reaching out a hand, Extend a hand, Extended a hand
她伸出手 She extended a hand, She held out a hand
伸出手了 Reached out
一定是伸出手了 Probably reached out, Must have reached out
他一定是伸出手了 He probably reached out, He must have reached out
伸出手來輕輕摸一下 Reach out to lightly touch, Reach out to brush
順手 Smooth operation, Handy
不順手 Not smooth, Not handy
用不順手 Difficult to use
四處張望找什麼順手可以用力拍死它的東西 Look around for something handy to swat it with
一隻手 One hand, A hand
另隻手 Other hand
那隻手 That hand
另一隻手 Other hand
他空著的那隻手 His empty hand
抓起他空著的那隻手 Grabbed his empty hand
雙手 Both hands, Hands
伸出雙手 Reached out with both hands
揮揮雙手 Flapped both hands
舉起雙手 Raise both hands, Raised both hands
朝他伸出雙手 Holding out both hands towards him
雙手臂 Arms, Both arms
雙手掩臉 Covering their face with their hands, Hands over their face
雙手交叉 Hands clasped, Fingers interlaced
雙手交握 Hands clasped
伸手 Reach out a hand, Reach out to grab, Reach, Reached
伸手到 Reached to, Extended a hand to
伸手去接 Reach out to touch, Reached out and touched
他伸手到大衣裡 He reached into his coat, He reached into his jacket
他伸手要推她 He reached out to push her
她伸手要推他 She reached out to push him
動手 Start work, Start working on, Get to work (on), use hands, Move hands, Raise hand to strike
擺動手 Wave hand
動手術 Operate on a patient surgically, Perform an operation on a patient, Have a surgical operation
得手 Succeed
輕易得手 Easy to accomplish, Easy to achieve, Achieve easily
能輕易得手 Had the ability to do it with ease
他是能輕易得手的 He could have easily done it
伸出的手 Extended hand, Offered hand
捧起的手 Cupped hand, Cupped hands
握拳的手 Closed fist, Fisted hand
獻出他的手 Offered his hand
戴了手套的手 Gloved hand
那隻揪緊的手 That single grabbing hand
拿手 Good at, Adept, Expert (at)
拿手的 Favorite
拿手電筒 Holding a flashlight, Holding flashlights
最拿手的事 Does best
拿手電筒照在他身上 Holding a flashlight on him, Illuminating him with a flashlight
分手 Split up (as in girl friend and boyfriend), Separate
分手了 Split up, Broke up, Separated
他們分手了 They've split up
著手 Commence, Get on with, Start, Begin
背著手 Hands clasped behind back
他垂著手 He dropped his hands, He lowered his hands
她垂著手 She dropped her hands, She lowered her hands
打著手機 Speak on a cellphone, Spoke on a cellphone
枕著手臂 Pillowed on arms
空著手離開 Leave empty handed
一隻戴著手套的拳頭 A gloved fist
一手 One hand
另一手 Other hand
第一手 First hand
舉起一手 Raised a hand
緊抓在一手 Clutching in one hand
一手搞定 Single-handed, Single-handedly
一手拿著雜誌 Holding a magazine in one hand
一手拿著冰啤酒 Holding a cold beer in one hand
另一手拿著咖啡 Had a coffee in the other hand, Had a cup of coffee in the other hand
一手在牆壁上摸索 Felt along the wall with one hand
我總是一手拿著筆記本 I always had the notebook in one hand, I always held the book in one hand
下手 Assistant, Start something, Commit a crime
實際下手 Actually performed the act
實際下手殺害他的女人 The woman who did the actual killing, The woman who actually committed his murder
兩手 Both hands
他舉起兩手 He lifted his hands, He lifted both hands
兩手指尖 Finger tips of both hands, Finger tips
兩手捂著臉 Cover your face with your hands, Covered his face with his hands, Covered her face with her hands, They'd covered their faces with their hands
兩手撐在臀上 Hands on hips
兩手搭在膝蓋上 Hands on knees
他兩手抱胸 He crossed his arms, He folded his arms
她兩手抱胸 She crossed her arms, She folded her arms
他兩手搓了搓 He rubbed his hands, He rubbed his hands together
她兩手搓了搓 She rubbed his hands, She rubbed her hands together
二手 Second hand, Used
一家二手家具店 A second hand furniture store
二手店 Second-hand store
二手車 Second-hand car
上手 Start, Started, Begin, Outset, Beginning, Seat of honor, Left-hand seat
還沒上手 Hadn't yet started, Hadn't even started, Hadn't even began to
幫手 Help, Helper, Assistant
小幫手 Little helper
好幫手走 Good helper, Good help
我們該把所有幫手都召集起來 We need all the help we can get
棘手 Tricky, Difficult, Challenging
在情況變得棘手以前 Before things got rough
棘手的 Tricky, Difficult, Challenging
最棘手的 Most challenging, Biggest challenge
殺手 Killer, Killers
我是個殺手 I am a killer
逍遙法外的殺手 Killer on the loose
空前絕後的偉大殺手 The greatest killer ever known, The greatest killer of all time
右手 Right hand
右手食指 Right index finger
右手邊 On the right, On the right hand side, To the right
眼前右手邊 Ahead and to the right, Ahead and on the right
左手 Left hand
他從手套中取出左手 He withdrew his left hand from the glove
用左手寫印刷字體 Use the left hand to write with or print, Write with the left hand
把手 Handle, Handles, Hold hands, Take hands, Place hands
一把手 Number one
車把手 Handle bars
推車把手 Shopping cart push bar
把手杖 Taking the walking-stick
把手伸進 Reach hand, Reaching hands into
把手拿開 Take hands off, Take hand off, Takes hand off, Taking hand off, Took hand off
把手杖尖 Taking the tip of the walking stick
把手臂往後舉 Reach the arms back
握手 Hand shake, Shake hands
握握手 Shake hands
他們雙方握手 They shook hands
他們雙方握手後 After they shook hands
揮手 Wave, Waves, Waving, Waved, Wave hand, Wave goodbye
朝下面的小孩們揮手 Wave at the children below, Waved at the children below
揮手召喚 Beckoned, Gestured
揮手回應 Wave back, Waved back
朝她揮手回應 Wave back to her, Waved back to her
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