
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 怪


Like hell!, As if!

caiˊ guaiˋ

怪 guaiˋ
Blame, Strange, Unusual, Queer, Peculiar

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 才怪 (ai-wai)

Grouped by first phone

cai, bai, hai, pai, tai, zai

才怪 caiˊ guaiˋ

Like hell!, As if!

cai, bai, hai, pai, tai, zai

敗壞 baiˋ huaiˋ


cai, bai, hai, pai, tai, zai

海怪 haiˇ guaiˋ

Sea monster

海外 haiˇ waiˋ


cai, bai, hai, pai, tai, zai

徘徊 paiˊ huaiˊ

To wander

cai, bai, hai, pai, tai, zai

太快 taiˋ kuaiˋ

Too fast

cai, bai, hai, pai, tai, zai

在外 zaiˋ waiˋ

On the outside

在外灘 zaiˋ waiˋ tan¯

On the Bund, Along the Bund

在外灘一串老樓之中 zaiˋ waiˋ tan¯ yiˊ chuanˋ laoˇ louˊ zhi¯ zhong¯

Among a bunch of old buildings on the Bund, In one of the old buildings along the Bund

在外面 zaiˋ waiˋ mianˋ

Outside, Outdoors

Grouped in tone pairs

24, 22, 34, 44

才怪 caiˊ guaiˋ

Like hell!, As if!

24, 22, 34, 44

徘徊 paiˊ huaiˊ

To wander

24, 22, 34, 44

海怪 haiˇ guaiˋ

Sea monster

海外 haiˇ waiˋ


24, 22, 34, 44

敗壞 baiˋ huaiˋ


太快 taiˋ kuaiˋ

Too fast

在外 zaiˋ waiˋ

On the outside

在外灘 zaiˋ waiˋ tan¯

On the Bund, Along the Bund

在外灘一串老樓之中 zaiˋ waiˋ tan¯ yiˊ chuanˋ laoˇ louˊ zhi¯ zhong¯

Among a bunch of old buildings on the Bund, In one of the old buildings along the Bund

在外面 zaiˋ waiˋ mianˋ

Outside, Outdoors


十-巿 : > : > [才]-才怪 : > [才]-才怪 >

丶-忄 : > : > [怪]-才怪 : > [怪]-才怪 >

才怪 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 怪

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