
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 食


Look for food

zhaoˇ shiˊ wuˋ

食 shiˊ, siˋ
Feed, Eat, Food, Food Items, Edible, Index Finger, (Si4)

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Phone , Tone


食物 shiˊ wuˋ

Words that rhyme with 找食物 (ao-i)

Grouped by first phone

zhao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao

找食物 zhaoˇ shiˊ wuˋ

Look for food

肇事 zhaoˋ shiˋ

Person at fault in an accident, Party at fault

zhao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao

熬日子 aoˊ riˋ zi˙

Experience hard times

zhao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao

保持 baoˇ chiˊ

Keep, Hold, Maintain, Remain

保持一致 baoˇ chiˊ yiˊ zhiˋ

Be consistant with, Agree with

保持乾燥 baoˇ chiˊ gan¯ zaoˋ

Keep dry

保持低庫存 baoˇ chiˊ di¯ kuˋ cunˊ

Keep inventory low, Keeping inventory low

保持在上方 baoˇ chiˊ zaiˋ shangˋ fang¯

Stayed aloft, Kept station overhead

保持懸浮 baoˇ chiˊ xuanˊ fuˊ

Kept hanging, Hung

保持敞開的狀態 baoˇ chiˊ changˇ kai¯ de˙ zhuangˋ taiˋ

Kept open, Stay open

保持清醒 baoˇ chiˊ qing¯ xingˇ

Stayed sober, Stayed wide awake

保持站立 baoˇ chiˊ zhanˋ liˋ

Remain standing, Remained standing

保持自動對焦點覆蓋主體 baoˇ chiˊ ziˋ dongˋ duiˋ jiao¯ dianˇ fuˋ gaiˋ zhuˇ tiˇ

Keep auto focus point over the subject

保持警戒 baoˇ chiˊ jingˇ jieˋ

Remain alert, Keep alert, Remain vigilant, Stay vigilant

保持距離 baoˇ chiˊ juˋ liˊ

Maintain distance, Maintain separation

寶石 baoˇ shiˊ


保釋 baoˇ shiˋ

Bail out

保釋了出去 baoˇ shiˋ le˙ chu¯ quˋ

Bailed out

保質期 baoˇ zhiˋ qi¯

Shelf life

報紙 baoˋ zhiˇ


孢子 bao¯ ziˇ


包子 bao¯ zi˙


zhao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao

操之 cao¯ zhi¯

Controlled by, Made by

zhao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao

超市 chao¯ shiˋ

Super market

潮溼 chaoˊ shi¯


潮濕 chaoˊ shi¯

Humid, Damp

超值 chao¯ zhiˊ

Excellent value

超自然 chao¯ ziˋ ranˊ


超自然小說 chao¯ ziˋ ranˊ xiaoˇ shuo¯

Supernatural novel

zhao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao

導師 daoˇ shi¯

Teacher, Instructor

到十四歲 daoˋ shiˊ siˋ suiˋ

Until the age of fourteen

到實際應用彷彿還有很長的路 daoˋ shiˊ jiˋ ying¯ yongˋ pangˊ fuˊ haiˊ youˇ henˇ changˊ de˙ luˋ

Practical applications seemed a long way off

到時候 daoˋ shiˊ houˋ

By that time

到時候就來不及了 daoˋ shiˊ houˋ jiuˋ laiˊ buˋ jiˊ le˙

By that time it would be too late

到時可能就來不及了 daoˋ shiˊ keˇ nengˊ jiuˋ laiˊ buˋ jiˊ le˙

By then it may be too late

到時後 daoˋ shiˊ houˋ

And then (after)

倒是 daoˋ shiˋ

However, Contrary to what one might expect

導至 daoˇ zhiˋ

The result was, Leading to, Resulting in, Causing

導致 daoˇ zhiˋ

Cause, Causes, Causing, Caused, Lead to, Leads to, Leading to, Led to, Result in, Results in, Resulting in, Resulted in, Render, Renders, Rendering, Rendered

刀子 dao¯ ziˇ


zhao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao

告辭 gaoˋ ciˊ

Farewell, Take leave, Say goodbye, Bid farewell

高士佛社 gao¯ shiˋ foˊ sheˋ

Gaoshifo tribe, Botans, One of eighteen Hengchun peninsula tribes

告示 gaoˋ shiˋ

Official notice, Inform, Announce, Proclaim

高斯 gao¯ si¯


告知 gaoˋ zhi¯

Notify, Update, Tell, Leep informed

告知了 gaoˋ zhi¯ le˙

Told, Informed, Advised

稿子 gaoˇ ziˇ

Manuscript, Draft, Sketch

zhao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao

好吃 haoˇ chi¯


好吃的食物 haoˇ chi¯ de˙ shiˊ wuˋ

Delicious food

好日子 haoˇ riˋ ziˇ

Good day

好事 haoˇ shiˋ

Good deed, Something that went well

耗時 haoˋ shiˊ

Time consuming

好似 haoˇ siˋ


號子 haoˋ zi˙

Work song sung to synchronize movement, Marching song

zhao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao

考試 kaoˇ shiˋ

Take a test, Test, Exam

靠勢 kaoˋ shiˋ

Lean Forward

zhao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao

老師 laoˇ shi¯


老師不小心瞄到我的卷子 laoˇ shi¯ buˋ xiaoˇ xin¯ miaoˊ daoˋ woˇ de˙ juanˋ ziˇ

Teacher accidentally saw my test paper

老師叫大家說出畢業以後要做什麼 laoˇ shi¯ jiaoˋ daˋ jia¯ shuo¯ chu¯ biˋ yeˋ yiˇ houˋ yaoˋ zuoˋ sheˊ me˙

The teacher asked everyone to say what they wanted to do after graduating, The teacher had asked everyone to declare what they wanted to do when they finished school

老師指導 laoˇ shi¯ zhiˇ daoˇ

Teacher's instructions, Teacher's guidance

老師的辦公桌上 laoˇ shi¯ de˙ banˋ gong¯ zhuo¯ shangˋ

Teacher's desk

老師讀 laoˇ shi¯ duˊ

Teacher said (reading aloud)

老實 laoˇ shiˊ

Honest, Truthful, Frank, Well behaved

老實說 laoˇ shiˊ shuo¯

Honestly say, To be honest, Truthful

老式 laoˇ shiˋ


老式槍機來福槍 laoˇ shiˋ qiang¯ ji¯ laiˊ fuˊ qiang¯

Old-fashioned bolt-action rifle

老是 laoˇ shiˋ

Keep (doing), Always

勞斯萊斯 laoˊ si¯ laiˊ si¯

Rolls Royce

老子 laoˇ ziˇ

Founder of Taoism Lao Tse

老字號 laoˇ ziˋ haoˋ

Time-honored brand

絡子 laoˋ zi˙

Small net

zhao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao

茂齒 maoˋ chiˇ

Prime of life

貓式 mao¯ shiˋ

Cat Pose, Bidalasana

帽子 maoˋ zi˙


帽子拉得低低的 maoˋ zi˙ la¯ de˙ di¯ di¯ de˙

Hat pulled low, Pulled their hat down low

zhao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao

鬧事 naoˋ shiˋ

Make trouble

腦子清醒 naoˇ ziˇ qing¯ xingˇ

Clear headed

腦子清醒的人 naoˇ ziˇ qing¯ xingˇ de˙ renˊ

Clear headed person

腦子的活動讓他興奮異常 naoˇ ziˇ de˙ huoˊ dongˋ rangˋ ta¯ xingˋ fenˋ yiˋ changˊ

The workings of his mind excited him, Exhilarated by the workings of his mind

腦子 naoˇ zi˙


zhao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao

拋之腦後 pao¯ zhi¯ naoˇ houˋ

Leave behind, Forget

袍子 paoˊ zi˙

Gown, Robe

zhao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao

掃視 saoˇ shiˋ

Glance, Sweep eyes over

嫂子 saoˇ zi˙


zhao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao

燒蝕 shao¯ shiˊ


燒蝕技巧 shao¯ shiˊ jiˋ qiaoˇ

Ablative technique, Ablation technique

燒製 shao¯ zhiˋ


燒製陶器 shao¯ zhiˋ taoˊ qiˋ

Fired pottery

少之又少 shaoˇ zhi¯ youˋ shaoˇ

Few and far between

勺子 shaoˊ zi˙


哨子 shaoˋ zi˙


哨子的聲音又響又亮 shaoˋ zi˙ de˙ sheng¯ yin¯ youˋ xiangˇ youˋ liangˋ

The sound of the whistle was loud and distinctive

zhao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao

陶瓷 taoˊ ciˊ

Porcelain, Ceramic

陶瓷纖維網 taoˊ ciˊ xian¯ weiˊ wangˇ

Ceramic fiber mesh

桃子 taoˊ zi˙


zhao, ao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, pao, sao, shao, tao, zao

造詞 zaoˋ ciˊ


造次 zaoˋ ciˋ

Rash, Urgent, Hasty

早日 zaoˇ riˋ


早日康復 zaoˇ riˋ kang¯ fuˋ

Get well soon

造紙術 zaoˋ zhiˇ shuˋ


Grouped in tone pairs

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

保持 baoˇ chiˊ

Keep, Hold, Maintain, Remain

保持一致 baoˇ chiˊ yiˊ zhiˋ

Be consistant with, Agree with

保持乾燥 baoˇ chiˊ gan¯ zaoˋ

Keep dry

保持低庫存 baoˇ chiˊ di¯ kuˋ cunˊ

Keep inventory low, Keeping inventory low

保持在上方 baoˇ chiˊ zaiˋ shangˋ fang¯

Stayed aloft, Kept station overhead

保持懸浮 baoˇ chiˊ xuanˊ fuˊ

Kept hanging, Hung

保持敞開的狀態 baoˇ chiˊ changˇ kai¯ de˙ zhuangˋ taiˋ

Kept open, Stay open

保持清醒 baoˇ chiˊ qing¯ xingˇ

Stayed sober, Stayed wide awake

保持站立 baoˇ chiˊ zhanˋ liˋ

Remain standing, Remained standing

保持自動對焦點覆蓋主體 baoˇ chiˊ ziˋ dongˋ duiˋ jiao¯ dianˇ fuˋ gaiˋ zhuˇ tiˇ

Keep auto focus point over the subject

保持警戒 baoˇ chiˊ jingˇ jieˋ

Remain alert, Keep alert, Remain vigilant, Stay vigilant

保持距離 baoˇ chiˊ juˋ liˊ

Maintain distance, Maintain separation

寶石 baoˇ shiˊ


老實 laoˇ shiˊ

Honest, Truthful, Frank, Well behaved

老實說 laoˇ shiˊ shuo¯

Honestly say, To be honest, Truthful

找食物 zhaoˇ shiˊ wuˋ

Look for food

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

操之 cao¯ zhi¯

Controlled by, Made by

高斯 gao¯ si¯


拋之腦後 pao¯ zhi¯ naoˇ houˋ

Leave behind, Forget

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

超值 chao¯ zhiˊ

Excellent value

燒蝕 shao¯ shiˊ


燒蝕技巧 shao¯ shiˊ jiˋ qiaoˇ

Ablative technique, Ablation technique

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

孢子 bao¯ ziˇ


刀子 dao¯ ziˇ


32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

超市 chao¯ shiˋ

Super market

超自然 chao¯ ziˋ ranˊ


超自然小說 chao¯ ziˋ ranˊ xiaoˇ shuo¯

Supernatural novel

高士佛社 gao¯ shiˋ foˊ sheˋ

Gaoshifo tribe, Botans, One of eighteen Hengchun peninsula tribes

貓式 mao¯ shiˋ

Cat Pose, Bidalasana

燒製 shao¯ zhiˋ


燒製陶器 shao¯ zhiˋ taoˊ qiˋ

Fired pottery

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

包子 bao¯ zi˙


32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

潮溼 chaoˊ shi¯


潮濕 chaoˊ shi¯

Humid, Damp

勞斯萊斯 laoˊ si¯ laiˊ si¯

Rolls Royce

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

陶瓷 taoˊ ciˊ

Porcelain, Ceramic

陶瓷纖維網 taoˊ ciˊ xian¯ weiˊ wangˇ

Ceramic fiber mesh

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

熬日子 aoˊ riˋ zi˙

Experience hard times

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

袍子 paoˊ zi˙

Gown, Robe

勺子 shaoˊ zi˙


桃子 taoˊ zi˙


32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

導師 daoˇ shi¯

Teacher, Instructor

好吃 haoˇ chi¯


好吃的食物 haoˇ chi¯ de˙ shiˊ wuˋ

Delicious food

老師 laoˇ shi¯


老師不小心瞄到我的卷子 laoˇ shi¯ buˋ xiaoˇ xin¯ miaoˊ daoˋ woˇ de˙ juanˋ ziˇ

Teacher accidentally saw my test paper

老師叫大家說出畢業以後要做什麼 laoˇ shi¯ jiaoˋ daˋ jia¯ shuo¯ chu¯ biˋ yeˋ yiˇ houˋ yaoˋ zuoˋ sheˊ me˙

The teacher asked everyone to say what they wanted to do after graduating, The teacher had asked everyone to declare what they wanted to do when they finished school

老師指導 laoˇ shi¯ zhiˇ daoˇ

Teacher's instructions, Teacher's guidance

老師的辦公桌上 laoˇ shi¯ de˙ banˋ gong¯ zhuo¯ shangˋ

Teacher's desk

老師讀 laoˇ shi¯ duˊ

Teacher said (reading aloud)

少之又少 shaoˇ zhi¯ youˋ shaoˇ

Few and far between

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

稿子 gaoˇ ziˇ

Manuscript, Draft, Sketch

老子 laoˇ ziˇ

Founder of Taoism Lao Tse

腦子清醒 naoˇ ziˇ qing¯ xingˇ

Clear headed

腦子清醒的人 naoˇ ziˇ qing¯ xingˇ de˙ renˊ

Clear headed person

腦子的活動讓他興奮異常 naoˇ ziˇ de˙ huoˊ dongˋ rangˋ ta¯ xingˋ fenˋ yiˋ changˊ

The workings of his mind excited him, Exhilarated by the workings of his mind

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

保釋 baoˇ shiˋ

Bail out

保釋了出去 baoˇ shiˋ le˙ chu¯ quˋ

Bailed out

保質期 baoˇ zhiˋ qi¯

Shelf life

導至 daoˇ zhiˋ

The result was, Leading to, Resulting in, Causing

導致 daoˇ zhiˋ

Cause, Causes, Causing, Caused, Lead to, Leads to, Leading to, Led to, Result in, Results in, Resulting in, Resulted in, Render, Renders, Rendering, Rendered

好日子 haoˇ riˋ ziˇ

Good day

好事 haoˇ shiˋ

Good deed, Something that went well

好似 haoˇ siˋ


考試 kaoˇ shiˋ

Take a test, Test, Exam

老式 laoˇ shiˋ


老式槍機來福槍 laoˇ shiˋ qiang¯ ji¯ laiˊ fuˊ qiang¯

Old-fashioned bolt-action rifle

老是 laoˇ shiˋ

Keep (doing), Always

老字號 laoˇ ziˋ haoˋ

Time-honored brand

掃視 saoˇ shiˋ

Glance, Sweep eyes over

早日 zaoˇ riˋ


早日康復 zaoˇ riˋ kang¯ fuˋ

Get well soon

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

腦子 naoˇ zi˙


嫂子 saoˇ zi˙


32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

告知 gaoˋ zhi¯

Notify, Update, Tell, Leep informed

告知了 gaoˋ zhi¯ le˙

Told, Informed, Advised

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

到十四歲 daoˋ shiˊ siˋ suiˋ

Until the age of fourteen

到實際應用彷彿還有很長的路 daoˋ shiˊ jiˋ ying¯ yongˋ pangˊ fuˊ haiˊ youˇ henˇ changˊ de˙ luˋ

Practical applications seemed a long way off

到時候 daoˋ shiˊ houˋ

By that time

到時候就來不及了 daoˋ shiˊ houˋ jiuˋ laiˊ buˋ jiˊ le˙

By that time it would be too late

到時可能就來不及了 daoˋ shiˊ keˇ nengˊ jiuˋ laiˊ buˋ jiˊ le˙

By then it may be too late

到時後 daoˋ shiˊ houˋ

And then (after)

告辭 gaoˋ ciˊ

Farewell, Take leave, Say goodbye, Bid farewell

耗時 haoˋ shiˊ

Time consuming

造詞 zaoˋ ciˊ


32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

報紙 baoˋ zhiˇ


茂齒 maoˋ chiˇ

Prime of life

造紙術 zaoˋ zhiˇ shuˋ


32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

倒是 daoˋ shiˋ

However, Contrary to what one might expect

告示 gaoˋ shiˋ

Official notice, Inform, Announce, Proclaim

靠勢 kaoˋ shiˋ

Lean Forward

鬧事 naoˋ shiˋ

Make trouble

造次 zaoˋ ciˋ

Rash, Urgent, Hasty

肇事 zhaoˋ shiˋ

Person at fault in an accident, Party at fault

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

號子 haoˋ zi˙

Work song sung to synchronize movement, Marching song

絡子 laoˋ zi˙

Small net

帽子 maoˋ zi˙


帽子拉得低低的 maoˋ zi˙ la¯ de˙ di¯ di¯ de˙

Hat pulled low, Pulled their hat down low

哨子 shaoˋ zi˙


哨子的聲音又響又亮 shaoˋ zi˙ de˙ sheng¯ yin¯ youˋ xiangˇ youˋ liangˋ

The sound of the whistle was loud and distinctive


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人-食 : > : > [食]-食物 : > [食]-找食物 >

丿-牛 : > : > [物]-食物 : > [物]-找食物 >

找食物 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 食

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