Index for words including 找


Search, Look For, Seek, Give Back Change, Give back in return

Word Links for words containing 找 (sorted via character pairs)

找 zhaoˇ
Search, Look For, Seek, Give Back Change, Give back in return

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


找別的東西抓 Looking for something else to grab


她可以自己找路回家 She could find her way back home


找回 Find, Get back

那些想要把他們找回來的 Those who wanted them to return, The people who wanted their return

找回 Get back

找回 Find her, Get her back

想要把他們找回 Wanted them to return, Wanted their return


找間飯店 Find a hotel


找出 Find out, Find


我要怎麼找她 How can I find her?

有可能會來找她 May come for her, May come looking for her


找妳 Find you

我會過來找妳 I will come and find you

找妳 Called you here


找尋 Search, Look for

找尋不到 Searched for but didn't find, Missing


找水 Find water to drink


找了 Looked, Found

不必找了 Don't bother looking

找了好久 Spent a long time looking for it

找了個借口 Found an excuse

找了個借口不來這裡 Found an excuse not to come


四處張望找什麼順手可以用力拍死它的東西 Look around for something handy to swat it with


找他麻煩 Hassle him, Give him any trouble

時常來找他 Often came to visit them, Often came to find them


找位子坐下 Found a seat and sat down


找你 Look for you, Looking for you

找你 It's for you


找個 Find a

找個 Wanted to find a

找個地方 Find somewhere

他想找個把風的工作 He sought a job as a lookout, He looked for work as a lookout

我們找個地方私下說 Let's find somewhere to talk in private


找我 Find me, Finding me

為了找我 To find me

找我 Called me here


找得 Can find, Can look for

找得 Can look for, Can find


不管要找誰 No matter who you are looking for


找食 Look for food


找錢 Give back change


找著 Search, Look for, Find

找著 Didn't find

找著 Find


找到 Find, Look for, Found

找到 Wants to find

找到 Didn't find

找到 Could find

可以找到 Can find, Could find

堆中找到 Searching within, Searching around (within a pile of things)

所能找到 Can find

總算找到 Finally found

她醒來在枕下找到 She woke up and found beneath her pillow, On awakening she found beneath her pillow, She had awakened and found beneath her pillow

找到 Find, Found

找到 Find him, Finds him, Found him

找到 Find her, Finds her, Found her

如何找到 How to find him

已經都讓男爵的黨羽找到 Has all been found by the Baron's henchmen

找到他了 Found him

找到他們 Find them

找到其他人 Find the others

找到她了 Found her

找到工作 Found work

找到方法 Find a way, Find some way

找到這個 Found this

找到了一些 Found some

找到電話後 After finding a phone

找到一塊碎布 Found a piece of cloth, Came across a piece of cloth

找到住的地方 Found a place to live

找到所有東西連接的空間 Find the space where everything connects

找到好的學習方法就會學好 If you find the a good study method then you can learn well


找不 Can't find, Not find, Look for without yet finding

找不 Can't look for, Can't find

找不 He can't find, He didn't find, He couldn't find

找不 She can't find, She didn't find, She couldn't find

多一個你都找不 Not one more would you find

找不到了 Can't find

找不到她 Can't find her

你如果找不到他 If you can't find him

你如果找不到她 If you can't find her

找不到盔甲 He can't find the armor, He didn't find the armor, He couldn't find the armor

找不到乾淨的襯衫 I can't find a clean shirt

不會找不熟的人來幫他 Will not reach out to strangers to help him, Would not reach out to strangers to help him

不會找不熟的人來幫她 Will not reach out to strangers to help her, Would not reach out to strangers to help her


找工 Look for work, Looking for work, Looking for a job


找西 Searching everywhere


找書 Look for books, Find books


找來 Found


尋找 Looking for, Finding

尋找 Went looking for, Went searching for, Seek, Seek out

拚命尋找 Desperately looked for, Struggled

尋找並毀滅 Seek and destroy

尋找他的蛛絲馬跡 Look for signs of him, Looking for signs of him

尋找比較容易到手的現金 Look for cash on easier terms, Looking for an easier way to get cash

一面爬一面拚命尋找手腳的支點 Struggled for finger and toe holds while climbing

他一面爬一面拚命尋找手腳的支點 He struggled for finger and toe holds while climbing


東找西找 Searching everywhere

中東翻西找 Root around, Search amongst


去找 Go and look for, Go to look for, Went to find

去找 Go out and find

去找食物 Go to look for food

去找你的朋友 Find your friends, Go to your friends


查找 Look up


來找 Ran over to look for, Ran over to find


可能在找 May look, May be looking

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