
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 把


Grab the door handle

zhua¯ menˊ baˇ

把 baˇ, baˋ
Take, Handle, Hold, Grasp, Handful, Bundle, Around, About, Approximately, Sworn, Give, Guard, Watch over, Make (Not Manufacture), Regard As, Direct Object, MW For Objects That Have Handles Including Chairs, (ba4), Ahandle, Agrip

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Phone , Tone


門把 menˊ baˇ

Words that rhyme with 抓門把 (wa-en)

Grouped by first phone

zhua, gua, hua, wa

抓門把 zhua¯ menˊ baˇ

Grab the door handle

zhua, gua, hua, wa

瓜分 gua¯ fen¯

Carve up

zhua, gua, hua, wa

花粉 hua¯ fenˇ


劃分 huaˋ fen¯


花很多時間 hua¯ henˇ duo¯ shiˊ jian¯

Spend a lot of time, Spends a lot of time

花盆 hua¯ penˊ

Flower pot, Flower pots, Planter, Planters

華人 huaˊ renˊ


化身 huaˋ shen¯

Embodiment, Incarnation

zhua, gua, hua, wa

窪慎 wa¯ shenˋ


Grouped in tone pairs

12, 11, 13, 14, 22, 41

花盆 hua¯ penˊ

Flower pot, Flower pots, Planter, Planters

抓門把 zhua¯ menˊ baˇ

Grab the door handle

12, 11, 13, 14, 22, 41

瓜分 gua¯ fen¯

Carve up

12, 11, 13, 14, 22, 41

花粉 hua¯ fenˇ


花很多時間 hua¯ henˇ duo¯ shiˊ jian¯

Spend a lot of time, Spends a lot of time

12, 11, 13, 14, 22, 41

窪慎 wa¯ shenˋ


12, 11, 13, 14, 22, 41

華人 huaˊ renˊ


12, 11, 13, 14, 22, 41

劃分 huaˋ fen¯


化身 huaˋ shen¯

Embodiment, Incarnation


十-扌 : > : > [抓]-抓門 : > [抓]-抓門把 >

口-門 : > : > [門]-門把 : > [門]-抓門把 >

十-扌 : > : > [把]-門把 : > [把]-抓門把 >

抓門把 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 把

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