zheˊ, sheˊ, zhe¯
Fold, Bend, Break, Snap, Refract, Convert, Relinquish, Discount, Abate, Ward Off, Turn Upside Down, Somersault, Pour Out
Word Links for words containing 折 (sorted via character pairs)
折疊 Fold, Folding
折疊到 Folded
折疊床 Folding bed, Fold-down bed
折疊式 Folding
折疊到一起 Folded together
都會折疊到一起 All folded together, All accordioned together
折疊式牙刷 Folding toothbrush
折疊床的窄小房間 Small room with a folding bed
折磨 Ordeal, Torture, Tortured
故意折磨 Torture, Deliberately torture, Tortured, Torturing
折磨他 Torture him, Tortured him, Torturing him
折磨我 Torment me, Tormenting me, Tormented me, My tormenting, my tormentor
不斷折磨我 Torment me, Tormenting me, Torture me, Torturing me
七折八扣 Huge discount, Make allowance for exaggeration, Take into account the possibility of inaccuracy
折柳 Break a willow branch, Bid farewell to a friend
灞橋折柳 Bid farewell to friends, Say good-bye to friends
曲折 Complicated, Complex, Tortuous, Bends, Twists, Turns, Zigzags, Zigzag, Zigzagged
曲曲折折 Zigzagged, Twisted and turned
橫折 Horizontal calligraphy stroke with a downward bend
豎橫折 Vertical calligraphy stroke with a horizontal bend followed by a vertical bend
橫折橫 Horizontal calligraphy stroke followed by a vertical and then a horizontal stroke
橫折鉤 Horizontal bending calligraphy stroke with a hook
摧折 Destroy
被風雨雷霆摧折 Destroyed by wind rain and thunder
不被風雨雷霆摧折 Not broken by wind rain or thunder
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