Index for words including 抬


Lift, Raise, Carry

Word Links for words containing 抬 (sorted via character pairs)

抬 taiˊ
Lift, Raise, Carry

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


抬眼 Look up

抬眼看著他 Looked up at him


抬高 Lift up, Lift higher

抬高幾英吋 Lift a couple of inches


抬進 Carried into


抬頭 Lift head, Look up

抬頭看他 Look up at him, Looks up at him, Looking up at him, Looked up at him

抬頭看她 Look up at her, Looks up at her, Looking up at her, Looked up at her


抬到 Carry to

抬到床上 Lift onto the bed


抬不起來 Could not lift

重得抬不起來 Too heavy too lift


抬上飛機 Loaded onto the plane, Loaded onboard the plane

把老師抬上 Put teacher into the vehicle


抬起 Lift, Lift up, Lifted, Hoisted

抬起 Lifted, Hoisted

向外抬起 Lift outwards, Lift out to the side

從地上拉抬起 Hoisted off of the ground

將腿筆直向上抬起 Lift your leg straight up, Lift your legs straight up, Lift the leg straight up, Lift the legs straight up

抬起 Lift up, Lift

抬起 Raise a hand, Raised a hand

抬起 Lift head, Look up

把腳抬起 Lift the feet, Lift your feet

抬起頭來 Lift head, Look up

抬起頭來看著 Looked up at


抬擔 Lift the stretcher, Lifting the stretcher

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