
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 挺


Open (and lift) chest

tingˇ xiong¯

挺 tingˇ
Straight, Very Straight, In Line, Stiff, Rigid, Unyielding, Sustain, Endure, Pull Through, MW Measure Word For Machine Guns

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 挺胸 (ying-yong)

Grouped by first phone

ting, bing, jing, ying

挺胸 tingˇ xiong¯

Open (and lift) chest

ting, bing, jing, ying

並用 bingˋ yongˋ

Use together

ting, bing, jing, ying

警用 jingˇ yongˋ

Police issue

ting, bing, jing, ying

英雄 ying¯ xiongˊ


英雄式 ying¯ xiongˊ shiˋ

Hero Pose, Virasana

英勇 ying¯ yongˇ

Brave, Courageous, Valiant, Heroic

英勇地 ying¯ yongˇ de˙

Heroic, Brave

應用 ying¯ yongˋ

Use, Application, Application of

應用到 ying¯ yongˋ daoˋ


應用到別處 ying¯ yongˋ daoˋ bieˊ chuˇ

Used elsewhere

Grouped in tone pairs

31, 12, 13, 14, 34, 44

挺胸 tingˇ xiong¯

Open (and lift) chest

31, 12, 13, 14, 34, 44

英雄 ying¯ xiongˊ


英雄式 ying¯ xiongˊ shiˋ

Hero Pose, Virasana

31, 12, 13, 14, 34, 44

英勇 ying¯ yongˇ

Brave, Courageous, Valiant, Heroic

英勇地 ying¯ yongˇ de˙

Heroic, Brave

31, 12, 13, 14, 34, 44

應用 ying¯ yongˋ

Use, Application, Application of

應用到 ying¯ yongˋ daoˋ


應用到別處 ying¯ yongˋ daoˋ bieˊ chuˇ

Used elsewhere

31, 12, 13, 14, 34, 44

警用 jingˇ yongˋ

Police issue

31, 12, 13, 14, 34, 44

並用 bingˋ yongˋ

Use together


十-扌 : > : > [挺]-挺胸 : > [挺]-挺胸 >

冂-月 : > : > [胸]-挺胸 : > [胸]-挺胸 >

挺胸 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 挺

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