
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 緊


Closed fist, Clenched fist

woˋ jinˇ de˙ quanˊ touˊ

緊 jinˇ
Tight, Taut, Tense, Nervous, Secure, Firm, Fast, Urgent, Critical, Pressing, Emergency

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Phone , Tone


握緊 woˋ jinˇ

拳頭 quanˊ touˊ

Words that rhyme with 握緊的拳頭 (wo-yin)

Grouped by first phone

wo, duo, guo, luo, suo, zuo

我今天晚上被人家從高塔上丟出去 woˇ jin¯ tian¯ wanˇ shangˋ beiˋ renˊ jia¯ congˊ gao¯ taˇ shangˋ diu¯ chu¯ quˋ

I was thrown from a tower tonight

握緊 woˋ jinˇ

Gripped tighter

握緊的拳頭 woˋ jinˇ de˙ quanˊ touˊ

Closed fist, Clenched fist

wo, duo, guo, luo, suo, zuo

躲進 duoˇ jinˋ

Go into to escape, Enter in order to escape

多心 duo¯ xin¯


多音字 duo¯ yin¯ ziˋ

Alternative pronounciation (of a character)

wo, duo, guo, luo, suo, zuo

國民 guoˊ minˊ

Citizen, Citizens, People, The people

過敏 guoˋ minˇ


過敏反應 guoˋ minˇ fanˇ yingˋ

Allergic reaction

過癮 guoˋ yinˇ

Fully enjoy, Satisfy a craving

wo, duo, guo, luo, suo, zuo

羅賓森 luo¯ bin¯ sen¯


落進 luoˋ jinˋ

Fall into, Fell into

wo, duo, guo, luo, suo, zuo

索引 suoˇ yinˇ


索引目次 suoˇ yinˇ muˋ ciˋ


wo, duo, guo, luo, suo, zuo

作品 zuoˋ pinˇ

Written by, Composed by, Done by

作品雛型 zuoˋ pinˇ chuˊ xingˊ


Grouped in tone pairs

43, 11, 22, 31, 33, 34, 44

過敏 guoˋ minˇ


過敏反應 guoˋ minˇ fanˇ yingˋ

Allergic reaction

過癮 guoˋ yinˇ

Fully enjoy, Satisfy a craving

握緊 woˋ jinˇ

Gripped tighter

握緊的拳頭 woˋ jinˇ de˙ quanˊ touˊ

Closed fist, Clenched fist

作品 zuoˋ pinˇ

Written by, Composed by, Done by

作品雛型 zuoˋ pinˇ chuˊ xingˊ


43, 11, 22, 31, 33, 34, 44

多心 duo¯ xin¯


多音字 duo¯ yin¯ ziˋ

Alternative pronounciation (of a character)

羅賓森 luo¯ bin¯ sen¯


43, 11, 22, 31, 33, 34, 44

國民 guoˊ minˊ

Citizen, Citizens, People, The people

43, 11, 22, 31, 33, 34, 44

我今天晚上被人家從高塔上丟出去 woˇ jin¯ tian¯ wanˇ shangˋ beiˋ renˊ jia¯ congˊ gao¯ taˇ shangˋ diu¯ chu¯ quˋ

I was thrown from a tower tonight

43, 11, 22, 31, 33, 34, 44

索引 suoˇ yinˇ


索引目次 suoˇ yinˇ muˋ ciˋ


43, 11, 22, 31, 33, 34, 44

躲進 duoˇ jinˋ

Go into to escape, Enter in order to escape

43, 11, 22, 31, 33, 34, 44

落進 luoˋ jinˋ

Fall into, Fell into


十-扌 : > : > [握]-握緊 : > [握]-握緊的拳頭 >

厂-臣 : > : > [緊]-握緊 : > [緊]-握緊的拳頭 >

丶-白 : > : > [的]-的拳 : > [的]-握緊的拳頭 >

人-龹 : > : > [拳]-拳頭 : > [拳]-握緊的拳頭 >

一-一 : > : > [頭]-拳頭 : > [頭]-握緊的拳頭 >

握緊的拳頭 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 緊

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