
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 摩


Try to figure out

chuaiˇ moˊ

摩 moˊ
Touch, Feel, Rub, Chafe, Grind, Scour, Friction, Translit for Mo

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 揣摩 (wai-o)

Grouped by first phone

chuai, shuai, wai

揣摩 chuaiˇ moˊ

Try to figure out

chuai, shuai, wai

摔破 shuai¯ poˋ

Fall and break, Smash

chuai, shuai, wai

外婆 waiˋ poˊ

Maternal grandmother, Grandmother on mother's side

Grouped in tone pairs

32, 14, 42

揣摩 chuaiˇ moˊ

Try to figure out

32, 14, 42

摔破 shuai¯ poˋ

Fall and break, Smash

32, 14, 42

外婆 waiˋ poˊ

Maternal grandmother, Grandmother on mother's side


十-扌 : > : > [揣]-揣摩 : > [揣]-揣摩 >

丶-广 : > : > [摩]-揣摩 : > [摩]-揣摩 >

揣摩 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 摩

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