Index for words including 摸

mo¯, moˊ

Caress, Touch Lightly, Stroke, Feel, Feel For, Grope Around In The Dark

Word Links for words containing 摸 (sorted via character pairs)

摸 mo¯, moˊ
Caress, Touch Lightly, Stroke, Feel, Feel For, Grope Around In The Dark

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


摸黑 Feel around in the dark, Move around in the dark by feel


摸一 Touch

伸出手來輕輕摸一 Reach out to lightly touch, Reach out to brush


摸到 Touch, Touched, Feel, Felt

摸到什麼硬硬的 Felt something hard


摸下 Stroking, Caressing


摸不 Cannot touch, Unable to touch

摸不 Can't touch, Can't get a grip on, Can't get head around

摸不著頭緒 Feel clueless

令人摸不著頭緒 Makes no sense


摸索 Fumble, Feel around, Felt around, Grope, Gropes, Groping, Groped

一手在牆壁上摸索 Felt along the wall with one hand

摸索 Fumbled, Felt around

摸索 Fumbled

摸索出針筒 Groping around for a syringe, Fumbling for a syringe, Fumbled with a syringe


摸摸 Touch, Feel

摸摸 Touch, Feel

偷偷摸摸 Surreptitiously, Stealthily, Covertly


觸摸 Touch


撫摸 Touch, Caress, Rub

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