xuanˊ, xuanˋ
Turn, Revolve, Circle, Spin, Return, Momentary, Short Time, Soon
Word Links for words containing 旋 (sorted via character pairs)
旋下 Screw down, Screw in
將釘子旋下 Tighten a screw, Tighten screws, Tighten a bolt, Tighten bolts down
旋轉 Turn, Turns, Turning, Turned, Spin, Spins, Spinning, Spun, Rotate rotates, Rotating, Rotated
慢慢旋轉 Slowly turned, Turned slowly
朝下旋轉 Rotated downward, Turned downward
往另一邊旋轉 Turned the other way, Rotated in the opposite direction
旋轉出 Spun off, Spun out
旋轉的 Spinning, Turning, Revolving
旋轉一下 Turned a little, Rotated slightly
旋轉木馬 Merry-go-round
車門旋轉區域請勿站立 Please keep clear of the door turning area
旋轉影像 Rotate image
自動旋轉垂直影像 Auto-rotate vertical images
螺旋 Screw, Spiral, Spiral shaped, Helical
螺旋槳下方的氣流 Rotor wash
螺旋槳 Propellor, Rotor
螺旋紋 Spiral lines, Spiral ridges
螺旋葉片 Propellor blade, Helicopter blade
螺旋槳葉片 Rotor blade, Rotor blades
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