Bright, Clear, Light, Understand, Ming Dynasty
Word Links for words containing 明 (sorted via character pairs)
明明 Obviously, Clearly, Undoubtedly, Bright, Brighter
明明暗暗 Light and dark, Bright and not so bright
明明暗暗的巨大抽象圖案 Giant abstract patterns of light and dark
明顯 Clear, Distinct, Obvious, Evident
較明顯 Comparatively obvious, More obvious
提出明顯的問題 Asked the obvious question
明白 Understand, Understands, Understanding, Understood, Clear, Understandable, Easy to understand, Realize(s)
纔明白 Finally understood
心裡明白 Knew, Knew it
忽然明白 Realized, Suddenly realized
你和我都明白 You and I both know, You and I both understand
明白了 Understand, Understood, Realize, Realized
明白地 Knowingly
想明白了 Understood, Realized
我明白了 I see, I understand, I get it
是的我明白了 Yes, I see
三明治 Sandwich
花生醬三明治 Peanut Butter Sandwich
蝦排蛋三明治 Shrimp And Egg Sandwich
南瓜田園三明治 Ploughman's Style Squash Sandwich
塔塔香雞三明治 Fried Chicken With Tartar Sauce Sandwich
鮪魚起司三明治 Tuna melt, Tuna and cheese sandwich
半個花生醬三明治 Half A Peanut Butter Sandwich
明天 Tomorrow
明天是大日子 Tomorrow is a big day, Tomorrow is the big day, Tomorrow is going to be a big day
要到明天才會離開 Won't leave until tomorrow
明確 Clear, Explicit
清楚明確 Clear, Unambiguous
知道它該去的明確位置 Knew exactly where it should go, Knew exactly where it was supposed to go
照明 Illuminate, Shine, Light
照明器 Illumination device, Illumination devices, Illumination, Illuminator
發明 Invent, Invention(s), Designs
新發明 New invention, New device, Invention, Device
發明了 Invented
發明家 Inventor
發明的 Invented (by), Designed (by)
鮮明 Sharp, Clear, Distinct, Bright colored
卻鮮明依舊 Still as fresh as ever, Still as distinct as ever
說明 Describe, Narrate, Explain, Instruct
來說明 To illustrate
再行說明 Will then go over
首先說明 Right away explains
說明單 Leaflet, Brochure
說明書 Written instructions, Instruction manual
說明瞭 Explains
本說明書 This instruction manual
除了說明外 Except for describing, Except for explaining
說明原因 Explain why
說明白點 To be frank
說明單裡沒有 Is not in the brochure, Is not covered in the leaflet
說明得很清楚 Describe clearly, Described clearly
說明單我可以留著吧 Can I keep the brochure?
除了說明外沒別的可做 Had nothing to do but narrate, Apart from explaining had nothing to do
證明 Confirm, Prove, Provide evidence, Gave evidence, Evidence
來證明 And then prove, Later prove
身分證明 Identity, Proof of identity
照片的身分證明 Photo ID, Photographic proof of identity
需要有照片的身分證明 Need photo ID
證明著 To prove, Prove
證明自己 Prove himself, Prove herself, Prove themselves
證明或反證 Prove or disprove
身分證明文件 Identification (document)
透明 Transparent
半透明 Translucent, Semi-transparent
完全透明 Completely transparent, Fully transparent
變半透明 Became translucent, Became semi-transparent
主要是透明 Mainly transparent, For the most part were transparent, Predominantly transparent
透明的液體 Transparent liquid, Colorless liquid
一股透明薄霧 A transparent haze
他半透明的皮膚 His translucent skin
將透明的液體注射 Inject a clear liquid, Injects a clear liquid, Injecting a clear liquid, Injected a clear liquid
光明 Light, Bright, Promising, Openhearted, Without guile, Guileless
光明之路 Shining path
光明磊落 Aboveboard
不明 Unexpected, Unknown
落不明 Missing, Unaccounted for
數目不明 Unknown number
不明白 Didn't know, Didn't understand
聽不明白 Not understand what someone is saying, Not comprehend what is being said, Not hear what is being said
甚至不明白為什麼 Didn't even know why
這女人的很多事情是他不明白的 There was a lot he didn't know about her
聰明 Intelligent, Smart, Bright, Clever, Intelligence
夠聰明 Smart enough
一樣聰明 Just as smart
有多聰明 How smart, How smart is it?
比他聰明 Smarter than him
異常聰明 Unusually clever
都很聰明 All very smart
他不夠聰明 He's not smart enough
不見得比他聰明 Not necessarily smarter than him
學聰明了 Got smart, Got smarter, Figured out a better way to do something
異常聰明地 Unusually clever at
你是個聰明人 You are a clever person, You are a smart individual, You are an intelligent person
比我還聰明亥 Smarter than me
聰明得很 Smart, Bright, Intelligent, Far from stupid
聰明才智 Intelligence
聰明自誤 Too smart for one's own good, Ruined by one's own cleverness
很聰明的人 A very clever person
三位聰明的勇士 Three smart warriors
聰明一世糊塗一時 A lifetime of cleverness includes moments of stupidity
聰明絕頂 Brilliant, Extremely clever, Extremely intelligent
不是真正聰明絕頂 Not really brilliant
自以為聰明的傢伙 Smartass, Smart aleck
沒人喜歡自以為聰明的傢伙 Nobody likes a smartass
查明 Examine, Investigate, Uncover, Find out
查明了 Uncovered, Found out, Discovered
他查明了多少 How much did he discover?, How much did he find out?
她查明了多少 How much did she discover?, How much did she find out?
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