
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 常


Is very, Are very, Was very, Were very

shiˋ fei¯ changˊ

常 changˊ
Often, Usually, Usual, Frequently, Principal, Rule, General, Constant, Always, Long Lasting, Frequent, Long Standing, Common, Regular, Ordinary, Use Often, Proverb

(hide char details)

Phone , Tone


是非 shiˋ fei¯

非常 fei¯ changˊ

Words that rhyme with 是非常 (i-ei)

Grouped by first phone

shi, si, zhi, zi

十倍 shiˊ beiˋ

Ten times

事倍功半 shiˋ beiˋ gong¯ banˋ

Achieve very little despite exerting a lot of effort

是被人誤導了嗎 shiˋ beiˋ renˊ wuˋ daoˇ le˙ ma˙

Were you misled?, Misled?

是被她拒絕 shiˋ beiˋ ta¯ juˋ jueˊ

Was refused by her

施肥 shi¯ feiˊ

Fertilize, Apply fertilizer

是非 shiˋ fei¯

Right and wrong, Yes and no

是非常 shiˋ fei¯ changˊ

Is very, Are very, Was very, Were very

是非常久以前的 shiˋ fei¯ changˊ jiuˇ yiˇ qianˊ de˙

A very long time ago

是非常大 shiˋ fei¯ changˊ daˋ

Was very large

是非題 shiˋ fei¯ tiˊ

Yes or no or right or wrong questions

十美 shiˊ meiˇ

Perfectly beautiful

室內 shiˋ neiˋ


是那種 shiˋ neiˋ zhongˇ

It's the kind of, Is the kind of, Was the kind of

失陪 shi¯ peiˊ

Excuse me (I have to go)

失陪了 shi¯ peiˊ le˙

Excuse me (I have to go)

是誰 shiˋ sheiˊ

Who, Who it was

是誰幹的 shiˋ sheiˊ ganˋ de˙

Who did it

是誰忘了 shiˋ sheiˊ wangˋ le˙

Who forgot

是誰忘了關門 shiˋ sheiˊ wangˋ le˙ guan¯ menˊ

Who forgot to close the door?

是這樣的 shiˋ zheiˋ yangˋ de˙

Well, it's like this

shi, si, zhi, zi

四倍 siˋ beiˋ

Four times

四倍這樣 siˋ beiˋ zheiˋ yangˋ

Four times, Four fold

shi, si, zhi, zi

之類 zhi¯ leiˋ

Such as, And so on, And other, And more

之類的 zhi¯ leiˋ de˙

Some type of

之類的東西而已 zhi¯ leiˋ de˙ dong¯ xi¯ erˊ yiˇ

Merely some kind of

之內 zhi¯ neiˋ

Within, Inside, Include, Including

支配 zhi¯ peiˋ

Manage, Arrange, Administer, Control, Govern, Allocate

shi, si, zhi, zi

自卑 ziˋ bei¯


自費 ziˋ feiˋ

Own expense

自那時起 ziˋ neiˋ shiˊ qiˇ

Since then

Grouped in tone pairs

41, 12, 14, 23, 24, 42, 44

是非 shiˋ fei¯

Right and wrong, Yes and no

是非常 shiˋ fei¯ changˊ

Is very, Are very, Was very, Were very

是非常久以前的 shiˋ fei¯ changˊ jiuˇ yiˇ qianˊ de˙

A very long time ago

是非常大 shiˋ fei¯ changˊ daˋ

Was very large

是非題 shiˋ fei¯ tiˊ

Yes or no or right or wrong questions

自卑 ziˋ bei¯


41, 12, 14, 23, 24, 42, 44

施肥 shi¯ feiˊ

Fertilize, Apply fertilizer

失陪 shi¯ peiˊ

Excuse me (I have to go)

失陪了 shi¯ peiˊ le˙

Excuse me (I have to go)

41, 12, 14, 23, 24, 42, 44

之類 zhi¯ leiˋ

Such as, And so on, And other, And more

之類的 zhi¯ leiˋ de˙

Some type of

之類的東西而已 zhi¯ leiˋ de˙ dong¯ xi¯ erˊ yiˇ

Merely some kind of

之內 zhi¯ neiˋ

Within, Inside, Include, Including

支配 zhi¯ peiˋ

Manage, Arrange, Administer, Control, Govern, Allocate

41, 12, 14, 23, 24, 42, 44

十美 shiˊ meiˇ

Perfectly beautiful

41, 12, 14, 23, 24, 42, 44

十倍 shiˊ beiˋ

Ten times

41, 12, 14, 23, 24, 42, 44

是誰 shiˋ sheiˊ

Who, Who it was

是誰幹的 shiˋ sheiˊ ganˋ de˙

Who did it

是誰忘了 shiˋ sheiˊ wangˋ le˙

Who forgot

是誰忘了關門 shiˋ sheiˊ wangˋ le˙ guan¯ menˊ

Who forgot to close the door?

41, 12, 14, 23, 24, 42, 44

事倍功半 shiˋ beiˋ gong¯ banˋ

Achieve very little despite exerting a lot of effort

是被人誤導了嗎 shiˋ beiˋ renˊ wuˋ daoˇ le˙ ma˙

Were you misled?, Misled?

是被她拒絕 shiˋ beiˋ ta¯ juˋ jueˊ

Was refused by her

室內 shiˋ neiˋ


是那種 shiˋ neiˋ zhongˇ

It's the kind of, Is the kind of, Was the kind of

是這樣的 shiˋ zheiˋ yangˋ de˙

Well, it's like this

四倍 siˋ beiˋ

Four times

四倍這樣 siˋ beiˋ zheiˋ yangˋ

Four times, Four fold

自費 ziˋ feiˋ

Own expense

自那時起 ziˋ neiˋ shiˊ qiˇ

Since then


口-日 : > : > [是]-是非 : > [是]-是非常 >

丨-非 : > : > [非]-是非 : > [非]-是非常 >

人-⺌ : > : > [常]-非常 : > [常]-是非常 >

是非常 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 常

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