Clothing, Garments, Wear, Serve, Service, Convince, Yield, Submit, Obey, Take Medicine, Accustomed To
Word Links for words containing 服 (sorted via character pairs)
服務 Services, Render service, Help
客房服務 Room service
需要什麼服務 What do you need?
服務員 Waiter, Waitress
服務器 Server
服務生 Waiter
女服務生 Waitress
業服務業 Business services
行李服務生 Bellhop, Bellhops
服務單位 Service department
服從 Follow, Obey, Submit, Act obediently, Act with obedience
他最多就只有某種程度的服從 At best he had a certain degree of obedience
制服 Uniform
穿制服 Uniformed, Uniform wearing
沒有穿制服 Is not wearing a uniform, Are not wearing uniforms, Was not wearing a uniform, Were not wearing uniforms
穿各年級制服的學童 Uniformed schoolchildren of all grades
伺服 Servo, Servomechanism, Precisely controlled motor
臺伺服器 Server, Computer network device
伺服自動對焦 Servo Autofocus, Servo AF
佩服 Admire, Respect, Appreciate
我很佩服他把你從監獄裡救了出來 I appreciate him for getting you out of prison, I appreciate that he got you out of jail
征服 Conquer
新征服 Newly conquered
新征服的 Newly conquered
面對新征服的廣大土地 Facing a vast 廣大 and newly conquered 征服 land
衣服 Clothes
換衣服 Change clothes
晾衣服 Allow clothes to dry
洗衣服 Wash clothes
穿衣服 Put on some clothes, Get dressed
多穿衣服 Put on more clothing, Wear more clothes
換掉衣服 Change clothes, Changes clothes, Changing clothes, Changed clothes
沒穿衣服 Naked, Nude, Bare
漿洗衣服 Wash and then starch clothes
一般正常衣服 Normal clothes
穿一般正常衣服 Wear normal clothes, Wears normal clothes, Wearing normal clothes, Wore normal clothes
他穿一般正常衣服 He wears normal clothes, He wore normal clothes
他們穿一般正常衣服 They wear normal clothes, They wore normal clothes
一週洗兩次大量的衣服 Did a load of laundry twice a week
回到他們的客艙換衣服 Return to their cabin to change, Returned to their cabin to change, Returned to their cabins to change
衣服沒脫 With clothes still on, Without taking clothes off
你穿哪件衣服都好看 Everything you wear looks good, Whatever you wear looks good on you
他的衣服是深色的 His clothes were dark
她的衣服是深色的 Her clothes were dark
說服 Convince, Persuade
堅持說服 Insistently tries to persuade, Persist in trying to persuade
說服不了 Can't convince, Can't persuade
盡全力說服了 Did everything possible
更好說服自己的解釋 Better explanation
客服 Customer service
客服項線 Customer service line
顧客服務 Customer service
免付費客服專線 Toll free customer service line
顧客服務品質極佳 Excellent customer service
自認顧客服務品質極佳 Prided themselves on customer service
禮服 Dress, Gown
晚禮服 Evening Dress
那套禮服 That dress
露背禮服 Backless dress
換上晚禮服 Changed into evening wear
穿那套禮服 Wearing that dress, In that dress, Wear that dress, Put that dress on
他們換上晚禮服 They changed into their evening wear
舒服 Comfortable
不舒服 Feel uncomfortable, Feel bad
好舒服 Felt really nice
不太舒服 Not very comfortable
有點不舒服 A little bit uncomfortable, Feel a little bit ill
舒服的 Comfortable
舒舒服服 Comfortably, Comfort
舒舒服服的 Comfortable
光看就很不舒服的 Uncomfortable to look at, Disturbing to look at
讓人們過得舒舒服服 Allowing people to live in comfort
舒服又美麗 Comfortable and beautiful
舒服地躲在被窩裡 Snuggled up under a quilt, Snuggled up under the covers, Snuggled up
一陣很不舒服的鼓漲感 An uncomfortable bulging sensation
光看就很不舒服的穿刺工具 Penetrative tooling that is uncomfortable to look at, Penetrative tooling that is disturbing to look at, Tool that looks disturbingly penetrating, Tools that look disturbingly penetrating
覺得舒服一點 Feel a little better
開始覺得舒服一點 Started to feel a little more comfortable, Started to feel better
不服 Disobey, Rebel, Refuse, Resist
不服從權威 Maverick, Independent, Disobedient, Rebellious
不服從 Disobedience, Insubordination
不服氣 Unconvinced
我不能容忍不服從 I don't tolerate disobedience, I cannot stand insubordination
西服 Western style clothing
雙排扣西服 Double-breasted western suit
西服打扮 Dressed in western style clothing
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