Index for words including 析


Analyze, Separate, Divide, Explain, Split Wood, Chop

Word Links for words containing 析 (sorted via character pairs)

析 xi¯
Analyze, Separate, Divide, Explain, Split Wood, Chop

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


析取 Extract

析取資料 Extract the information


解析 Resolution

解析 Low resolution

解析 High resolution


剖析 Analyze

剖析的神情 Analytical expression

他露出剖析的神情 He showed his analytical expression, An analytical expression appeared on his face


分析 Analyze, Study

價格分析 Price analysis

子彈分析 Ballistics

拿去分析 Take this to be analyzed, Get this analyzed, Get these analyzed

精神分析 Psychoanalysis

探索法分析 Heuristic analysis

分析 Analyzed, Have analyzed, Have finished analyzing

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