
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 鎖



jia¯ suoˇ

鎖 suoˇ
Lock, Fetter, Chain, Confine, Key

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 枷鎖 (ia-wo)

Grouped by first phone

jia, xia

傢伙 jia¯ huoˇ

Guy, Fellow

假說 jiaˇ shuo¯

Hypothesis, Postulate

枷鎖 jia¯ suoˇ


佳作 jia¯ zuoˋ

Excellent work, Piece of excellent work, Masterpiece

jia, xia

下過一陣大雨 xiaˋ guoˋ yiˊ zhenˋ daˋ yuˇ

A heavy rainfall

下落 xiaˋ luoˋ

Drop, Dropping, Fall, Falling, Whereabouts

下落了 xiaˋ luoˋ le˙

Whereabouts, Dropped

Grouped in tone pairs

13, 14, 31, 44

傢伙 jia¯ huoˇ

Guy, Fellow

枷鎖 jia¯ suoˇ


13, 14, 31, 44

佳作 jia¯ zuoˋ

Excellent work, Piece of excellent work, Masterpiece

13, 14, 31, 44

假說 jiaˇ shuo¯

Hypothesis, Postulate

13, 14, 31, 44

下過一陣大雨 xiaˋ guoˋ yiˊ zhenˋ daˋ yuˇ

A heavy rainfall

下落 xiaˋ luoˋ

Drop, Dropping, Fall, Falling, Whereabouts

下落了 xiaˋ luoˋ le˙

Whereabouts, Dropped


十-木 : > : > [枷]-枷鎖 : > [枷]-枷鎖 >

人-金 : > : > [鎖]-枷鎖 : > [鎖]-枷鎖 >

枷鎖 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 鎖

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