
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 狀


Root shaped, Root like

gen¯ zhuangˋ

狀 zhuangˋ
Status, Appearance, Shape, Form, Condition, State, Situation, Appeal

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 根狀 (en-wang)

Grouped by first phone

gen, chen, fen, ren, shen, zhen

根狀 gen¯ zhuangˋ

Root shaped, Root like

根狀管道系統 gen¯ zhuangˋ guanˇ daoˋ xiˋ tongˇ

Rootlike plumbing system, Rootlike plumbing

gen, chen, fen, ren, shen, zhen

晨光 chenˊ guang¯

Light of dawn

gen, chen, fen, ren, shen, zhen

粉狀 fenˇ zhuangˋ

Powdered, Powdery

gen, chen, fen, ren, shen, zhen

人皇 renˊ huangˊ

Sovereign of man, Last of three sovereigns (heaven and earth)

gen, chen, fen, ren, shen, zhen

身亡 shen¯ wangˊ

Die, Perish, Was killed

gen, chen, fen, ren, shen, zhen

陣亡 zhenˋ wangˊ

Killed in action

Grouped in tone pairs

14, 12, 21, 22, 34, 42

根狀 gen¯ zhuangˋ

Root shaped, Root like

根狀管道系統 gen¯ zhuangˋ guanˇ daoˋ xiˋ tongˇ

Rootlike plumbing system, Rootlike plumbing

14, 12, 21, 22, 34, 42

身亡 shen¯ wangˊ

Die, Perish, Was killed

14, 12, 21, 22, 34, 42

晨光 chenˊ guang¯

Light of dawn

14, 12, 21, 22, 34, 42

人皇 renˊ huangˊ

Sovereign of man, Last of three sovereigns (heaven and earth)

14, 12, 21, 22, 34, 42

粉狀 fenˇ zhuangˋ

Powdered, Powdery

14, 12, 21, 22, 34, 42

陣亡 zhenˋ wangˊ

Killed in action


十-木 : > : > [根]-根狀 : > [根]-根狀 >

𠄌-爿 : > : > [狀]-根狀 : > [狀]-根狀 >

根狀 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 狀

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