
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 格


Exceptional, Exceptionally, Unusual, Unusually, Extraordinary, Extraordinarily, Especially

geˊ waiˋ

格 geˊ
Pattern, Standard, Frame, Grid, Trellis, Form, Rule, Guideline, Correct, Resist, Obstruct, Block, Influence, Adjust, Regulate, Reach

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 格外 (e-wai)

Grouped by first phone

ge, e, ke, te, ze, zhe

格外 geˊ waiˋ

Exceptional, Exceptionally, Unusual, Unusually, Extraordinary, Extraordinarily, Especially

格外愉悅 geˊ waiˋ yuˊ yueˋ

Exceptionally happy

格外開恩 geˊ waiˋ kai¯ en¯

Pardon an offender

ge, e, ke, te, ze, zhe

額外 eˊ waiˋ


ge, e, ke, te, ze, zhe

課外 keˋ waiˋ


ge, e, ke, te, ze, zhe

特快 teˋ kuaiˋ


ge, e, ke, te, ze, zhe

責怪 zeˊ guaiˋ

To blame

ge, e, ke, te, ze, zhe

這塊正方形土地 zheˋ kuaiˋ zhengˋ fang¯ xingˊ tuˇ diˋ

This square of land, This parcel of land

Grouped in tone pairs

24, 44

額外 eˊ waiˋ


格外 geˊ waiˋ

Exceptional, Exceptionally, Unusual, Unusually, Extraordinary, Extraordinarily, Especially

格外愉悅 geˊ waiˋ yuˊ yueˋ

Exceptionally happy

格外開恩 geˊ waiˋ kai¯ en¯

Pardon an offender

責怪 zeˊ guaiˋ

To blame

24, 44

課外 keˋ waiˋ


特快 teˋ kuaiˋ


這塊正方形土地 zheˋ kuaiˋ zhengˋ fang¯ xingˊ tuˇ diˋ

This square of land, This parcel of land


十-木 : > : > [格]-格外 : > [格]-格外 >

丿-夕 : > : > [外]-格外 : > [外]-格外 >

格外 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 格

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