
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 榨


Extract everything

zhaˋ jinˋ

榨 zhaˋ
Extract, Press, Squeeze

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 榨盡 (a-yin)

Grouped by first phone

zha, ba, ca, cha, da, fa, la, pa, ta, ya, za

榨盡 zhaˋ jinˋ

Extract everything

zha, ba, ca, cha, da, fa, la, pa, ta, ya, za

把賓利停好 baˇ bin¯ liˋ tingˊ haoˇ

Park the Bentley, Parks the Bentley, Parked the Bentley

巴林 ba¯ linˊ


把新床墊打開 baˇ xin¯ chuangˊ dianˋ daˇ kai¯

Opened the new mattress

把信拿走 baˇ xinˋ naˊ zouˇ

Took the letter

把音響賣掉 baˇ yin¯ xiangˇ maiˋ diaoˋ

Sell the stereo

zha, ba, ca, cha, da, fa, la, pa, ta, ya, za

擦音 ca¯ yin¯


zha, ba, ca, cha, da, fa, la, pa, ta, ya, za

插進 cha¯ jinˋ

Insert, Inserts, Inserting, Inserted, Pierce, Pierces, Piercing, Pierced, Dig in, Digs in, Digging in, Dug in

插進他的肉裡 cha¯ jinˋ ta¯ de˙ rouˋ liˇ

Piercing his flesh, Pierced his flesh

插進她的肉裡 cha¯ jinˋ ta¯ de˙ rouˋ liˇ

Piercing her flesh, Pierced her flesh

差勁 chaˋ jinˋ


zha, ba, ca, cha, da, fa, la, pa, ta, ya, za

打拼 daˇ pin¯

Work hard

大新聞 daˋ xin¯ wenˊ

Big news

打印 daˇ yinˋ

Print, Stamp, Seal

打印機 daˇ yinˋ ji¯


zha, ba, ca, cha, da, fa, la, pa, ta, ya, za

發音 fa¯ yin¯


zha, ba, ca, cha, da, fa, la, pa, ta, ya, za

拉緊 la¯ jinˇ

Pull tight, Pulling tight, Pulled tight, Tightened

拉近 la¯ jinˋ

Draw near, Draw close, Draws close, Drawing close, Drew close

拉進 la¯ jinˋ

Pull(ed) into

zha, ba, ca, cha, da, fa, la, pa, ta, ya, za

爬進 paˊ jinˋ

Climbed into

爬進去 paˊ jinˋ quˋ

Climbed aboard

爬進窗裡 paˊ jinˋ chuang¯ liˇ

Climb through the window, Climbs through the window, Climbing through the window, Climbed through the window

zha, ba, ca, cha, da, fa, la, pa, ta, ya, za

他緊張的腹部和肩頭 ta¯ jinˇ zhang¯ de˙ fuˋ buˋ hanˋ jian¯ touˊ

His tense belly and shoulders

他盡量悄悄移動 ta¯ jinˋ liangˋ qiaoˇ qiaoˇ yiˊ dongˋ

He moved as quietly as possible

他進入長長的幻想 ta¯ jinˋ ruˋ changˊ changˊ de˙ huanˋ xiangˇ

He went into a long reverie

她盡量悄悄移動 ta¯ jinˋ liangˋ qiaoˇ qiaoˇ yiˊ dongˋ

She moved as quietly as possible

踏進 taˋ jinˋ

Step into, Steps into, Stepped into

他心中有數 ta¯ xin¯ zhong¯ youˇ shuˋ

He knew better

他心想 ta¯ xin¯ xiangˇ

He thought to himself, He thought, He figured

她心想 ta¯ xin¯ xiangˇ

She thought to herself, She thought, She figured

zha, ba, ca, cha, da, fa, la, pa, ta, ya, za

押金 ya¯ jin¯

Deposit, Cash pledge, First payment

壓進 ya¯ jinˋ

Pressed into, Embedded, Ground into

zha, ba, ca, cha, da, fa, la, pa, ta, ya, za

雜音 zaˊ yin¯

Noise, Background noise, Humming

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 34, 41

差勁 chaˋ jinˋ


踏進 taˋ jinˋ

Step into, Steps into, Stepped into

榨盡 zhaˋ jinˋ

Extract everything

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 34, 41

擦音 ca¯ yin¯


發音 fa¯ yin¯


他心中有數 ta¯ xin¯ zhong¯ youˇ shuˋ

He knew better

他心想 ta¯ xin¯ xiangˇ

He thought to himself, He thought, He figured

她心想 ta¯ xin¯ xiangˇ

She thought to herself, She thought, She figured

押金 ya¯ jin¯

Deposit, Cash pledge, First payment

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 34, 41

巴林 ba¯ linˊ


44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 34, 41

拉緊 la¯ jinˇ

Pull tight, Pulling tight, Pulled tight, Tightened

他緊張的腹部和肩頭 ta¯ jinˇ zhang¯ de˙ fuˋ buˋ hanˋ jian¯ touˊ

His tense belly and shoulders

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 34, 41

插進 cha¯ jinˋ

Insert, Inserts, Inserting, Inserted, Pierce, Pierces, Piercing, Pierced, Dig in, Digs in, Digging in, Dug in

插進他的肉裡 cha¯ jinˋ ta¯ de˙ rouˋ liˇ

Piercing his flesh, Pierced his flesh

插進她的肉裡 cha¯ jinˋ ta¯ de˙ rouˋ liˇ

Piercing her flesh, Pierced her flesh

拉近 la¯ jinˋ

Draw near, Draw close, Draws close, Drawing close, Drew close

拉進 la¯ jinˋ

Pull(ed) into

他盡量悄悄移動 ta¯ jinˋ liangˋ qiaoˇ qiaoˇ yiˊ dongˋ

He moved as quietly as possible

他進入長長的幻想 ta¯ jinˋ ruˋ changˊ changˊ de˙ huanˋ xiangˇ

He went into a long reverie

她盡量悄悄移動 ta¯ jinˋ liangˋ qiaoˇ qiaoˇ yiˊ dongˋ

She moved as quietly as possible

壓進 ya¯ jinˋ

Pressed into, Embedded, Ground into

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 34, 41

雜音 zaˊ yin¯

Noise, Background noise, Humming

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 34, 41

爬進 paˊ jinˋ

Climbed into

爬進去 paˊ jinˋ quˋ

Climbed aboard

爬進窗裡 paˊ jinˋ chuang¯ liˇ

Climb through the window, Climbs through the window, Climbing through the window, Climbed through the window

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 34, 41

把賓利停好 baˇ bin¯ liˋ tingˊ haoˇ

Park the Bentley, Parks the Bentley, Parked the Bentley

把新床墊打開 baˇ xin¯ chuangˊ dianˋ daˇ kai¯

Opened the new mattress

把音響賣掉 baˇ yin¯ xiangˇ maiˋ diaoˋ

Sell the stereo

打拼 daˇ pin¯

Work hard

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 34, 41

把信拿走 baˇ xinˋ naˊ zouˇ

Took the letter

打印 daˇ yinˋ

Print, Stamp, Seal

打印機 daˇ yinˋ ji¯


44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 34, 41

大新聞 daˋ xin¯ wenˊ

Big news


十-木 : > : > [榨]-榨盡 : > [榨]-榨盡 >

十-肀 : > : > [盡]-榨盡 : > [盡]-榨盡 >

榨盡 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 榨

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