
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 粗


Vague, Ambiguous, Unclear

moˊ moˊ cu¯ cu¯

粗 cu¯
Thick, Bulky, Rough, Course, Rude, Unrefined

粗 粗 (hide char details)

Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 模模粗粗 (o-o)

Grouped by first phone

mo, bo, po

摸摸 mo¯ mo¯

Touch, Feel

摸摸看 mo¯ mo¯ kanˋ

Touch, Feel

模模粗粗 moˊ moˊ cu¯ cu¯

Vague, Ambiguous, Unclear

磨墨 moˊ moˋ

Grind ink, Grind an ink stick to make ink

默默 moˋ moˋ

Quietly, Silently, In one's heart

默默佇立著 moˋ moˋ zhuˋ liˋ zhe˙

Silently stood still

默默無聞 moˋ moˋ wuˊ wenˊ


默默留給別人教他的事 moˋ moˋ liuˊ geiˇ bieˊ renˊ jiaoˋ ta¯ de˙ shiˋ

A thing left unspoken for others to teach him

默默的 moˋ moˋ de˙


默默觀察 moˋ moˋ guan¯ chaˊ

Quietly watched, Silently observed, Watched, Observed

mo, bo, po

薄薄 boˊ boˊ


伯伯 boˊ bo˙


薄膜 boˊ moˊ

Membrane, Film

薄膜狀 boˊ moˊ zhuangˋ

Membrany, Filmy

薄膜狀物 boˊ moˊ zhuangˋ wuˋ

Filmy stuff, Membrany stuff

mo, bo, po

潑墨 po¯ moˋ

Splash ink painting technique

潑墨山水 po¯ moˋ shan¯ shuiˇ

Splash ink landscape painting

婆婆 poˊ poˊ

Husband's mother, Term of respect for older lady

破破 poˋ poˋ


破破的 poˋ poˋ de˙


Grouped in tone pairs

22, 11, 14, 24, 25, 44

薄薄 boˊ boˊ


薄膜 boˊ moˊ

Membrane, Film

薄膜狀 boˊ moˊ zhuangˋ

Membrany, Filmy

薄膜狀物 boˊ moˊ zhuangˋ wuˋ

Filmy stuff, Membrany stuff

模模粗粗 moˊ moˊ cu¯ cu¯

Vague, Ambiguous, Unclear

婆婆 poˊ poˊ

Husband's mother, Term of respect for older lady

22, 11, 14, 24, 25, 44

摸摸 mo¯ mo¯

Touch, Feel

摸摸看 mo¯ mo¯ kanˋ

Touch, Feel

22, 11, 14, 24, 25, 44

潑墨 po¯ moˋ

Splash ink painting technique

潑墨山水 po¯ moˋ shan¯ shuiˇ

Splash ink landscape painting

22, 11, 14, 24, 25, 44

磨墨 moˊ moˋ

Grind ink, Grind an ink stick to make ink

22, 11, 14, 24, 25, 44

伯伯 boˊ bo˙


22, 11, 14, 24, 25, 44

默默 moˋ moˋ

Quietly, Silently, In one's heart

默默佇立著 moˋ moˋ zhuˋ liˋ zhe˙

Silently stood still

默默無聞 moˋ moˋ wuˊ wenˊ


默默留給別人教他的事 moˋ moˋ liuˊ geiˇ bieˊ renˊ jiaoˋ ta¯ de˙ shiˋ

A thing left unspoken for others to teach him

默默的 moˋ moˋ de˙


默默觀察 moˋ moˋ guan¯ chaˊ

Quietly watched, Silently observed, Watched, Observed

破破 poˋ poˋ


破破的 poˋ poˋ de˙



十-木 : > : > [模]-模模 : > [模]-模模粗粗 >

十-木 : > : > [模]-模模 : > [模]-模模粗粗 >

人-米 : > : > [粗]-粗粗 : > [粗]-模模粗粗 >

人-米 : > : > [粗]-粗粗 : > [粗]-模模粗粗 >

模模粗粗 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 粗

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