Vehicle, Mechanism, Machine, Device, Aircraft, Plane, Luck, Opportunity, Chance, Fate, Shrewd, Secret
Word Links for words containing 機 (sorted via character pairs)
機器 Equipment, Device, Machine, Machinery
殺人機器 Killing machine
讀寫機器 Read and write machinery
一個小機器 A small device
是個訓練有素的殺人機器 A well trained killing machine
架在類似牙醫器材的靈巧機械臂上的機器 A device that was on a nimble robotic arm similar to a dentist's tool
機器人 Robot, Android
機器臂 Robot arm, Mechanical arm, Manipulator arm, Manipulator
機器馬 Robot horse, Robotic horse
戰鬥機器人 Fighting robot, Battle droid, Battle robot
進行機器人 Advanced robotics
機器手臂 Mechanical arm, Mechanical arms, Manipulator arm, Manipulator arms
機器玩意 Mechanical device, Robotic device, Mechanical toy
機器人先生 Mr Roboto
機器導向語言 Machine oriented language, Machine language
機器人吸塵器 Robot vacuum cleaner
倫巴機器人吸塵器 Roomba robot vacuum
機密 Secret, Confidential, Classified, Privileged information
高度機密 Highly confidential, Closely guarded secret
機密的行動 Secret operation, Secret operations, Secret action, Secret actions, Classified actions
機會 Chance, Opportunity
沒機會 Not had the chance, No chance, No opportunity, Not had the opportunity
抓住機會 Seize the moment, Grab the chance
有一個機會 Had one chance
願意用一切交換一個機會 Willing to do anything for the chance to, Willing to do anything in exchange for the chance to
我願意用一切交換一個機會 I'd do anything for the chance to, I'd give anything for the chance to
在一次偶然的機會下 By chance
機場 Airport, Airports
國際機場 International Airport
直接到機場 Go straight to the airport, Head directly for the airport
到波特蘭機場 Portland Airport
搭接駁車到波特蘭機場 Took the shuttle bus to Portland airport
機場安檢 Airport security
機場安檢程序 Airport security procedure, Airport security check
全國各地的機場和碼頭 Airports and docks around the country
機械 Machine, Mechanism, Mechanical device, Mechanical
計算機械 Computational device, Computation devices, Computational machinery
起重機械 Hoisting machinery, Lifting machinery, Cranes
架在類似牙醫器材的靈巧機械臂上的機器 A device that was on a nimble robotic arm similar to a dentist's tool
機械師 Mechanic, Technician
機械性 Mechanical, Mechanical in nature
機械泵 Mechanical pump
機械臂 Robotic arm
機械論 Mechanical theory
靈巧機械臂 Nimble robotic arm
機械利益 Mechanical advantage
機械原理 Mechanical principles
機械專長 Mechanical knowledge, Mechanical expertise
機械懷錶 Mechanical pocket watch
機械手臂 Robot arm, Robot arms
機械挖掘 Excavator, Excavators
機械裝置 Mechanism
機械化部隊 Mechanized infantry
機械工程師 Mechanical Engineer
機械計算機 Mechanical calculator, Mechanical computer
神經機械控制 Cybernetic
他至少拿出機械懷錶看了十幾次 Pulled out his mechanical pocket watch at least a dozen times
在類似牙醫器材的靈巧機械臂上 On a dexterous robotic arm that was similar to a dentist's tool
我的機械專長或許可以救我一命 My mechanical knowledge might save my life
機構 Organization, Institution
官僚機構 Bureaucracy
慈善機構 Charity
連桿機構 Linkage
金融機構 Financial institution
大型研究機構 Large research organizations or institutions
自我存續的官僚機構 Self-perpetuating bureaucracy
暫時備用機 Short term spare device, Short term replacement device or piece of equipment
一臺暫時備用機 A short term spare device, Short term replacement device or piece of equipment
隨機 Random, Stochastic, Probabilistic, Randomly, Stochastically Probabilistically
在附近隨機循環移動 Circulated stochastically through the neighborhood
隨機的 Adapting, Changing, Varying, Random, Aleatory
隨機碼 Random code
飛機 Airplane
上飛機 Board (an) airplane
搭飛機 Travel by airplane, Fly
怕坐飛機 Afraid of flying
抬上飛機 Loaded onto the plane, Loaded onboard the plane
登上飛機 Board the plane, Boards the plane, Boarded the plane
艦載飛機 Ship based aircraft
輕型飛機 Light plane
這架飛機 This airplane
遙控飛機 Remote control aircraft
飛機場 Airport
飛機票 Airplane ticket
飛機餐 In-flight meal, Meal service
下飛機後 After landing
沒有提供飛機餐 Doesn't provide an inflight meal, Didn't provide an inflight meal
她飛機落地時 When her flight lands
已經在飛機上了 Already on the plane, Already in the air, On the plane now, In the air now
被人從飛機上丟下去的 Thrown out of an airplane, Dropped from an airplane
他是被人從飛機上丟下去的 He was thrown out of an airplane, Someone threw him out of an airplane
他飛機落地時會跟你聯絡嗎 Will he call you when he lands?
她飛機落地時會跟你聯絡嗎 Will she call you when she lands?
危機 Crisis
糧食危機 Food crisis, Food shortage, Provisions shortage
為解決糧食危機 In order to solve food crisis, To solve food shortage problem
危機四伏 Filled with danger
在危機時 During a crisis
手機 Mobile phone, Cell phone
玩手機 Play on the phone
打著手機 Speak on a cellphone, Spoke on a cellphone
手機打 Call from cellphone
手機直撥 Mobile direct dial
直升機 Helicopter
坐直升機 Takes a helicopter, Rides a helicopter
搭直升機 Riding a helicopter
救上直升機 Rescue helicopter
走近直升機 Walked up to the helicopter, Approached the helicopter
計算機 Calculator, Calculators, Computer, Computers
平行計算機 Parallel computer
機械計算機 Mechanical calculator, Mechanical computer
一般型計算機 General purpose calculator
科學型計算機 Scientific calculator
主機 Main device, Main piece of equipment, Primary piece of equipment (as opposed to a stand by or temporary piece of equipment)
相機 Camera
照相機 Camera
自訂相機 Customizing the camera
穩固握持相機 Hold camera steady
很少拿著照相機 Seldom takes a camera along
相機震動 Camera shake
避免相機震動 Prevent camera shake, Prevent camera from shaking
防止相機震動 Preventing camera shake
檢查相機設定 Check camera settings
回復相機預設設定 Revert Camera to Default Settings
照相機你會用嗎 Can you use a camera
照相機的閃光燈 Camera's flash
相機的距離變更 Camera distance changes, Distance to camera changes
這種照相機我會用 I can use this type of camera
以降低因相機震動而產生的模糊 To reduce blur caused by camera shake
相機會發出提示音 Camera beeper will sound, Camera will emit a beep (or beeping) sound
同時相機會發出提示音 At the same time the camera beeper will sound
有機 Organic
有機會 Have the opportunity, Have the chance
有機物 Organic matter
大有機會 Excellent chance, Great chance
要是有機會 Given the chance or opportunity
家境較富裕的階層才有機會 Only the wealthier classes have the chance to
有機可乘 Take advantage of
有機會出 Has the chance, Has an opportunity to
有機莓果 Organic Berries
有機會出點力了 Have a chance to work, Have a chance to be useful
開創了一家有機農場 Started an organic farm
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