
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 想


Truly wanted (to)

zhengˋ xiangˇ

想 xiangˇ
Think, Believe, Wish, Miss, Want, Imagine, Idea

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 正想 (eng-yang)

Grouped by first phone

zheng, beng, cheng, feng, geng, heng, meng, neng, sheng, zeng

正想 zhengˋ xiangˇ

Truly wanted (to)

正向 zhengˋ xiangˋ

Positive direction

zheng, beng, cheng, feng, geng, heng, meng, neng, sheng, zeng

甭想 bengˊ xiangˇ

Don't think

zheng, beng, cheng, feng, geng, heng, meng, neng, sheng, zeng

乘涼 chengˊ liangˊ

Cool down, Take advantage of the shade

城牆 chengˊ qiangˊ

City wall, Fortified city wall, Fortification

逞強 chengˇ qiangˊ

Show off

城鄉 chengˊ xiang¯

City and countryside, Urban and rural

成像 chengˊ xiangˋ

Image, Imaging

zheng, beng, cheng, feng, geng, heng, meng, neng, sheng, zeng

風將她的暗色頭髮吹打在臉上 feng¯ jiang¯ ta¯ de˙ anˋ seˋ touˊ faˇ chui¯ daˇ zaiˋ lianˇ shangˋ

The wind blew her dark hair across her face

縫匠 fengˊ jiangˋ

Tailor, Seamstress

縫匠肌 fengˊ jiangˋ ji¯


風箱式 feng¯ xiang¯ shiˋ

Wind Box Style Breathing, Bhastrika

奉養 fengˋ yangˇ

Support one's parents

zheng, beng, cheng, feng, geng, heng, meng, neng, sheng, zeng

更像 gengˋ xiangˋ

Like (a), More like

zheng, beng, cheng, feng, geng, heng, meng, neng, sheng, zeng

衡量 hengˊ liangˊ

Measure, Measures, Measuring, Measured

橫向 hengˊ xiangˋ

Lateral, Laterally, Crosswise, Horizontally, Sideways

zheng, beng, cheng, feng, geng, heng, meng, neng, sheng, zeng

夢想 mengˋ xiangˇ


夢想成真 mengˋ xiangˇ chengˊ zhen¯

Dream come true, Realize a dream, Make a dream come true

夢想的 mengˋ xiangˇ de˙


zheng, beng, cheng, feng, geng, heng, meng, neng, sheng, zeng

能量 nengˊ liangˋ

Energy level, Energy

zheng, beng, cheng, feng, geng, heng, meng, neng, sheng, zeng

升降 sheng¯ jiangˋ

Lift and lower, Lifting and then lowering back down

升降冪排列 sheng¯ jiangˋ miˋ paiˊ lieˋ

Arranging by ascending or descending powers

聲強 sheng¯ qiangˊ

Sound intensity

聲響 sheng¯ xiangˇ

Sound, Noise, Tone

聲響頗大 sheng¯ xiangˇ po¯ daˋ

Noise was very loud

zheng, beng, cheng, feng, geng, heng, meng, neng, sheng, zeng

增強 zeng¯ qiangˊ

Strengthen, Strengthening, Getting stronger

Grouped in tone pairs

43, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 44

奉養 fengˋ yangˇ

Support one's parents

夢想 mengˋ xiangˇ


夢想成真 mengˋ xiangˇ chengˊ zhen¯

Dream come true, Realize a dream, Make a dream come true

夢想的 mengˋ xiangˇ de˙


正想 zhengˋ xiangˇ

Truly wanted (to)

43, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 44

風將她的暗色頭髮吹打在臉上 feng¯ jiang¯ ta¯ de˙ anˋ seˋ touˊ faˇ chui¯ daˇ zaiˋ lianˇ shangˋ

The wind blew her dark hair across her face

風箱式 feng¯ xiang¯ shiˋ

Wind Box Style Breathing, Bhastrika

43, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 44

聲強 sheng¯ qiangˊ

Sound intensity

增強 zeng¯ qiangˊ

Strengthen, Strengthening, Getting stronger

43, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 44

聲響 sheng¯ xiangˇ

Sound, Noise, Tone

聲響頗大 sheng¯ xiangˇ po¯ daˋ

Noise was very loud

43, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 44

升降 sheng¯ jiangˋ

Lift and lower, Lifting and then lowering back down

升降冪排列 sheng¯ jiangˋ miˋ paiˊ lieˋ

Arranging by ascending or descending powers

43, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 44

城鄉 chengˊ xiang¯

City and countryside, Urban and rural

43, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 44

乘涼 chengˊ liangˊ

Cool down, Take advantage of the shade

城牆 chengˊ qiangˊ

City wall, Fortified city wall, Fortification

衡量 hengˊ liangˊ

Measure, Measures, Measuring, Measured

43, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 44

甭想 bengˊ xiangˇ

Don't think

43, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 44

成像 chengˊ xiangˋ

Image, Imaging

縫匠 fengˊ jiangˋ

Tailor, Seamstress

縫匠肌 fengˊ jiangˋ ji¯


橫向 hengˊ xiangˋ

Lateral, Laterally, Crosswise, Horizontally, Sideways

能量 nengˊ liangˋ

Energy level, Energy

43, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 44

逞強 chengˇ qiangˊ

Show off

43, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 44

更像 gengˋ xiangˋ

Like (a), More like

正向 zhengˋ xiangˋ

Positive direction


一-正 : > : > [正]-正想 : > [正]-正想 >

十-木 : > : > [想]-正想 : > [想]-正想 >

正想 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 想

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