Kill, Slaughter, Murder, Fight, Weaken, Exceedingly, Extremely
Word Links for words containing 殺 (sorted via character pairs)
殺了 Kill, Killed
把某個人殺了 Kill someone, Killed someone
殺了他 Kill him, Killed him
有人殺了他 Someone killed him
當場殺了他 Kill him on the spot, Kill him out of hand
殺手 Killer, Killers
我是個殺手 I am a killer
逍遙法外的殺手 Killer on the loose
空前絕後的偉大殺手 The greatest killer ever known, The greatest killer of all time
殺害 Murder, Kill
遭到殺害 Were killed
殺害他 Kill him, Killed him
殺害他們 Kill them, Killed them
殺害他的兇手 His killer, His murderer, His killers
實際下手殺害他的女人 The woman who did the actual killing, The woman who actually committed his murder
殺人 Kill, Murder
好幾宗殺人 Several murders
你有沒有殺人 Have you killed anyone?
殺人未遂 Attempted murder
好幾宗殺人未遂 Several attempted murders
殺人機器 Killing machine
是個訓練有素的殺人機器 A well trained killing machine
好幾宗殺人未遂案 Various counts of attempted murder
把殺人變成了藝術 Turn murder into a kind of art, Turn killing into a kind of art, Turning killing into a form of art
殺死 Kill, Be killed
沒把彼此殺死 Didn't kill each other
殺死了 Killed
殺死掉 Kill, Kills, Killed
要是她沒先殺死我的話 If she doesn't kill me first
殺掉 Kill
你會是我第一個殺掉的人 You will be the first person I kill
妳會是我第一個殺掉的人 You will be the first person I kill
屠殺 Kill, Killings, Massacre
大屠殺 Massacre, Great massacre
種族屠殺 Ethnic cleansing, Systematic race based murder
事件大屠殺 Pogrom, Systematic large scale murder
謀殺 Murder
謀殺了 Murdered
謀殺罪 The crime of murder, Murder
謀殺還是犯法的 Murder is still illegal, Murder is still a crime
除了謀殺罪以外 Apart from murder, Other than murder
自殺 Suicide
臥軌自殺 Commit suicide by lying on railroad tracks
自殺任務 Suicide mission
自殺任務無異的 What amounted to a suicide mission
執行了與自殺任務無異 Carried out what amounted to a suicide mission
追殺 Hunt and kill, Pursue and kill, Chase down and kill
來追殺 Come after, Come to kill
來追殺我 Come after me, Come to kill me
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