
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 靜


More secluded

biˇ jiaoˋ piˋ jingˋ

靜 jingˋ
Calm, Still, Quiet, Tranquil, Peaceful, Serene, Motionless, Virtuous, Chaste

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Phone , Tone


比較 biˇ jiaoˋ

僻靜 piˋ jingˋ

Words that rhyme with 比較僻靜 (yi-yao)

Grouped by first phone

bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, qi, ti, xi, yi

筆交易 biˇ jiao¯ yiˋ


比較 biˇ jiaoˋ

Compare, Comparison, Comparatively

比較之下 biˇ jiaoˋ zhi¯ xiaˋ

By comparison

比較乾淨的 biˇ jiaoˋ gan¯ jingˋ de˙

Slightly cleaner

比較便宜的 biˇ jiaoˋ pianˊ yiˊ de˙


比較像兄弟 biˇ jiaoˋ xiangˋ xiong¯ diˋ

More like brothers, More like a brother

比較僻靜 biˇ jiaoˋ piˋ jingˋ

More secluded

比較僻靜的街區 biˇ jiaoˋ piˋ jingˋ de˙ jie¯ qu¯

More secluded neighborhood

比較厚實 biˇ jiaoˋ houˋ shiˊ

Thicker, Heavier

比較厚實溫暖 biˇ jiaoˋ houˋ shiˊ wen¯ nuanˇ

Thicker and warmer

比較厚重 biˇ jiaoˋ houˋ zhongˋ

Heavier, Bulkier

比較可能的是 biˇ jiaoˋ keˇ nengˊ de˙ shiˋ

More likely, Much more likely

比較單純 biˇ jiaoˋ dan¯ chunˊ

Relatively simple

比較堅固 biˇ jiaoˋ jian¯ guˋ

Sturdier, More robust

比較大 biˇ jiaoˋ daˋ

Larger, Comparatively larger, Relatively larger

比較好 biˇ jiaoˋ haoˇ

Is better, It is better

比較好一點 biˇ jiaoˋ haoˇ yiˋ dianˇ

Even better

比較容易 biˇ jiaoˋ rongˊ yiˋ


比較小 biˇ jiaoˋ xiaoˇ

Smaller, Comparatively smaller, Relatively smaller

比較快的 biˇ jiaoˋ kuaiˋ de˙


比較恢復正常一些 biˇ jiaoˋ hui¯ fuˋ zhengˋ changˊ yiˋ xie¯

A little more normal

比較數值 biˇ jiaoˋ shuˋ zhiˊ

Relative value

比較明智 biˇ jiaoˋ mingˊ zhiˋ

Wiser, Been wiser, Smarter, Been smarter

比較是工程學而非 biˇ jiaoˋ shiˋ gong¯ chengˊ xueˊ erˊ fei¯

Much more of an engineering challenge than

比較有意思 biˇ jiaoˋ youˇ yiˋ si¯

More interesting

比較深 biˇ jiaoˋ shen¯

Relatively dark, Relatively deep

比較淺 biˇ jiaoˋ qianˇ

Relatively shallow

比較溫暖 biˇ jiaoˋ wen¯ nuanˇ

Warm er

比較緊急 biˇ jiaoˋ jinˇ jiˊ

More pressing, More urgent

比較被動的狀態 biˇ jiaoˋ beiˋ dongˋ de˙ zhuangˋ taiˋ

More passive mode

比較難了 biˇ jiaoˋ nanˊ le˙

Tougher, Harder, More difficult

必要 biˋ yaoˋ


必要時 biˋ yaoˋ shiˊ

If necessary, When necessary

必要時內置閃光燈將會自動彈起 biˋ yaoˋ shiˊ neiˋ zhiˋ shanˇ guang¯ deng¯ jiang¯ huiˋ ziˋ dongˋ tanˊ qiˇ

If necessary the built in flash will automatically pop up

必要的 biˋ yaoˋ de˙


必要省錢 biˋ yaoˋ shengˇ qianˊ

No need to economize

bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, qi, ti, xi, yi

地表 diˋ biaoˇ

Earth's surface, On earth

低調 di¯ diaoˋ

Low-profile, Low key, Subtle, Visible

遞交 diˋ jiao¯


低調恭敬 di¯ tiaoˊ gong¯ jingˋ

Quietly respectful

抵消 diˇ xiao¯


bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, qi, ti, xi, yi

計較 jiˋ jiaoˋ

Care about

寂寥 jiˊ liaoˊ

Solitary, Unbothered, Lonely, Still

幾秒 jiˇ miaoˇ

A few seconds

幾秒後 jiˇ miaoˇ houˋ

A few seconds later, After a few seconds

幾秒後它又雪白如昔 jiˇ miaoˇ houˋ ta¯ youˋ xueˇ baiˊ ruˊ xi¯

After a few seconds it will be as white as before, After a few seconds it would be as white as before

幾秒鐘後 jiˇ miaoˇ zhong¯ houˋ

After a few seconds, A few seconds later

機票 ji¯ piaoˋ

Ticket, Air voucher, Flight ticket

機票錢 ji¯ piaoˋ qianˊ

Air fare

機巧 ji¯ qiaoˇ

Tact, Tactful, Shrewd, Clever, Cleverness

技巧 jiˋ qiaoˇ

Skilled, Adroit, Dexterous, Technique

幾條街外 jiˇ tiaoˊ jie¯ waiˋ

Several blocks away, Several streets away

績效 ji¯ xiaoˋ

Performance, Result, Results

譏笑 ji¯ xiaoˋ


極小 jiˊ xiaoˇ

Tiny, Extremely tiny, Extremely small

幾小時後 jiˇ xiaoˇ shiˊ houˋ

A few hours later

bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, qi, ti, xi, yi

離表情嚴肅起來 liˊ biaoˇ qingˊ yanˊ suˋ qiˇ laiˊ

Get serious, Got serious, Became serious, Got a serious look

立交橋 liˋ jiao¯ qiaoˊ


bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, qi, ti, xi, yi

迷藥 miˊ yaoˋ

Knockout drops

bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, qi, ti, xi, yi

你教得好 niˇ jiaoˋ de˙ haoˇ

You are a good teacher

你了解吧 niˇ liaoˇ jieˇ ba˙

You understand

你笑 niˇ xiaoˋ

You smile, You laugh

你要 niˇ yaoˋ

You want

你要什麼 niˇ yaoˋ shenˊ me˙

What do you want

你要來嗎 niˇ yaoˋ laiˊ ma˙

Will you come

你要我做什麼 niˇ yaoˋ woˇ zuoˋ sheˊ me˙

What do you want me to do?, What do you need me to do?

你要拿回你的生活了嗎 niˇ yaoˋ naˊ huiˊ niˇ de˙ sheng¯ huoˊ le˙ ma˙

Are you taking your life back?

你要求 niˇ yaoˋ qiuˊ

You require

你要的 niˇ yaoˋ de˙

As you ordered, You wanted

你要綁鞋帶 niˇ yaoˋ bangˇ xieˊ daiˋ

You have to tie your shoelaces, You were tying your shoelace

妳要拿回妳的生活了嗎 niˇ yaoˋ naˊ huiˊ niˇ de˙ sheng¯ huoˊ le˙ ma˙

Are you taking your life back?

bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, qi, ti, xi, yi

旗標位元 qiˊ biao¯ weiˋ yuanˊ

Flag bit, Bit field

起吊 qiˇ diaoˋ


騎腳踏車 qiˊ jiaoˇ taˋ che¯

Riding a bicycle

騎腳踏車時 qiˊ jiaoˇ taˋ che¯ shiˊ

While riding a bicycle

漆料 qi¯ liaoˋ


奇妙 qiˊ miaoˋ


奇妙的 qiˊ miaoˋ de˙


妻小 qi¯ xiaoˇ

Wife and child, Wife and children

起效 qiˇ xiaoˋ

Beginning to work, Beginning to have an affect

起效了 qiˇ xiaoˋ le˙

Beginning to work, Beginning to have an affect

齊腰高 qiˊ yao¯ gao¯

Waist high

bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, qi, ti, xi, yi

踢掉 ti¯ diaoˋ

Kick off, Kicked off

提交 tiˊ jiao¯

Submit, Hand over

體要 tiˇ yaoˋ

Concise, Terse, Succinct, Outline, Summary

bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, qi, ti, xi, yi

西礁 xi¯ jiao¯

Key West

細條紋 xiˋ tiaoˊ wenˊ

Pinstripe, Pin-stripped

細調節輪 xiˋ tiaoˊ jieˊ lunˊ

Fine adjustment wheel

嬉笑 xi¯ xiaoˋ

To laugh

細小 xiˋ xiaoˇ

Thin, Tiny

細小的腳 xiˋ xiaoˇ de˙ jiaoˇ

Tiny legs

bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, qi, ti, xi, yi

儀表 yiˊ biaoˇ

Instrument, Meter, Dial, Gauge, Measuring device, Appearance, Deportment

儀表操縱板 yiˊ biaoˇ cao¯ zongˋ banˇ

Instrument panel, Control panel

儀表板 yiˊ biaoˇ banˇ

Instrument panel, Dashboard

儀表板上的時鐘 yiˊ biaoˇ banˇ shangˋ de˙ shiˊ zhong¯

Dashboard clock

以表格化 yiˇ biaoˇ geˊ huaˋ

Tabulate, In tabular form

移交 yiˊ jiao¯

Turn over, Hand over to

移交給 yiˊ jiao¯ geiˇ

Turn over, Hand over to

一覺醒來 yiˊ jiaoˋ xingˇ laiˊ

Wake up

異教徒 yiˋ jiaoˋ tuˊ

Heathen, Pagan, Someone with different religious beliefs

醫療 yi¯ liaoˊ


醫療用品 yi¯ liaoˊ yongˋ pinˇ

Medical supplies

衣料 yi¯ liaoˋ

Cloth, Clothing

一了百了 yiˋ liaoˇ baiˇ liaoˇ

Solving the key problem provides the key to solving all the problems.

意料 yiˋ liaoˋ


意料之外 yiˋ liaoˋ zhi¯ waiˋ


意料自 yiˋ liaoˋ ziˋ


異料 yiˋ liaoˋ

Different dishes (food), Exotic dishes

疫苗 yiˋ miaoˊ


疫苗不良事件通報系統 yiˋ miaoˊ buˋ liangˊ shiˋ jianˋ tong¯ baoˋ xiˋ tongˇ

Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System

疫苗接種 yiˋ miaoˊ jie¯ zhongˇ


疫苗施打相關 yiˋ miaoˊ shi¯ daˇ xiang¯ guan¯

Vaccine related

一票 yiˊ piaoˋ

Bunch of or group of (slang)

一跳 yiˊ tiaoˋ

React out of surprise, Reacting out of shock, Reacted out of shock, Reacted in shock

一條 yiˋ tiaoˊ

A/An (e.g. a scarf or other long object)

一條小曲線 yiˋ tiaoˊ xiaoˇ qu¯ xianˋ

A short bendy line

一條彩色的布 yiˋ tiaoˊ caiˇ seˋ de˙ buˋ

A strip of colored cloth

一條水圳 yiˋ tiaoˊ shuiˇ zhenˋ

An irrigation canal

一條白色的魚 yiˋ tiaoˊ baiˊ seˋ de˙ yuˊ

A white fish

一條神祕的河 yiˋ tiaoˊ shenˊ miˋ de˙ heˊ

A mysterious river

一條線 yiˋ tiaoˊ xianˋ

A line

一條街上 yiˋ tiaoˊ jie¯ shangˋ


一條銀色的長線 yiˋ tiaoˊ yinˊ seˋ de˙ changˊ xianˋ

A long silver colored thread

一條隱匿小道 yiˋ tiaoˊ yinˇ niˋ xiaoˇ daoˋ

A concealed path

一條高速公路 yiˋ tiaoˊ gao¯ suˋ gong¯ luˋ

A highway

一小時 yi¯ xiaoˇ shiˊ

One hour

一笑 yiˊ xiaoˋ

Laugh, Smile, Laughed, Smiled

一笑就會 yiˊ xiaoˋ jiuˋ huiˋ

Would, if laughing, Would, if smiling, If they laughed would, If they smiled would

一小口一小口 yiˋ xiaoˇ kouˇ yiˋ xiaoˇ kouˇ

Mouthful by mouthful, Swallow by swallow

一小團火花 yiˋ xiaoˇ tuanˊ huoˇ hua¯

A little spark

一小塊 yiˋ xiaoˇ kuaiˋ

A tiny piece

一小撮泥土 yiˋ xiaoˇ cuo¯ niˊ tuˇ

A pinch of soil

一小步一小步 yiˋ xiaoˇ buˋ yiˋ xiaoˇ buˋ

Step by step, One step at a time

一小段 yiˋ xiaoˇ duanˋ

A fragment

一小隊人 yiˋ xiaoˇ duiˋ renˊ

A small team, A small group of people

一小點點 yiˋ xiaoˇ dianˇ dianˇ

A little bit

一笑置之 yiˋ xiaoˋ zhiˋ zhi¯

Laughed it off, Laughingly disregarded

醫藥 yi¯ yaoˋ

Medicine, Medical

醫藥費 yi¯ yaoˋ feiˋ

Medical fees

一搖一擺 yiˋ yaoˊ yiˋ baiˇ

Sway, Waddle

Grouped in tone pairs

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

比較 biˇ jiaoˋ

Compare, Comparison, Comparatively

比較之下 biˇ jiaoˋ zhi¯ xiaˋ

By comparison

比較乾淨的 biˇ jiaoˋ gan¯ jingˋ de˙

Slightly cleaner

比較便宜的 biˇ jiaoˋ pianˊ yiˊ de˙


比較像兄弟 biˇ jiaoˋ xiangˋ xiong¯ diˋ

More like brothers, More like a brother

比較僻靜 biˇ jiaoˋ piˋ jingˋ

More secluded

比較僻靜的街區 biˇ jiaoˋ piˋ jingˋ de˙ jie¯ qu¯

More secluded neighborhood

比較厚實 biˇ jiaoˋ houˋ shiˊ

Thicker, Heavier

比較厚實溫暖 biˇ jiaoˋ houˋ shiˊ wen¯ nuanˇ

Thicker and warmer

比較厚重 biˇ jiaoˋ houˋ zhongˋ

Heavier, Bulkier

比較可能的是 biˇ jiaoˋ keˇ nengˊ de˙ shiˋ

More likely, Much more likely

比較單純 biˇ jiaoˋ dan¯ chunˊ

Relatively simple

比較堅固 biˇ jiaoˋ jian¯ guˋ

Sturdier, More robust

比較大 biˇ jiaoˋ daˋ

Larger, Comparatively larger, Relatively larger

比較好 biˇ jiaoˋ haoˇ

Is better, It is better

比較好一點 biˇ jiaoˋ haoˇ yiˋ dianˇ

Even better

比較容易 biˇ jiaoˋ rongˊ yiˋ


比較小 biˇ jiaoˋ xiaoˇ

Smaller, Comparatively smaller, Relatively smaller

比較快的 biˇ jiaoˋ kuaiˋ de˙


比較恢復正常一些 biˇ jiaoˋ hui¯ fuˋ zhengˋ changˊ yiˋ xie¯

A little more normal

比較數值 biˇ jiaoˋ shuˋ zhiˊ

Relative value

比較明智 biˇ jiaoˋ mingˊ zhiˋ

Wiser, Been wiser, Smarter, Been smarter

比較是工程學而非 biˇ jiaoˋ shiˋ gong¯ chengˊ xueˊ erˊ fei¯

Much more of an engineering challenge than

比較有意思 biˇ jiaoˋ youˇ yiˋ si¯

More interesting

比較深 biˇ jiaoˋ shen¯

Relatively dark, Relatively deep

比較淺 biˇ jiaoˋ qianˇ

Relatively shallow

比較溫暖 biˇ jiaoˋ wen¯ nuanˇ

Warm er

比較緊急 biˇ jiaoˋ jinˇ jiˊ

More pressing, More urgent

比較被動的狀態 biˇ jiaoˋ beiˋ dongˋ de˙ zhuangˋ taiˋ

More passive mode

比較難了 biˇ jiaoˋ nanˊ le˙

Tougher, Harder, More difficult

你教得好 niˇ jiaoˋ de˙ haoˇ

You are a good teacher

你笑 niˇ xiaoˋ

You smile, You laugh

你要 niˇ yaoˋ

You want

你要什麼 niˇ yaoˋ shenˊ me˙

What do you want

你要來嗎 niˇ yaoˋ laiˊ ma˙

Will you come

你要我做什麼 niˇ yaoˋ woˇ zuoˋ sheˊ me˙

What do you want me to do?, What do you need me to do?

你要拿回你的生活了嗎 niˇ yaoˋ naˊ huiˊ niˇ de˙ sheng¯ huoˊ le˙ ma˙

Are you taking your life back?

你要求 niˇ yaoˋ qiuˊ

You require

你要的 niˇ yaoˋ de˙

As you ordered, You wanted

你要綁鞋帶 niˇ yaoˋ bangˇ xieˊ daiˋ

You have to tie your shoelaces, You were tying your shoelace

妳要拿回妳的生活了嗎 niˇ yaoˋ naˊ huiˊ niˇ de˙ sheng¯ huoˊ le˙ ma˙

Are you taking your life back?

起吊 qiˇ diaoˋ


起效 qiˇ xiaoˋ

Beginning to work, Beginning to have an affect

起效了 qiˇ xiaoˋ le˙

Beginning to work, Beginning to have an affect

體要 tiˇ yaoˋ

Concise, Terse, Succinct, Outline, Summary

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

西礁 xi¯ jiao¯

Key West

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

低調恭敬 di¯ tiaoˊ gong¯ jingˋ

Quietly respectful

醫療 yi¯ liaoˊ


醫療用品 yi¯ liaoˊ yongˋ pinˇ

Medical supplies

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

機巧 ji¯ qiaoˇ

Tact, Tactful, Shrewd, Clever, Cleverness

妻小 qi¯ xiaoˇ

Wife and child, Wife and children

一小時 yi¯ xiaoˇ shiˊ

One hour

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

低調 di¯ diaoˋ

Low-profile, Low key, Subtle, Visible

機票 ji¯ piaoˋ

Ticket, Air voucher, Flight ticket

機票錢 ji¯ piaoˋ qianˊ

Air fare

績效 ji¯ xiaoˋ

Performance, Result, Results

譏笑 ji¯ xiaoˋ


漆料 qi¯ liaoˋ


踢掉 ti¯ diaoˋ

Kick off, Kicked off

嬉笑 xi¯ xiaoˋ

To laugh

衣料 yi¯ liaoˋ

Cloth, Clothing

醫藥 yi¯ yaoˋ

Medicine, Medical

醫藥費 yi¯ yaoˋ feiˋ

Medical fees

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

旗標位元 qiˊ biao¯ weiˋ yuanˊ

Flag bit, Bit field

齊腰高 qiˊ yao¯ gao¯

Waist high

提交 tiˊ jiao¯

Submit, Hand over

移交 yiˊ jiao¯

Turn over, Hand over to

移交給 yiˊ jiao¯ geiˇ

Turn over, Hand over to

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

寂寥 jiˊ liaoˊ

Solitary, Unbothered, Lonely, Still

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

極小 jiˊ xiaoˇ

Tiny, Extremely tiny, Extremely small

離表情嚴肅起來 liˊ biaoˇ qingˊ yanˊ suˋ qiˇ laiˊ

Get serious, Got serious, Became serious, Got a serious look

騎腳踏車 qiˊ jiaoˇ taˋ che¯

Riding a bicycle

騎腳踏車時 qiˊ jiaoˇ taˋ che¯ shiˊ

While riding a bicycle

儀表 yiˊ biaoˇ

Instrument, Meter, Dial, Gauge, Measuring device, Appearance, Deportment

儀表操縱板 yiˊ biaoˇ cao¯ zongˋ banˇ

Instrument panel, Control panel

儀表板 yiˊ biaoˇ banˇ

Instrument panel, Dashboard

儀表板上的時鐘 yiˊ biaoˇ banˇ shangˋ de˙ shiˊ zhong¯

Dashboard clock

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

迷藥 miˊ yaoˋ

Knockout drops

奇妙 qiˊ miaoˋ


奇妙的 qiˊ miaoˋ de˙


一覺醒來 yiˊ jiaoˋ xingˇ laiˊ

Wake up

一票 yiˊ piaoˋ

Bunch of or group of (slang)

一跳 yiˊ tiaoˋ

React out of surprise, Reacting out of shock, Reacted out of shock, Reacted in shock

一笑 yiˊ xiaoˋ

Laugh, Smile, Laughed, Smiled

一笑就會 yiˊ xiaoˋ jiuˋ huiˋ

Would, if laughing, Would, if smiling, If they laughed would, If they smiled would

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

筆交易 biˇ jiao¯ yiˋ


抵消 diˇ xiao¯


34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

幾條街外 jiˇ tiaoˊ jie¯ waiˋ

Several blocks away, Several streets away

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

幾秒 jiˇ miaoˇ

A few seconds

幾秒後 jiˇ miaoˇ houˋ

A few seconds later, After a few seconds

幾秒後它又雪白如昔 jiˇ miaoˇ houˋ ta¯ youˋ xueˇ baiˊ ruˊ xi¯

After a few seconds it will be as white as before, After a few seconds it would be as white as before

幾秒鐘後 jiˇ miaoˇ zhong¯ houˋ

After a few seconds, A few seconds later

幾小時後 jiˇ xiaoˇ shiˊ houˋ

A few hours later

你了解吧 niˇ liaoˇ jieˇ ba˙

You understand

以表格化 yiˇ biaoˇ geˊ huaˋ

Tabulate, In tabular form

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

遞交 diˋ jiao¯


立交橋 liˋ jiao¯ qiaoˊ


34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

細條紋 xiˋ tiaoˊ wenˊ

Pinstripe, Pin-stripped

細調節輪 xiˋ tiaoˊ jieˊ lunˊ

Fine adjustment wheel

疫苗 yiˋ miaoˊ


疫苗不良事件通報系統 yiˋ miaoˊ buˋ liangˊ shiˋ jianˋ tong¯ baoˋ xiˋ tongˇ

Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System

疫苗接種 yiˋ miaoˊ jie¯ zhongˇ


疫苗施打相關 yiˋ miaoˊ shi¯ daˇ xiang¯ guan¯

Vaccine related

一條 yiˋ tiaoˊ

A/An (e.g. a scarf or other long object)

一條小曲線 yiˋ tiaoˊ xiaoˇ qu¯ xianˋ

A short bendy line

一條彩色的布 yiˋ tiaoˊ caiˇ seˋ de˙ buˋ

A strip of colored cloth

一條水圳 yiˋ tiaoˊ shuiˇ zhenˋ

An irrigation canal

一條白色的魚 yiˋ tiaoˊ baiˊ seˋ de˙ yuˊ

A white fish

一條神祕的河 yiˋ tiaoˊ shenˊ miˋ de˙ heˊ

A mysterious river

一條線 yiˋ tiaoˊ xianˋ

A line

一條街上 yiˋ tiaoˊ jie¯ shangˋ


一條銀色的長線 yiˋ tiaoˊ yinˊ seˋ de˙ changˊ xianˋ

A long silver colored thread

一條隱匿小道 yiˋ tiaoˊ yinˇ niˋ xiaoˇ daoˋ

A concealed path

一條高速公路 yiˋ tiaoˊ gao¯ suˋ gong¯ luˋ

A highway

一搖一擺 yiˋ yaoˊ yiˋ baiˇ

Sway, Waddle

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

地表 diˋ biaoˇ

Earth's surface, On earth

技巧 jiˋ qiaoˇ

Skilled, Adroit, Dexterous, Technique

細小 xiˋ xiaoˇ

Thin, Tiny

細小的腳 xiˋ xiaoˇ de˙ jiaoˇ

Tiny legs

一了百了 yiˋ liaoˇ baiˇ liaoˇ

Solving the key problem provides the key to solving all the problems.

一小口一小口 yiˋ xiaoˇ kouˇ yiˋ xiaoˇ kouˇ

Mouthful by mouthful, Swallow by swallow

一小團火花 yiˋ xiaoˇ tuanˊ huoˇ hua¯

A little spark

一小塊 yiˋ xiaoˇ kuaiˋ

A tiny piece

一小撮泥土 yiˋ xiaoˇ cuo¯ niˊ tuˇ

A pinch of soil

一小步一小步 yiˋ xiaoˇ buˋ yiˋ xiaoˇ buˋ

Step by step, One step at a time

一小段 yiˋ xiaoˇ duanˋ

A fragment

一小隊人 yiˋ xiaoˇ duiˋ renˊ

A small team, A small group of people

一小點點 yiˋ xiaoˇ dianˇ dianˇ

A little bit

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

必要 biˋ yaoˋ


必要時 biˋ yaoˋ shiˊ

If necessary, When necessary

必要時內置閃光燈將會自動彈起 biˋ yaoˋ shiˊ neiˋ zhiˋ shanˇ guang¯ deng¯ jiang¯ huiˋ ziˋ dongˋ tanˊ qiˇ

If necessary the built in flash will automatically pop up

必要的 biˋ yaoˋ de˙


必要省錢 biˋ yaoˋ shengˇ qianˊ

No need to economize

計較 jiˋ jiaoˋ

Care about

異教徒 yiˋ jiaoˋ tuˊ

Heathen, Pagan, Someone with different religious beliefs

意料 yiˋ liaoˋ


意料之外 yiˋ liaoˋ zhi¯ waiˋ


意料自 yiˋ liaoˋ ziˋ


異料 yiˋ liaoˋ

Different dishes (food), Exotic dishes

一笑置之 yiˋ xiaoˋ zhiˋ zhi¯

Laughed it off, Laughingly disregarded


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