Index for words including 沮


Stop, Abate, Prevent, Lose, Defeated, Dejected, Spoil, Injure, Damage

Word Links for words containing 沮 (sorted via character pairs)

沮 juˇ
Stop, Abate, Prevent, Lose, Defeated, Dejected, Spoil, Injure, Damage

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


沮喪 Disappointment, Dismay, Depressed, Downcast, Discouraged, Crestfallen, Despondent, Disappointed

心裡的沮喪 Depression, Disappointment, Dismay

沮喪 Depressed, Dejected, Frustrated

沮喪了起來 Became depressed

顯得沮喪和不 Appeared depressed and unsettled

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