
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 用


Continue to follow old practices

yanˊ yongˋ

用 yongˋ
Use, Employ, Operate, Apply, Exert, Try, Sample

沿 (hide char details)

Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 沿用 (yan-yong)

Grouped by first phone

yan, lian, qian, tian

沿用 yanˊ yongˋ

Continue to follow old practices

yan, lian, qian, tian

連用 lianˊ yongˋ

Used together, Used together with, Used consecutively

yan, lian, qian, tian

前胸內袋 qianˊ xiong¯ neiˋ daiˋ

Inner breast pocket

yan, lian, qian, tian

填胸 tianˊ xiong¯

Fill the chest

Grouped in tone pairs

24, 21

連用 lianˊ yongˋ

Used together, Used together with, Used consecutively

沿用 yanˊ yongˋ

Continue to follow old practices

24, 21

前胸內袋 qianˊ xiong¯ neiˋ daiˋ

Inner breast pocket

填胸 tianˊ xiong¯

Fill the chest


丶-氵 : > 沿: > [沿]-沿用 : > [沿]-沿用 >

冂-⺆ : > : > [用]-沿用 : > [用]-沿用 >

沿用 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 用

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