
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 頭


Headstand Prep, Sirsasana, (Cats: Exercise-Yoga next)

zhunˇ beiˋ touˊ daoˋ liˋ shiˋ

頭 touˊ
Head, Chief, Boss, Prime, First, Noun Suffix, MW For Livestock

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Phone , Tone


準備 zhunˇ beiˋ

倒立 daoˇ liˋ

Words that rhyme with 準備頭倒立式 (wen-ei)

Grouped by first phone

zhun, sun

准備 zhunˇ beiˋ


准備的 zhunˇ beiˋ de˙


準備 zhunˇ beiˋ

Ready, Prepare, Get ready, Supply (with)

準備及預防 zhunˇ beiˋ jiˊ yuˋ fangˊ

Being ready to prevent, Prepared to prevent

準備向 zhunˇ beiˋ xiangˋ

Ready to

準備好 zhunˇ beiˋ haoˇ

Ready (to), Get ready, Prepare

準備好了 zhunˇ beiˋ haoˇ le˙

Ready, Is ready, Am ready, Are ready, Prepared

準備好了沒 zhunˇ beiˋ haoˇ le˙ meiˊ

Ready or not?

準備就緒 zhunˇ beiˋ jiuˋ xuˋ

Ready, Prepared

準備就緒後 zhunˇ beiˋ jiuˋ xuˋ houˋ

Is ready then, Was ready then, After you are ready then

準備所需的 zhunˇ beiˋ suoˇ xu¯ de˙

Supplied with necessary, Equipped with necessary, Provided with necessary

準備晚餐 zhunˇ beiˋ wanˇ can¯

Prepare dinner

準備狩 zhunˇ beiˋ shouˋ

Prepare to hunt, Get ready to hunt, Preparing to hunt

準備見你了 zhunˇ beiˋ jianˋ niˇ le˙

Is ready to see you

準備起飛 zhunˇ beiˋ qiˇ fei¯

Ready for take off!

準備頭倒立式 zhunˇ beiˋ touˊ daoˋ liˋ shiˋ

Headstand Prep, Sirsasana

zhun, sun

孫輩 sun¯ beiˋ

Grandchild, Grandchildren

Grouped in tone pairs

34, 14

准備 zhunˇ beiˋ


准備的 zhunˇ beiˋ de˙


準備 zhunˇ beiˋ

Ready, Prepare, Get ready, Supply (with)

準備及預防 zhunˇ beiˋ jiˊ yuˋ fangˊ

Being ready to prevent, Prepared to prevent

準備向 zhunˇ beiˋ xiangˋ

Ready to

準備好 zhunˇ beiˋ haoˇ

Ready (to), Get ready, Prepare

準備好了 zhunˇ beiˋ haoˇ le˙

Ready, Is ready, Am ready, Are ready, Prepared

準備好了沒 zhunˇ beiˋ haoˇ le˙ meiˊ

Ready or not?

準備就緒 zhunˇ beiˋ jiuˋ xuˋ

Ready, Prepared

準備就緒後 zhunˇ beiˋ jiuˋ xuˋ houˋ

Is ready then, Was ready then, After you are ready then

準備所需的 zhunˇ beiˋ suoˇ xu¯ de˙

Supplied with necessary, Equipped with necessary, Provided with necessary

準備晚餐 zhunˇ beiˋ wanˇ can¯

Prepare dinner

準備狩 zhunˇ beiˋ shouˋ

Prepare to hunt, Get ready to hunt, Preparing to hunt

準備見你了 zhunˇ beiˋ jianˋ niˇ le˙

Is ready to see you

準備起飛 zhunˇ beiˋ qiˇ fei¯

Ready for take off!

準備頭倒立式 zhunˇ beiˋ touˊ daoˋ liˋ shiˋ

Headstand Prep, Sirsasana

34, 14

孫輩 sun¯ beiˋ

Grandchild, Grandchildren

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