
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 其


Purify one's thoughts, clear one's mind

chengˊ qiˊ si¯ luuˋ

其 qiˊ
Its, Their, Other, Such, That, His, Her

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 澄其思慮 (eng-yi)

Grouped by first phone

cheng, ceng, deng, feng, geng, heng, leng, meng, neng, peng, reng, sheng, teng, zheng

乘積 chengˊ ji¯


成績 chengˊ ji¯

Records, Results, Grades, Academic achievements

成績太差 chengˊ ji¯ taiˋ chaˋ

Poor grades

城裡 chengˊ liˇ

In town

成立 chengˊ liˋ


成立了 chengˊ liˋ le˙


撐起 cheng¯ qiˇ

Support, Hold up

澄其思慮 chengˊ qiˊ si¯ luuˋ

Purify one's thoughts, clear one's mind

撐一把傘 cheng¯ yiˋ baˇ sanˇ

Use an umbrella

成衣 chengˊ yi¯

Off the rack clothes, Ready made clothes, Off the rack suit

呈一直線 chengˊ yiˋ zhiˊ xianˋ

Straight, Made to look straight, Aligned

城邑 chengˊ yiˋ


成一團 chengˊ yiˋ tuanˊ

Everyone in a group, Entire regiment

成一體 chengˊ yiˋ tiˇ

Form a single piece

誠意 chengˊ yiˋ

Good faith, Sincere

誠意的 chengˊ yiˋ de˙


誠意的關懷 chengˊ yiˋ de˙ guan¯ huaiˊ

Sincere concern

秤一秤 chengˋ yiˊ chengˋ

Weigh, Weigh one by one

cheng, ceng, deng, feng, geng, heng, leng, meng, neng, peng, reng, sheng, teng, zheng

層級 cengˊ jiˊ


cheng, ceng, deng, feng, geng, heng, leng, meng, neng, peng, reng, sheng, teng, zheng

等比 dengˇ biˇ


等比數列 dengˇ biˇ shuˋ lieˋ

Geometric series

登機 deng¯ ji¯

Board the plane

登機牌 deng¯ ji¯ paiˊ

Boarding pass

登機門 deng¯ ji¯ menˊ

Departure gate, Boarding gate

登記 deng¯ jiˋ

Register, Sign up

等級 dengˇ jiˊ

Grade, Class, Level, Hierarchy, Classification, Classified as

等一下 dengˇ yiˊ xiaˋ

Wait a moment

等一下再做 dengˇ yiˊ xiaˋ zaiˋ zuoˋ

Do it later

等一下好嗎 dengˇ yiˊ xiaˋ haoˇ maˇ

Can you wait a moment, Can you give me a second?

等一切都 dengˇ yiˊ qieˋ dou¯

Once everything is, Once everything was

等一等 dengˇ yiˋ dengˇ

Wait a moment

cheng, ceng, deng, feng, geng, heng, leng, meng, neng, peng, reng, sheng, teng, zheng

封閉 feng¯ biˋ

Close, Enclosed

封底 feng¯ diˇ

Back cover, Back page

風紀 feng¯ jiˋ


風紀的 feng¯ jiˋ de˙


風裡 feng¯ liˇ

Within the wind

風裡的 feng¯ liˇ de˙

Wind carried

風力 feng¯ liˋ

The wind

鳳梨 fengˋ liˊ


鳳梨柳橙汁 fengˋ liˊ liuˇ chengˊ zhi¯

Pineapple-Orange Juice

鳳梨汁 fengˋ liˊ zhi¯

Pineapple Juice

鳳梨炒飯 fengˋ liˊ chaoˇ fanˋ

Pineapple Fried Rice

鳳梨牛奶 fengˋ liˊ niuˊ naiˇ

Pineapple And Milk

鳳梨蝦球沙拉 fengˋ liˊ xia¯ qiuˊ sha¯ la¯

Pineapple And Shrimp Ball Salad

鳳梨西瓜汁 fengˋ liˊ xi¯ gua¯ zhi¯

Pineapple And Watermelon Juice

蜂蜜 feng¯ miˋ


蜂蜜檸檬汁 feng¯ miˋ ningˊ mengˊ zhi¯

Honey-Lemon Juice

蜂蜜肉桂那緹 feng¯ miˋ rouˋ guiˋ naˋ tiˊ

Honey And Cinnamon Latte

蜂蜜芥末醬 feng¯ miˋ jieˋ moˋ jiangˋ

Honey Mustard Dressing, Honey Mustard Sauce

封皮 feng¯ piˊ


封皮下 feng¯ piˊ xiaˋ

Under the cover, Beneath the cover

鋒起 feng¯ qiˇ

Rise suddenly, Rise irresistibly

風氣 feng¯ qiˋ

Customs, Practices, Traditions, Air, Manner, Bearing

風一樣 feng¯ yiˊ yangˋ

Like the wind

cheng, ceng, deng, feng, geng, heng, leng, meng, neng, peng, reng, sheng, teng, zheng

耕地 geng¯ diˋ

Till land, Cultivated land

耕地面積 geng¯ diˋ mianˋ ji¯

Area under cultivation

更衣 geng¯ yi¯

Change clothes, Change of clothes

更衣室 geng¯ yi¯ shiˋ

Locker room

更易 gengˋ yiˋ


cheng, ceng, deng, feng, geng, heng, leng, meng, neng, peng, reng, sheng, teng, zheng

橫七豎八 hengˊ qi¯ shuˋ ba¯

All over the place

哼一聲 heng¯ yiˋ sheng¯

Snorting, Harumphing

cheng, ceng, deng, feng, geng, heng, leng, meng, neng, peng, reng, sheng, teng, zheng

冷氣 lengˇ qiˋ

Air conditioning, Air conditioned, Cooled air

冷氣機 lengˇ qiˋ ji¯

Air conditioner

cheng, ceng, deng, feng, geng, heng, leng, meng, neng, peng, reng, sheng, teng, zheng

蒙蔽 mengˊ biˋ

Deception, Decieved

猛力 mengˇ liˋ

Strongly, With great force

猛力拍打 mengˇ liˋ pai¯ daˇ

Tap strongly, Knock, Rap

猛力飛來 mengˇ liˋ fei¯ laiˊ

Flew with great force, Flew strongly

cheng, ceng, deng, feng, geng, heng, leng, meng, neng, peng, reng, sheng, teng, zheng

能利用 nengˊ liˋ yongˋ

Can use, Can utilize

能利用它 nengˊ liˋ yongˋ ta¯

Can use it, Can utilize it

能利用它到達另一遙遠的星系 nengˊ liˋ yongˋ ta¯ daoˋ daˊ lingˋ yiˋ yaoˊ yuanˇ de˙ xing¯ xiˋ

Can use it to travel to a distant star system

能力 nengˊ liˋ

Competence, Ability, Power, Capability

能力有限 nengˊ liˋ youˇ xianˋ

Limited ability, Limited capacity, Limited capability, Don't have much to work with

cheng, ceng, deng, feng, geng, heng, leng, meng, neng, peng, reng, sheng, teng, zheng

碰地 pengˋ diˋ

Touch the ground, Touch the floor

抨擊 peng¯ ji¯


捧起 pengˇ qiˇ


捧起的手 pengˇ qiˇ de˙ shouˇ

Cupped hand, Cupped hands

砰一聲關上門 peng¯ yiˋ sheng¯ guan¯ shangˋ menˊ

Slammed the door closed, Slammed the door

碰一鼻子灰 pengˋ yiˋ biˊ ziˇ hui¯

Rejected, Meet with rejection, Rebuffed

cheng, ceng, deng, feng, geng, heng, leng, meng, neng, peng, reng, sheng, teng, zheng

仍集中在他身上 rengˊ jiˊ zhong¯ zaiˋ ta¯ shen¯ shangˋ

Still focused on him

仍以 rengˊ yiˇ

Still use, Still uses

cheng, ceng, deng, feng, geng, heng, leng, meng, neng, peng, reng, sheng, teng, zheng

勝地 shengˋ diˋ

Scenic spot, Place of natural beauty, Resort

生機 sheng¯ ji¯

Vitality, Vigor

升級 sheng¯ jiˊ

Promote, Advance, Upgrade

升級版 sheng¯ jiˊ banˇ

Improved version

生計 sheng¯ jiˋ

Livelihood, Make a living, Makes a living, Making a living, Made a living

生計頓時艱困 sheng¯ jiˋ dunˋ shiˊ jian¯ kunˋ

Making a living became difficult

繩伎 shengˊ jiˋ

Tightrope walker, Tightrope walking

繩妓 shengˊ jiˋ

Female tightrope walker

聖基茨和尼維斯 shengˋ ji¯ ciˊ hanˋ niˊ weiˊ si¯

Saint Kitts And Nevis

生理 sheng¯ liˇ


勝利 shengˋ liˋ

Victory, Triumph, Win

勝利下 shengˋ liˋ xiaˋ

After its victory

升冪排列 sheng¯ miˋ paiˊ lieˋ

In order of ascending powers

升旗 sheng¯ qiˊ

Raise or hoist (a) flat

升起 sheng¯ qiˇ

Arise, Rose up

升起來 sheng¯ qiˇ laiˊ

Rise up, Rise out of

生氣 sheng¯ qiˋ


生氣地 sheng¯ qiˋ de˙


生氣的 sheng¯ qiˋ de˙


聲氣 sheng¯ qiˋ

Information, Rouse, Inspire

聲氣相求 sheng¯ qiˋ xiang¯ qiuˊ

Share similar interests

盛氣凌人 shengˋ qiˋ lingˊ renˊ


聲息相聞 sheng¯ xiˊ xiang¯ wenˊ

Keep in touch

生意 sheng¯ yiˋ

Trade, Business, Business operation, Operation, Vitality

cheng, ceng, deng, feng, geng, heng, leng, meng, neng, peng, reng, sheng, teng, zheng

藤椅 tengˊ yiˇ

Rattan chair

cheng, ceng, deng, feng, geng, heng, leng, meng, neng, peng, reng, sheng, teng, zheng

徵集 zheng¯ jiˊ

Call for

政績 zhengˋ ji¯

Political achievements while in office

整理 zhengˇ liˇ

Organize, Sort out, Guided, Positioned

整理帶子環住他的頭 zhengˇ liˇ daiˋ ziˇ huanˊ zhuˋ ta¯ de˙ touˊ

Positioned the straps around his head

整理帶子環住她的頭 zhengˇ liˇ daiˋ ziˇ huanˊ zhuˋ ta¯ de˙ touˊ

Positioned the straps around her head

正離開 zhengˋ liˊ kai¯

Just leaving, Was just leaving

正立 zhengˋ liˋ


正立方體 zhengˋ liˋ fang¯ tiˇ

Cube, Cubic

正立方體的體積 zhengˋ liˋ fang¯ tiˇ de˙ tiˇ ji¯

Cubic volume

正立方體體積 zhengˋ liˋ fang¯ tiˇ tiˇ ji¯

Cubic volume

爭氣 zheng¯ qiˋ

Strive to excel

蒸氣 zheng¯ qiˋ

Steam, Vapour

蒸汽 zheng¯ qiˋ

Steam, Vapor

蒸汽動力 zheng¯ qiˋ dongˋ liˋ

Steam powered

蒸汽壓力 zheng¯ qiˋ ya¯ liˋ

Vapor pressure, Steam pressure

蒸汽所帶動 zheng¯ qiˋ suoˇ daiˋ dongˋ

Steam driven

蒸汽機 zheng¯ qiˋ ji¯

Steam engine

蒸汽產生器 zheng¯ qiˋ chanˇ sheng¯ qiˋ

Steam generator

蒸汽船 zheng¯ qiˋ chuanˊ

Steam boat

整齊 zhengˇ qiˊ

Neat, Smart, Tidy, Natty

整齊一線排 zhengˇ qiˊ yiˊ xianˋ paiˊ

Neatly lined up, In a neat line

整體 zhengˇ tiˇ

The whole, Overall, All together, Taken together

整體來說 zhengˇ tiˇ laiˊ shuo¯

Overall, Altogether

整體化 zhengˇ tiˇ huaˋ

Integrate, Integration

整體而言 zhengˇ tiˇ erˊ yanˊ


正題 zhengˋ tiˊ

Main topic, Business at hand

政體 zhengˋ tiˇ

Political system, Political entity, Polity, A form civil government, Organized society

爭議 zheng¯ yiˋ

Accusations, Argue, Dispute, Controversy

正義 zhengˋ yiˋ


正義伸張 zhengˋ yiˋ shen¯ zhang¯

Justice is served

Grouped in tone pairs

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

層級 cengˊ jiˊ


澄其思慮 chengˊ qiˊ si¯ luuˋ

Purify one's thoughts, clear one's mind

仍集中在他身上 rengˊ jiˊ zhong¯ zaiˋ ta¯ shen¯ shangˋ

Still focused on him

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

登機 deng¯ ji¯

Board the plane

登機牌 deng¯ ji¯ paiˊ

Boarding pass

登機門 deng¯ ji¯ menˊ

Departure gate, Boarding gate

更衣 geng¯ yi¯

Change clothes, Change of clothes

更衣室 geng¯ yi¯ shiˋ

Locker room

抨擊 peng¯ ji¯


生機 sheng¯ ji¯

Vitality, Vigor

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

封皮 feng¯ piˊ


封皮下 feng¯ piˊ xiaˋ

Under the cover, Beneath the cover

風一樣 feng¯ yiˊ yangˋ

Like the wind

升級 sheng¯ jiˊ

Promote, Advance, Upgrade

升級版 sheng¯ jiˊ banˇ

Improved version

升旗 sheng¯ qiˊ

Raise or hoist (a) flat

聲息相聞 sheng¯ xiˊ xiang¯ wenˊ

Keep in touch

徵集 zheng¯ jiˊ

Call for

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

撐起 cheng¯ qiˇ

Support, Hold up

封底 feng¯ diˇ

Back cover, Back page

風裡 feng¯ liˇ

Within the wind

風裡的 feng¯ liˇ de˙

Wind carried

鋒起 feng¯ qiˇ

Rise suddenly, Rise irresistibly

生理 sheng¯ liˇ


升起 sheng¯ qiˇ

Arise, Rose up

升起來 sheng¯ qiˇ laiˊ

Rise up, Rise out of

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

撐一把傘 cheng¯ yiˋ baˇ sanˇ

Use an umbrella

登記 deng¯ jiˋ

Register, Sign up

封閉 feng¯ biˋ

Close, Enclosed

風紀 feng¯ jiˋ


風紀的 feng¯ jiˋ de˙


風力 feng¯ liˋ

The wind

蜂蜜 feng¯ miˋ


蜂蜜檸檬汁 feng¯ miˋ ningˊ mengˊ zhi¯

Honey-Lemon Juice

蜂蜜肉桂那緹 feng¯ miˋ rouˋ guiˋ naˋ tiˊ

Honey And Cinnamon Latte

蜂蜜芥末醬 feng¯ miˋ jieˋ moˋ jiangˋ

Honey Mustard Dressing, Honey Mustard Sauce

風氣 feng¯ qiˋ

Customs, Practices, Traditions, Air, Manner, Bearing

耕地 geng¯ diˋ

Till land, Cultivated land

耕地面積 geng¯ diˋ mianˋ ji¯

Area under cultivation

哼一聲 heng¯ yiˋ sheng¯

Snorting, Harumphing

砰一聲關上門 peng¯ yiˋ sheng¯ guan¯ shangˋ menˊ

Slammed the door closed, Slammed the door

生計 sheng¯ jiˋ

Livelihood, Make a living, Makes a living, Making a living, Made a living

生計頓時艱困 sheng¯ jiˋ dunˋ shiˊ jian¯ kunˋ

Making a living became difficult

升冪排列 sheng¯ miˋ paiˊ lieˋ

In order of ascending powers

生氣 sheng¯ qiˋ


生氣地 sheng¯ qiˋ de˙


生氣的 sheng¯ qiˋ de˙


聲氣 sheng¯ qiˋ

Information, Rouse, Inspire

聲氣相求 sheng¯ qiˋ xiang¯ qiuˊ

Share similar interests

生意 sheng¯ yiˋ

Trade, Business, Business operation, Operation, Vitality

爭氣 zheng¯ qiˋ

Strive to excel

蒸氣 zheng¯ qiˋ

Steam, Vapour

蒸汽 zheng¯ qiˋ

Steam, Vapor

蒸汽動力 zheng¯ qiˋ dongˋ liˋ

Steam powered

蒸汽壓力 zheng¯ qiˋ ya¯ liˋ

Vapor pressure, Steam pressure

蒸汽所帶動 zheng¯ qiˋ suoˇ daiˋ dongˋ

Steam driven

蒸汽機 zheng¯ qiˋ ji¯

Steam engine

蒸汽產生器 zheng¯ qiˋ chanˇ sheng¯ qiˋ

Steam generator

蒸汽船 zheng¯ qiˋ chuanˊ

Steam boat

爭議 zheng¯ yiˋ

Accusations, Argue, Dispute, Controversy

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

乘積 chengˊ ji¯


成績 chengˊ ji¯

Records, Results, Grades, Academic achievements

成績太差 chengˊ ji¯ taiˋ chaˋ

Poor grades

成衣 chengˊ yi¯

Off the rack clothes, Ready made clothes, Off the rack suit

橫七豎八 hengˊ qi¯ shuˋ ba¯

All over the place

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

城裡 chengˊ liˇ

In town

仍以 rengˊ yiˇ

Still use, Still uses

藤椅 tengˊ yiˇ

Rattan chair

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

成立 chengˊ liˋ


成立了 chengˊ liˋ le˙


呈一直線 chengˊ yiˋ zhiˊ xianˋ

Straight, Made to look straight, Aligned

城邑 chengˊ yiˋ


成一團 chengˊ yiˋ tuanˊ

Everyone in a group, Entire regiment

成一體 chengˊ yiˋ tiˇ

Form a single piece

誠意 chengˊ yiˋ

Good faith, Sincere

誠意的 chengˊ yiˋ de˙


誠意的關懷 chengˊ yiˋ de˙ guan¯ huaiˊ

Sincere concern

蒙蔽 mengˊ biˋ

Deception, Decieved

能利用 nengˊ liˋ yongˋ

Can use, Can utilize

能利用它 nengˊ liˋ yongˋ ta¯

Can use it, Can utilize it

能利用它到達另一遙遠的星系 nengˊ liˋ yongˋ ta¯ daoˋ daˊ lingˋ yiˋ yaoˊ yuanˇ de˙ xing¯ xiˋ

Can use it to travel to a distant star system

能力 nengˊ liˋ

Competence, Ability, Power, Capability

能力有限 nengˊ liˋ youˇ xianˋ

Limited ability, Limited capacity, Limited capability, Don't have much to work with

繩伎 shengˊ jiˋ

Tightrope walker, Tightrope walking

繩妓 shengˊ jiˋ

Female tightrope walker

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

等級 dengˇ jiˊ

Grade, Class, Level, Hierarchy, Classification, Classified as

等一下 dengˇ yiˊ xiaˋ

Wait a moment

等一下再做 dengˇ yiˊ xiaˋ zaiˋ zuoˋ

Do it later

等一下好嗎 dengˇ yiˊ xiaˋ haoˇ maˇ

Can you wait a moment, Can you give me a second?

等一切都 dengˇ yiˊ qieˋ dou¯

Once everything is, Once everything was

整齊 zhengˇ qiˊ

Neat, Smart, Tidy, Natty

整齊一線排 zhengˇ qiˊ yiˊ xianˋ paiˊ

Neatly lined up, In a neat line

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

等比 dengˇ biˇ


等比數列 dengˇ biˇ shuˋ lieˋ

Geometric series

捧起 pengˇ qiˇ


捧起的手 pengˇ qiˇ de˙ shouˇ

Cupped hand, Cupped hands

整理 zhengˇ liˇ

Organize, Sort out, Guided, Positioned

整理帶子環住他的頭 zhengˇ liˇ daiˋ ziˇ huanˊ zhuˋ ta¯ de˙ touˊ

Positioned the straps around his head

整理帶子環住她的頭 zhengˇ liˇ daiˋ ziˇ huanˊ zhuˋ ta¯ de˙ touˊ

Positioned the straps around her head

整體 zhengˇ tiˇ

The whole, Overall, All together, Taken together

整體來說 zhengˇ tiˇ laiˊ shuo¯

Overall, Altogether

整體化 zhengˇ tiˇ huaˋ

Integrate, Integration

整體而言 zhengˇ tiˇ erˊ yanˊ


22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

等一等 dengˇ yiˋ dengˇ

Wait a moment

冷氣 lengˇ qiˋ

Air conditioning, Air conditioned, Cooled air

冷氣機 lengˇ qiˋ ji¯

Air conditioner

猛力 mengˇ liˋ

Strongly, With great force

猛力拍打 mengˇ liˋ pai¯ daˇ

Tap strongly, Knock, Rap

猛力飛來 mengˇ liˋ fei¯ laiˊ

Flew with great force, Flew strongly

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

聖基茨和尼維斯 shengˋ ji¯ ciˊ hanˋ niˊ weiˊ si¯

Saint Kitts And Nevis

政績 zhengˋ ji¯

Political achievements while in office

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

秤一秤 chengˋ yiˊ chengˋ

Weigh, Weigh one by one

鳳梨 fengˋ liˊ


鳳梨柳橙汁 fengˋ liˊ liuˇ chengˊ zhi¯

Pineapple-Orange Juice

鳳梨汁 fengˋ liˊ zhi¯

Pineapple Juice

鳳梨炒飯 fengˋ liˊ chaoˇ fanˋ

Pineapple Fried Rice

鳳梨牛奶 fengˋ liˊ niuˊ naiˇ

Pineapple And Milk

鳳梨蝦球沙拉 fengˋ liˊ xia¯ qiuˊ sha¯ la¯

Pineapple And Shrimp Ball Salad

鳳梨西瓜汁 fengˋ liˊ xi¯ gua¯ zhi¯

Pineapple And Watermelon Juice

正離開 zhengˋ liˊ kai¯

Just leaving, Was just leaving

正題 zhengˋ tiˊ

Main topic, Business at hand

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

政體 zhengˋ tiˇ

Political system, Political entity, Polity, A form civil government, Organized society

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

更易 gengˋ yiˋ


碰地 pengˋ diˋ

Touch the ground, Touch the floor

碰一鼻子灰 pengˋ yiˋ biˊ ziˇ hui¯

Rejected, Meet with rejection, Rebuffed

勝地 shengˋ diˋ

Scenic spot, Place of natural beauty, Resort

勝利 shengˋ liˋ

Victory, Triumph, Win

勝利下 shengˋ liˋ xiaˋ

After its victory

盛氣凌人 shengˋ qiˋ lingˊ renˊ


正立 zhengˋ liˋ


正立方體 zhengˋ liˋ fang¯ tiˇ

Cube, Cubic

正立方體的體積 zhengˋ liˋ fang¯ tiˇ de˙ tiˇ ji¯

Cubic volume

正立方體體積 zhengˋ liˋ fang¯ tiˇ tiˇ ji¯

Cubic volume

正義 zhengˋ yiˋ


正義伸張 zhengˋ yiˋ shen¯ zhang¯

Justice is served


丶-氵 : > : > [澄]-澄其 : > [澄]-澄其思慮 >

人-其 : > : > [其]-其思 : > [其]-澄其思慮 >

口-田 : > : > [思]-思慮 : > [思]-澄其思慮 >

丨-虍 : > : > [慮]-思慮 : > [慮]-澄其思慮 >

澄其思慮 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 其

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