Arouse, Excite, Stimulate, Incite, Heated, Violent, Abnormal, Unusual, Drastic, Sudden
Word Links for words containing 激 (sorted via character pairs)
激出 Caused, Forced, Aroused
激出大笑 Hearty laughter, Burst out laughing, Laugh out loud
被這輕率的操作激出大笑 Were driven to laugh heartily by the curt maneuver, The curt maneuver drew hearty laughter
激怒 Provoke, Irritate, Infuriate, Enrage
激怒人 Infuriating
激怒人的 Infuriating
激怒人的無禮 Infuriating rudeness
激流 Turbulence, Strong currents, Rapids
兇猛激流 Fierce turbulence, Furious turbulence, Violently strong currents, Fiercely rough waters
激烈 Violent, Fierce, Argumentative, Sharp, Turbulent
愈來愈激烈 Increasingly violent, Increasingly more violent
衝突愈來愈激烈 Clashes become increasingly more violent
激烈運動 Strenuous exercise
在激烈的衝動之下 Under a violent impulse, On a violent impulse
形成激烈的碎形花樣 Form a turbulent fractal bloom, Forming a turbulent self-replicating pattern, Formed a violent chaotically self-similar blossom
感激 Grateful, Thankful, Feel grateful, Feeling of gratitude, Moved emotionally, Affected emotionally
刺激 Excite, Exciting, Excitement, Stimulate, Stimulating
感官刺激 Sensory stimulation, Sensation, Sensations
刺激物 Stimulant, Inducement
肌肉刺激物 Muscle Stimulant, Muscle stimulants
刺激很多 A lot more exciting
冒險刺激的生活 A life of adventure, A life of risk and excitement
被肌肉刺激物弄得有點焦躁 A little jumpy because of muscle stimulants
常被肌肉刺激物弄得有點焦躁 Often a little bit jumpy because of muscle stimulants
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